Jamaa prayer
Better to be close to each other as this is like following sunnat nabi .
Sometimes we get closer to follow prophet saws.always fill the first rows ,if you see the gaps it is recommended ,mustahab, we get more reward for doing this.
When we hear the imam talking about paradise, then we can interact and make duaa that Allahuma as alukal jannah.this is recommended but we must be sure of what is being said,we must have knowledge if the ayaat.we can either say in our heart or we can slowly utter.
Things that will cut the prayer :
Al qalb al Assad : black dog that comes in front of you while you are in praying.
Heemaar / donkey , lady crossing in front of your prayer!
In mecca ,medina, you should guard yourself, your prayer,you should put sutrah and if the lady will come in front then you can push them gently or stop them. The child will not cut the prayer.
Voluntary prayer : NAWAAFIL
SUNNAN AR RAATIBAH ( associated with prayer):
1: if you read 12 rakaat of sunnan with the obligatory ,then ur home will be built in paradise.Hazrat Aaisha RA said that when she heard this from prophet saws.she never left these sunnah.highly recommended is the two rakaah before fajar and prophet saws said that if u gather everything in life and whatever is in it,still the two rakaa of sunnah is the best.he used to recite Surah kaafirun and surah ikhlaas and he used to make it light and not burden ,also he used to take a shortest on his right hand befor e reading the fardh thefardh prayer he used to recite60 ayaat in fajr fard.
Two rakaah sun nah before the two fardh of fajar.
Two rakaah,two rakaah
Xtra prayers :
If you pray two rakaah after the dhuhar as extra nawafal,then Allah will forbid the naar from touching you.
The one who performs four rakaat, in twos before Asr, then Allah will shower you with special mercy.
Salaatil dhuhaa ( or Salatul awwaabin): highly recommended sunnah, even when traveling prophet saws did.minimum is two rakaah maxi mum is eight rakaah.
What is the time for dhuhaa:
After sunrise ,12 mins later prox ,u can read dhuhaa.until thedhuhar prayers before ten minutes.( this is the last time of dhuhaa)
The best time to perform is around 11.30 am,when the sun is at it's peak.( the time not allowed to prayer is ten minutes before dhur prayer)
Prophet saws said in a Hadith, for every joint in body ,360 parts, for each joint we are supposed to give charity , prophet saws said if you gave the charity for ur body if you read just two rakaah in a day! SubhanAllah!
AFZAL UL SALLAATI BAAD AL FARIDAH IS QIYAAM AL LAYL,TAHAJUD, TARAWIH.prophet saws used to read eleven rakaah,8 tarawih and three witar.
WITAR PRAYER.AFTER ishaan till before fajar,
istikharah,tahatulmasjud,funeral etc.
Sunnattt ul wudhu: this will make u enter paardise,prophet saws said that to bilal that he heard his footsteps.
Duaa between Iqaaamaah and the fard salaah u can read two rakaah, ur duaa will never be rejected.
Two sunnah before leaving the house,two sunnah after entering the house, this Allah will take care of my outings and my entering the house.
Tijaaraa, business,earn rewards with multiple intentions of doing good,ihtisaab,if you enter house,make wuddu make intention of sunnah wuddhu, intention of salatuul duhaa and also intention
Etiquettes of Masjid
Keep it clean
Do not raise ur voice while praying .
Do not start a fight a quarrel in masjid.
You can sleep, eat drink.
Disliked to fix a place in masjid.
Not allowed to reserve seats in masjid.
Children are allowed to play.the mother should teach children not to make noise.
Cannot push two person and sit in between.
Do not cross someone's prayer.
salatal jamaa
Prayer in masjid is fardh is obligatory.prophet saws said that the one who is not going to pray in the masjid ,this person is a munaafiq, prophet saws said that he would burm the houses of such is not fard for ladies.
Minimum jamaaa for are require two ppl.
For ladies always same line, on right side more ppl to stand than the left side.
If the jamaaa has started and all rows have filled up,then stand in the middle to start the new rows.
Salaatil masbooq :
If you see that when u reached the masjid, the imam has started the prayer then we should say the takbeerat and then join.if u reach masjid and the Imaam is in sujood,so just join, follow the I'm am after saying Allah hu Akbar.
It is haraam to preceed the Imaam,Muharram.some ppl doing mutaaabaa, following the Imaam this is sunnah.
Some ppl do it with imman this is disliked.
Some ppl delay it even if Imaam has finished Ruku, sometimes with a reason for egs I'd u cannot hear the I'm am then it is fine but wout any reason, this is opposing the sunnnatan nabi saws.
Who will be Imaam
The one who memorized more Quran and his recitation is best.
If someone has both the above then who knows more sunnah, then the one who did Hijraa first, the one who embraced Islaam first then who is the elderly.
Immaam as masjid wil, perform prayers, saaahibulll bayt ,the host of the house has the right to lead the manner but if he gives permission to lead the prayer.
Jamaa prayer
Better to be close to each other as this is like following sunnat nabi .
Sometimes we get closer to follow prophet saws.always fill the first rows ,if you see the gaps it is recommended ,mustahab, we get more reward for doing this.
When we hear the imam talking about paradise, then we can interact and make duaa that Allahuma as alukal jannah.this is recommended but we must be sure of what is being said,we must have knowledge if the ayaat.we can either say in our heart or we can slowly utter.
Things that will cut the prayer :
Al qalb al Assad : black dog that comes in front of you while you are in praying.
Heemaar / donkey , lady crossing in front of your prayer!
In mecca ,medina, you should guard yourself, your prayer,you should put sutrah and if the lady will come in front then you can push them gently or stop them. The child will not cut the prayer.
Voluntary prayer : NAWAAFIL
SUNNAN AR RAATIBAH ( associated with prayer):
1: if you read 12 rakaat of sunnan with the obligatory ,then ur home will be built in paradise.Hazrat Aaisha RA said that when she heard this from prophet saws.she never left these sunnah.highly recommended is the two rakaah before fajar and prophet saws said that if u gather everything in life and whatever is in it,still the two rakaa of sunnah is the best.he used to recite Surah kaafirun and surah ikhlaas and he used to make it light and not burden ,also he used to take a shortest on his right hand befor e reading the fardh thefardh prayer he used to recite60 ayaat in fajr fard.
Two rakaah sun nah before the two fardh of fajar.
Two rakaah,two rakaah
Xtra prayers :
If you pray two rakaah after the dhuhar as extra nawafal,then Allah will forbid the naar from touching you.
The one who performs four rakaat, in twos before Asr, then Allah will shower you with special mercy.
Salaatil dhuhaa ( or Salatul awwaabin): highly recommended sunnah, even when traveling prophet saws did.minimum is two rakaah maxi mum is eight rakaah.
What is the time for dhuhaa:
After sunrise ,12 mins later prox ,u can read dhuhaa.until thedhuhar prayers before ten minutes.( this is the last time of dhuhaa)
The best time to perform is around 11.30 am,when the sun is at it's peak.( the time not allowed to prayer is ten minutes before dhur prayer)
Prophet saws said in a Hadith, for every joint in body ,360 parts, for each joint we are supposed to give charity , prophet saws said if you gave the charity for ur body if you read just two rakaah in a day! SubhanAllah!
AFZAL UL SALLAATI BAAD AL FARIDAH IS QIYAAM AL LAYL,TAHAJUD, TARAWIH.prophet saws used to read eleven rakaah,8 tarawih and three witar.
WITAR PRAYER.AFTER ishaan till before fajar,
istikharah,tahatulmasjud,funeral etc.
Sunnattt ul wudhu: this will make u enter paardise,prophet saws said that to bilal that he heard his footsteps.
Duaa between Iqaaamaah and the fard salaah u can read two rakaah, ur duaa will never be rejected.
Two sunnah before leaving the house,two sunnah after entering the house, this Allah will take care of my outings and my entering the house.
Tijaaraa, business,earn rewards with multiple intentions of doing good,ihtisaab,if you enter house,make wuddu make intention of sunnah wuddhu, intention of salatuul duhaa and also intention
Etiquettes of Masjid
Keep it clean
Do not raise ur voice while praying .
Do not start a fight a quarrel in masjid.
You can sleep, eat drink.
Disliked to fix a place in masjid.
Not allowed to reserve seats in masjid.
Children are allowed to play.the mother should teach children not to make noise.
Cannot push two person and sit in between.
Do not cross someone's prayer.
salatal jamaa
Prayer in masjid is fardh is obligatory.prophet saws said that the one who is not going to pray in the masjid ,this person is a munaafiq, prophet saws said that he would burm the houses of such is not fard for ladies.
Minimum jamaaa for are require two ppl.
For ladies always same line, on right side more ppl to stand than the left side.
If the jamaaa has started and all rows have filled up,then stand in the middle to start the new rows.
Salaatil masbooq :
If you see that when u reached the masjid, the imam has started the prayer then we should say the takbeerat and then join.if u reach masjid and the Imaam is in sujood,so just join, follow the I'm am after saying Allah hu Akbar.
It is haraam to preceed the Imaam,Muharram.some ppl doing mutaaabaa, following the Imaam this is sunnah.
Some ppl do it with imman this is disliked.
Some ppl delay it even if Imaam has finished Ruku, sometimes with a reason for egs I'd u cannot hear the I'm am then it is fine but wout any reason, this is opposing the sunnnatan nabi saws.
Who will be Imaam
The one who memorized more Quran and his recitation is best.
If someone has both the above then who knows more sunnah, then the one who did Hijraa first, the one who embraced Islaam first then who is the elderly.
Immaam as masjid wil, perform prayers, saaahibulll bayt ,the host of the house has the right to lead the manner but if he gives permission to lead the prayer.
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