Monday, March 19, 2012

Ramadan Series : 1

Month of Ramadan, beautiful fragrance, We cannot do anything without Allah az zawajal's  help.remember the excellence of fasting.we should graduate after fasting like a mutaqeee as Allah loves mutaqii.Taqwaa will be received only in Ramadan.our body comprises of soul n body,both need food,sometimes we neglect the food of our soul, we focus on taking care of ur body .the soul needs proper nutrition,so in Ramadan we are encouraged to do good deeds,reading quran, praying,pondering upon Quran, qiyamal Layl.this is the food for soul,we need to take care of our soul throughout the year not just wait for Ramadan. Ppl should not do good deeds only in Ramadan but they should do it thru the year and increase it every year to elevate the ranks.

Recap: if u fast Allah expiates all his sins,Ramadan is an open cheque.will receive the rewards in the DOJ .Allah keeps the biggest reward for later on DOJ ,multiplied .
Also Allah will protect person from falling into sins,remove from hell fire. fasting trains us to have patience, saber.When you start your fast from fajr until Iftar you are  in a state of Ibadah .when you are fasting u will control your nafs,desires and  you will remember that this is for Allah's sake.

suhoor means predawn meal.saher means predawn time.before fajr.virtues of sahoor.
Pg 45: treasures to look in this book :Hadith from Anas said that there is excellence in saher,when u r doing sahoor as if u r following Allah's commandment ,obeying Sunnah ,following the prophet pbuh ,you will be closer to Prophet pbuh on DOJ.verily this sahoori is****** Barakah****. filled with blessing.Allah will bless ur body ,you will have the strength in the morning,Allah will give u strength to do more Ibadah, worship more earn more hasanat.regarding fasting, a Hadeeth which states that there is barakah in three things,
Al jamaah,in gathering ( forgiveness of sins , encourage to do good deeds), Sareed ( the best food,) and suhoor ( barakah for Ibadah, for fasting).
Rawaah Tabbarani : 
Allah swt is yussaloo alai on the ones who take suhoor.when u r taking suhoor, Allah praises u in front of angels.Allah will praise u ,this is an honor, you will get more light in duniya n DOJ.all decisions of this person will b correct, u will b able to cross the siraat, the more if u get Salaatil Allah ,the more light u will get.even the angels will make duaa for u.imagine when ur taking ur suhoor, busy eating Allah is praising u and all the angels invoking for u.this is for all who takesuhoor.Surah al Imran verse 17.
Waqt al suhoor waqt al Mubarak,yanzil Allah swt to the nearest heaven.
this time Allah is on the lowest heaven and asks who is asking for forgiveness, I will forgive, the best time to read duaa, is predawn, before taking suhoor, invoke Allah every night not only in Ramadan.predawn time is afdhal time for istighfaar.
Allah praises those who is asking sfor forgive ness from Allah swt.
We will rejoice b happy to wake up for suhoor, u feel blessed n happy
Food for suhoor:
Bread n butter, cereals. Yoghurt,best is Tamar dates.prophet saws said the dry dates is best.minimum is just a sip of water with the intention of suhoor.
When u wake up for suhhor u will make the intention of siyam.
If u fast wout intention then it is not considered fasting.
Two types of intention: either u can make intention to fast the entire month of Ramadan.or u can make daily niyyah.individual niyyah by focussing on the diff types of hasanat.

Iftar pg 46-47:
 What intention to have while having footur:
The ppl will be on the good, straight path when they hasten to break fast. Sunnah is to hasten to break fast.immediately after azaan, don't wait ,hasten to break fast .ppl will b in Khair for your body. 
If prophet saws says that we must hasten then this is for our good.
Hadith Qudsi: divine Hadith 
Allah says that amongst My slaves the quicker one is in breaking the saum,the dearer is he to me.
So in order to get Allahs love we must hasten in breaking the saum.
Break ur fast with what?
Hadith tirmidhi:
 Prophet saws used to break his fast and then pray.he used to break fast with fresh dates, rutab ,rattaba, if u cannot find then use dry dates, if not then look for water.
Intention when breaking fast
Obeying Allah swtcommandment
Obeying sunnah and following pbuh saws
Futoor will give me strength to perform salaat,ibadat,
Ur duaa will be accepted ,before breaking ur fast.
( prophet saws said that there is one duaa,of a fasting person will be accepted so make it a spl time to make duaa ,
You can have suhoor just before fajr adhaan,
Pg 51: 
If someone forgets and takes water while fasting, he should continue his fast as Allah had fed him .
If u saw someone eating or drinking while fasting,renind that person.

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