Journey to Eternity: Day 3 ( intensive workshop)
Date : 6th March 2012
Venue : Dubai Women's association.
Speaker : Sister Eman
Bismillahir Rahman Nir Raheem
All praise is to Allah ....
Welcome to the journey ,may Allah grant us ikhlass with qawl and Amal..
Prophet pbuh said in a Hadith that on DOJ ,there will be ppl whose faces will be bright,their outfit will be bright, the platform they stand on will have light, prophets and martyrs will envy these ppl as they are so close to Allah,under Allah's shade.they are from diff nationalities, diff languages,diff ppl but they meet and love each other only for la ilaahaa ilalaah...because they have this love in their hearts only for the sake of Allah that the prophets and martyrs will envy ...
We want this relation with Allah till DOJ...Alhamdulilah for Allah's bounties and blessings.We need to flee to Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa...we have sisters whom we love for the sake of Allah...we are all the same ,don't think that anyone ( any learned person or a teacher) is more than the rest, we are all in the same boat and prophet Muhammad pbuh is our leader...this is what Allah said that they will be under the shade of Allah because of this...
Everything in duniya , they called the duniya as the cursed one, always lower yourself,if you are teaching then remember that it is from Allah and you must humble yourself and if you are learning then remember all are same learning for Allah's sake...
In two days workshop we have discussed about the journey of soul but that happens within seconds,what will save you? It is thinking good of Allah and the provisions of good deeds that you take with you.when we are in this journey, we stopped at the grave,so at the end of journey write and prepare a list of what provisions i need to take with me...
Today we will talk about what ? After the two days of talking about what Allah decreed what will happen to the dead person.Today we will talk about the other there are Two ways to start the journey,one path is via death ,the other path is for the ones who are still alive,did not die,other generations Allah hu Aalam ! ..these ppl will go thru diff types of trials.for egs there are trials of grave Where the person is alone by himself faces different types of trials,while the other path is such where they are facing trials as groups altogether, so today we will see which type of trial is more difficult,facing alone in the grave or facing the fitan in groups.SubhanAllah.
The second book titled beads of necklace to be referred now ( available on al huda website for online sisters)... people will face trials in groups,with different open the book beads of necklace...
Always come with the niyyah ,ya Allah you teach me what is good for me, I want from Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa the best guidance, so Allah will guide you to what will benefit you the most..
What is the story about the necklace? The meaning of beads of necklace from Hadith, where prophet pbuh said,there are signs for the day of judgement ,but these are major signs,for those who are still alive,diff types of trials, diff alaamaat ,ayaa signs of DOJ.
Two types of signs,minor sign and major sign:
Minor sign starts from the time of prophet muhammamd pbuh, evidence in Surah qamar: the moon will split is one of the minor sign of qiyaamaah ,this happened in time of prophet pbuh.the other sign of DOJ is prophet pbuh himself, that is the coming of prophet Muhammad,when Allah sent our messenger.prophet pbuh said that the time between me and DOJ is very close, he showed and said as close as two two fingers..subhanaAllah..
So Allah has mentioned in many verses that u think that the DOJ is far but in reality it is very close..The minor signs can come one at a time,gradually.but for the major signs,if you see one of the major sign then you will see the rest all the others coming very fast one after the other..
For egs if you break the string of a necklace then can u control, the beads of string? NO! so this is how the major signs will come one after the other.these are like fitnah..
We will go over these ten signs: major signs:
SubhanAllah,Allah hu Aalam as the ulema say that most of the minor signs are over,now we are waiting for the don't say that we may not be alive to witness it,but say that I need to learn it so that I am prepared, so that I can teach My children ,they can teach their generations.why should we learn this,as it has been mentioned in Quran and Hadith so it is an obligatory, this is emaan bil ghayb ,this is about our Aqeedah.also as nowadays ppl are twisting the major signs, they say do you know dajjal is actually Internet!this is WRong!
About Mahdi ppl have doubts ,so if I do not know what it is then I will believe whatever ppl say.very important is our Aqeedah, one of the pillars of faith is Eman bil ghayb.we learn to guard ourselves and know what it is so that will not get misled,by ppl.We are not going as per the series order ,what is important is the information,,
We will start with one of the Major signs ,THE SMOKE:
Surah dukhaan Aya 10
فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِي السَّمَاءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
Therefore keep waiting for the day when the heaven shall bring an evident smoke,
Allah Subhana wa taa tala is warning that wait any moment you may see the dukhaan, imagine this Aya was revealed centuries back,whenever prophet saw the smoke they would get worried but look at us we are not alert we take pictures and smile when there is a hufe smoke or for egs there are many eclipses these days and we are fascinated by it and pose for pictures,instead of pondering upon aakhirah, it's signs..
Don't think of it as far away,what will happen to saamaa ,it will produce smoke ,what type,Allah hu aaalamm ,so the dukhaan will be clear for every one to see, .what will happen to the ppl it will cover them , what is the consequence,the Hadith says it will fill everywhere,how will it affect the ppl:
For egs today,if in a room is filled with bakhoor diff ppl will react in diff way.some enjoy the fragrance,some get choked by it or some find it suffocating etc
Now for the dukhan how it will affect the ppl ,so for believers he will get it like a flu,but for kafir and hypocrite it will enter,penetrate into ears into his body that he will be blown with the smoke,like a balloon.this is how the smoke will affect the believers and disbelievers.this is a special protection for believer hufdh al observe how Allah protects the believer in the journey, this is the first sign.
2nd Sign)): DAJJAL:
The name dajjal from da ja la,means great liar,qaddhab,this is one of the signs of DOJ,u cannot find any trial more than the dajjal, the dajjal resembles the fitnah tal qabar,in grave the three questions are like fitnah of dajjal.all messengers ,Nuh,Musa,all prophets have been warning of dajjal but no one gave explanation in detail than prophet Muhammad pbuh.even prophet Muhammad explained the characteristics and also told us the ways to protect,prophet was the seal of messengers this is the reason he has clearly explained.
The dajjal is from Banu aadam,he is a creature from human beings not from jinn.but Allah gave him some characteristics,for dajjal he lives longer.someone may ask does the dajjal exist? SubhanAllah they say yes dajjal exists,we will now explain with Quran and sunnah.
Anyone saw dajjal:yes in the time of prophet Muhammad,a man tameem ad daari who was a Christian and became a Muslim.he told prophet what happened in his life,once thirty ppl went in a ship,there was a violent wind we could not control the wind, the vessel of the ship was moving ,tossing turning in diff directions as the winds were with us for more than one month,turning turning,till the ship sailed to one island,after one month they reached ,they saw a beast which was scary like a shaytanaa,it had too much hair,that u could not recognize which is it's front from back,then they asked who are you,then it replied ,I am jassaasaa,means I am giving a sign for something,sign for said that if you go to that man in that place,so the ppl were scared but they decided to go to see the other,they said we did not see a man as huge as him,he was chained,from hands to neck,so that this person could not move.he asked them who are you,they said we are Arabs, then he asked about one of the date palm tree in Jordan, did that tree baisaan still give date fruit,so they said yes there are plenty of fruits,so it said soon there will not be having any fruits,then he asked tell me about this lake,is there still water in. The lake.this lake will dry very soon,it will lose all water,then he asked has the illeterarte nabi come,he said yes he has arrived ,what is he doing,did he migrate to madina,are Arabs fighting ,they said yes,then it is good for you to follow him..he advised that it is better to follow prophet Muhammad pbuh.
Then they asked who are you,he said,Anaal maseeh ,I am waiting when Allah will give me permission to come out ,then I will destroy all around, I have only forty,I cannot enter two places,Mecca and tayyabaa ( madina) as angels guarding Mecca and madinaa.So prophet Muhammad said that this is dajjal.
So when will he come, which century ,what will be the situation on earth before the appearance of Dajjal:
Before he appears the islam will have a great power,the muslimeen will have a great power.prophet pbuh said that there will be peace between Romans and Muslims, Christians and Muslims are united against the third enemy.both of them will have one enemy, till who will have the victory ,the Muslims with Romans.then there will be booty after the victory, they will sahr the booty amongst themselveds and then they would return, however one of the Christians will raise the cross and claim that we have defeated them because of the a Muslim will get angry,why cross, then he will kill due to this there will be fight between the muslims and christians,fasaad bet them, this will be a greater battlefield said prophet pbuh.for the muslimeen this will be like a group of Muslim will fight against the Romans and the other group will be divided in three groups,one third equally in 3 parts,one group will refuse to fight the Romans, weak faith ,Allah will never forgive them,the one third Allah will protect them then Allah will never let them experience trial ever,while the last group ,then one third will die as matyrs.
Trials can have different forms,trial in family ,children etc, trials happen to distinguish between hypocrites and believers.for egs someone attending dars,someone not respecting family members is this not fitnah, the wealth Allah gave u this is a trial,Allah puts u in fitan to check who you are and what u want, what do u do with the knowledge,to succeed the trial is to submit to Allah.this is from Allah, all from u come for Allah's sake,always flee to Allah,something good from Allah, something I don't like then be patient and ask Allah's help.
We are learning about DOJ to reform ourselves, we need to be focussed,thabaaat,always like thabaat in grave .
Muslims have the victory, then they will have the booty.they will be distributing , then shaytan will scream saying the dajjal has appeared and he is at your homes,so they leave everything and go to stand in front of dajjal,
Some signs which occur before three years of the appearance of dajjal.the first year Allah swt will command the sky to withhold one third of rain, then Allah will forbid the earth to withhold the growth of one third of plants,then the second year Allah will command the earth and sky to withhold two thirds of growth of vegetation and rain respectively.the third year Allah will command the sky and earth to withhold of all rain ,no plants,which means earth will be faced with the drought.
In Surah Baqarah: Allah says that he will have trails like hunger,starvation,rain...
Aya 155
وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَيْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ
And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient,
This is a trial and not a punishment! SubhanAllah don't u think before the final exam there are so many quizzes like elimination,if someone is lazy not doing good then he will fail.
Who will benefit from the trials , "the believer", when u pass the small tests u will do the best in the finals.all trials ur size,Allah never burdens anyone.
This will happen before dajjal. So Sahabah asked if there is no food no drink how will ppl live.attahleeel,at tahmeel,dhikar Alllah will keep them alive.the remembrance of Allah will keep them going in life,subhanaAllah alhmadulillah wallah hu Akbar, this is like food and provision for believers.
The ppl of paradise will naturally say Alhamdulilah ,SubhanAllah ,just like we breathe in duniya wout thinking,similarly the ppl of paradise will remember with Alhamdulilah.prophet pbuh said dhikarAllahi will give you Noor in grave,.prophet pbuh said to the person , that your tongue should be moist with Allah's remembrance, so never lose out any chance even when you are sitting idle.all praises to Allah,recite with meaning.Allah hu Akbar,you should say SubhanAllah, this is the provison of heart,if heart is filled then body does not need prophet pbuh always advised to eat Sahabah lived,at times wout cooking only dates and water.This is the second sign before the dajjal.
The third sign the dajjal will come in a time when no one on earth will remember dajjal.the ppl will indulge in duniya so that they will make their minds absent from his name.also the imams will forget to mention about dajjal in their friday sermons.SubhanAllah such a trial,this is hikamtallah,all pre decreed.Allah did not create you in vain.
The sahabah understood about trails, accountability and how they feared it for egs Abubakar RA said that I wish I was a branch of a tree,Omar said I wish my mother did not give birth to me,as they knew about the final exam!
Now the dajjal will appear so let's now know,about his appearance;
The dajjal ,when you see him, there are faults in his creation,he has only one eye, the other side it is covered with the skin,mamsoooh means as though it had been erased.the one eye looks like floating grape,green in color ,very bright like star,very scary .
He is limping,his feet is curved,even hands have a curve,his texture is black ( some say white but Allah hu Aalam) .he has thick curly hair,like a bush,his words,there is faults in it,his kalaam has faults cannot pronounce properly,uses low language.remember dajjal is a qadddhaab, he claims that he is god that you need to worship him!
So prophet pbuh said Allah is perfect in His attributes, Allah is salaam free from all faults,his Rahmaa is perfect,his Hikmah is perfect,his salaam is perfect he is Quddus,he is beautiful ,he is subbooh,he is it is very important to know our creator,I know my rabb is jameel,beautiful,this is the best delight, his eyes are perfect,his hands shiin perfect,Allah's kalaam is perfect.look at dajjal all with the faults.
SubhanAllah though dajjal looks so ugly,but he will easily deceive ppl ,ppl will easily get attached.don't you see how ppl believe in ugly gods,make cow god.even logically if you consider ,how can such ppl are decorating ugly gods,this is only due to their attachment, all this is wrong.dajjal looks so ugly but ppl will follow him.
Dajjal will walk on the earth,where is Allah?Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa is above the seventh heaven rose over His throne as it suits His majesty...
If ppl are misled in believing that Allah is everywhere then they can easily get deviated...some ppl believe that Allah comes in everything astaghfirullah, descend on crystal,on shaykh this is all wrong Aqeedah has to be correct.
There is a sign that only a believer can see ,which says" kaaf, Fa ra' which means disbelief, who can see and read this! Only the believer!
So this means that Muslims will be divided into two groups,strong believer and weak believer,.prophet pbuh said that if you hear that dajjal has appeared then we must be very careful and stay home as the most pious man can also get misled.only strong believer can read it, the one with strong faith.
For egs how do u know If u r strong or not,at times of afflictions,the weak believers will fall on their face with any affliction,the ones having strong faith will remain firm.
For egs if you see someone wearing revealing clothes, u know this is wrong,so some ppl will say that it is fashion while you know that this is wrong,so a believer sees the kafaraa,they will see wrong but will say it is wrong immediately,right away ,similar in times of dajjal they will see the wrong and say right,so we need to make ourselves strong.may Allah make us see the truth as the truth and evil as evil..
At the time of signs of DOJ, ppl will go to grave and wish they were dead because there will be too much of fitnah in these fitnaah means any saying or any action you will see which misleads you from your Deen,when if weakens their faith,it will make them indulge induniya.this will deviate them.this is the characteristic of dajjal,so when we see wrong we must say it is wrong.
How can we recognize him,not by memorizing his characteristics but by knowing who Allah is ,by knowing truth is truth and evil is something wrong they cover with glitter so be careful.
Allah almighty gave him some types of ability,so that this is fitnah for human beings.someppl may ask why Allah gave him such ability, then my answer to such ppl is that Allah is the malik and this is HiS kingdom,this is not my business.
How munkar and nakeer come in the grave as it is a trial.this is to differentiate.between the truthful ones from the untruthful ones.
1) the dajjal has speed,very fast he can go from one place to another.dajjal knows he has only forty days,but he can go to one country to another very fast.prophet pbuh said that his speed is like rain with wind behind he will go everywhere except in Macca and madina.
When he comes he will come with rivers of sweet water and mountain of bread. One river is with water and the other river is with fire, he has the provision.he will command the sky to rain it will rain and at the same time he will command for earth to give crops it will bear plants.the biggest enemy of ppl is their stomach, imagine in places where there is starvation,ppl kill each other.
Another riwaayat of nabi pbuh,there are two rivers,one is nice sweet water,the other has fire,so ppk said what should we do,then prophet saws said go to the fire,then close your eyes and drink from it then it is sweet cold water.the liars will say this and that so we should be careful as it is hidden.dajjal is hidden.
For egs ribaa ,interest ,is wrong.ppl take it easily,but believer will say no cut my money I don't want to be rich like that.
So prophet advised close your eyes,which means that at times when it is difficult then better to close your eyes.
Sometimes fitnah at home also,for egs if you see ppl doing prayers,following Deen then others call such a person backward,but if you are wearing hijab then u feel it is difficult,then it is because prophet said a time will come when following Deen is like holding a burning coal in hand,so it will be difficult.
For egs discount in clothes look how grand mums used to be covered but slowly the plots of shaytan..women. Are getting deceived ,slowly they removed hijab to show little hair, then slowly wearing no hijab,then discount in clothes,getting lesser on body,revealing clothes ,tight abaayaa,this is all wrong.
You will expect trials from your family,they will discourage u ,so do it for Allah not for ppl.Dajjal has helpers ,they are the they are helping him,
The dajjal will talk to a man, Bedouin,he will ask are you missing your parents,he will say yes,then dajjal will say that if I bring back ur parents then will u believe me so the shaytan will come in the form of bedouin parents and deceive them.
Also they will have a response to everything,he has the ability to talk to the objects,so it is not an easy trial,the rivers,the shayateen, everything will respond to them .so can the dajjal give life and death to ppl.this we will see after the break!,
The dajjal can go everywhere except Mecca and madinah..they said madinah will have three earthquake so that all munafiqeen will be taken out, they will all run away.something will happen outside the borders of madina.
One of the righteous one,the youth will com out, then he will say that you are dajjal? So the dajjal says that .if I cut the youth into two halves so that he dies then will u believe in me,so dajjal will cut the youth, into two pieces,then dajjal will walk in between the separated body ,then he will bring him back to life, dajjal will ask now do u believe in me,the youth will say and answer before I disbelieved you but now I disbelieve you more.!you are the qaddhab the dajjal!
The magicians, of feron when they saw Moosa they believed it was not magic,magic is illusions,don't say that the shaykh cured me from black magic, this is deception.most of it are lies,don't depend to take any means ,cure I take like medicine, ruqyaah is fine,but ppl put copper ,for high cholesterol this is all wrong.if it is not qauni and sharreee then we should not take the means.
Everyone will think he is in fire but actually he will be in paradise,so dont believe unless it is shareee or qauni,rest is false deception.
You have all these martyrs,but that youth has the greatest honour as he faced dajal face to face.biggest trial.
Who is Rab: lordship of Allah.the dajjal claims that he is Rab but when he claims this,then don't you know that dajjal is false claims that he is Allah but we know no one can see Allah untill he dies.Allah is perfect in his attributes.
Characteristics of Dajjal:
Generally the one who has in his heart attachment to duniya and does not want to hear about the aakhiraah.these ppl will easily respond to dajjal.
Duniyaa means low from one of the Ibadaat that the believer should have is taffaakur meaning pondering always in duniya about ayat of Allah.everything in duniya is the sign,the one who came to life is miskeen if he did not taste the sweetness of knowing Allah.Allah is your companion by his knowledge ,, by his seeing by knowledge,we need to have hope in Allah to flee and escape from trials of dajjal, only when you know Allah, love Alah the most as dunya is low.why do I have problems in my life,fight with inlaws,frustrated with myself,fighting with everyone ,why because we are magnifying duniya more than anything else,no problem if maid did not make fish,no problem.
This is how the person will escape from dajjal.
How long will dajjal stay in duniya?
Sahaabaah asked how long will dajjal stay,prophet said,forty.the first day will be like one year ,the second day will be like one month very long days..
The Sahabah asked if one day is like one year,actually it will be very long,the Sahabahs concerns was how do we pray,five prayers or ten prayers?
So prophet pbuh said you will have to estimate the time.they said five times prayer will not be enough,so from this Hadith found out that it is one year,so it needs to be estimated.
Nothing comes to their head, this is how the Sahabah thought as prayer was in their heart.
For a believer it is very important than prayer.
So prophet pbuh informed us that some ppl will surely follow dajjal,immediately.they believe that a ruler will come and that they need to follow him.they think that the ruler should have power authority ,so 70,000 Jews will follow,wearing their robe,all the religious ones would follow.some others like the hypocrites will also follow.. The characteristics of Munafiq ,Allah will expose them on DOJ,lies in their heart.
The women also will also follow the dajjal as they are weak and they see that he has food, so for the children they need food,subhanaAllah.a man will go to his wife,sister and mother and tie them in the house,to protect them.the men will tie the females so that they do not get carried away .
How to be saved from dajjal?
Dont meet him,don't come close to him.he will bring fitnah til maal,trials of knowledge,wealth,power
All different types of trial ,trial of knowledge, like in Surah Kahaf.
Never put yourself in trial,trial can be for desires or in doubts.for egs some person will say that last year we went to some places,we visited a temple,saw Buddha,then they say I am not worshipping them, so advise them keep away from fitnah.
For egs watching debate between Muslims and non Muslims,don't put your self into a fitnah.hand reading just for fun.
Going to a party ,there is a music, don't put urself into fitnah.don't say I will put my child in non muslim school and child will fight them out,don't put them in fitnah.for egs someone knows That I am a jealous person,then don't put yourself in a situation that will make u more sick.look at dajjal,I cannot survive if I see him.he will destroy the faith in different angels,prophet pbuh said keep away from him.
Don't deceive yourself,don't put yourself in a situation that will make u out of the religion.prophet pbuh said that before DOJ there is too much fitnah then it is better to stay at faith is more precious then anything.some ppl will flee to caves.for egs if you see friends in gathering,they are backbiting,then what should I do, better to leave as they can easily distract you,this is fitnah.
Istighaaathha billah,we need Allah,ask Allah ya rabbi pls help me.we need Allah in our lives every second,if good befalls then remember Allah if bad comes remember Allah.
Faffarruu fill aallah.flee to Allah.flee to ar Rahman ..flee to AlGhaffur...
Read the ten ayat of Surah Kahaf.
seek refuge from maseeh tashahud before Salam,asking in prayer ,dua.all trial of life and death,trial of grave,trial of fire,and of maseeh dajjal..
This is all for forty days ,long forty days.
During this chaotic corrupt time,on earth, then Allah will send a Muslim leader,Imaam Mahdi.his name is Muhammad ibnu abdullah, from the branch of Fatima.he will be from the offspring of Muhammad pbuh.
Description of Imam Mahdi appearance.
High forehead pointed nose,he will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with injustice.he will come from east ,ppl will support him from east,everyone will be under one umbrella.he is a Righteous leader,a pious leader of Muslims,believer should follow him.
There are many misconceptions in different groups,some believe that he was on the earth more than 1100 years ago,some say he is five years old and he is in samrraaa basement,some ppl deny,some say we are Mahdi,this is all wrong.false claims.What do ahle as sunnah say in majority, they say that during difficult times,the righteous leader will come.with all the trials ,Allah gives ease.all will be under one khalifaah.this is about Mahdi.
Let's go back to dajjal,who will take care of dajjal,Allah will make dajjal be killed in the hands of Isaa ibnuu Maryam alaihi Salam.
Third sign)) DESCEND OF ISA ale salaam
Who tried to kill ISA ale salaam before it was the Jews,evidence in book from ayaa a pg ten.
So Isaa ale Salam will kill dajjal and the Jews.Isaa ale salaam wil descend on the white minaret,in Damascus, he will put hands on the two angels ,he will come down.
How does Isaa looks like?
Medium sized,reddish white,as if he came out from a bath,hair is wet,when will he come out at that the time when ppl have made rows to start the prayer behind. Mahdi.they are the believers they know that this is the sign, when they look at him,imam Mahdi will say that you are a messenger so pls lead the prayer.Isaa will say you lead I will Isaa pbuh will follow the islam of Muhammad pbuh.
There are Christians who will live at that time and they will have to believe in there is no compulsion in religion, there is a choice today there are evidences.When Isaa pbuh comes he will break the cross,kill the pig and will not accept tax from nasara.if they do not believe Muhammad then he will fight them.
In bible they have how Isaa was praying bowing proatrating like muslimeen.
Look at the priority first we do prayer ,this is the provision of a believer,then after the prayer Isaa said open the dajjal was waiting at the door with seventy thousand Jew.dajjal when he sees Isaa ale salaam he will melt and Isaa ale salaam has a spear so he will show the blood of dajjal,as a proof,so the Jews will escape behind things ,trees,walls as soon as they hide behind something the thing will speak and say that kill the jew who is hiding behind me is a Jew except one tree that will not talk, Jews love this tree ,which is shajar al gharqaat,this tree will not talk..
Prophet pbuh said that he feared for his ummah more than dajjal is Riyaaah,the deeds you do to get praise from ppl.
The dajjal remained forty days but Isaa ale salaam will stay for forty years.
Don't magnify the problems in your life,for egs ppl talk about the negative sides of the life ,we need to magnify the good things in your life.little time of hardship there is relief.Isaa pbuh will not bring any new religion but will follow islam,everybody in his time will be will the universe be,perfect with we have deviations because of diff in faith,sins increased,so if you see calamity do will the time and life will be ,there will be no jealousy,alll love each other like brother and sister.even the wild animals,like lions and tiger can be kept at home,snakes will also not harm cage.this is the third sign .so Isaa ibnu Maryam has another mission,within this forty years,some other trials will come,coming of Yaajuj and maajuj.
From the generations of Nuh ale Salam one of his sons named yafith,they are offspring of this yafifth,also known as abu Turks,the story of Some ppl living in mountains as they were suffering from atrocities of Yajuj maajuj .so Zulqarnain helped and build a strong barrier to protect them.this wall was very strong made of copper etc so the Yajuj maajuj could not come out to trouble ppl.soGeneration after generation , they were digging till there was a hole ,as they wanted to spread mischief.they did that everyday until one day they would say they will come out.
These ppl are insisting,when they have an intention to sin,they are having a bad intention, then Allah will deal with you with his hilmmm that you will repent.if it is initial time of a sin then Allah will deal with forbearance,Allah al Haleem giving time to repent.then Allah will open the doors very wide open,if Allah sees that this person is insisting insisting on doing a sin then Allah will open the gates of all good for this person,then this person is deceived,this is not because Allah is peased but Allah dealing with forbearance, then he will suddenly take it away.
Prophet pbuh in his time he was very sad, then Zainab said why are you sad ,he said because there is a small hole in the imagine how big the hole must be today. In pg 16&17 mentioned about them in detail..
Prophet pbuh said the yajuj and maajuj will be very huge crowd,if one dies then thousands will come.they have a mission to fulfill.
Surat anbiyaa Aya:96
حَتَّىٰ إِذَا فُتِحَتْ يَأْجُوجُ وَمَأْجُوجُ وَهُم مِّن كُلِّ حَدَبٍ يَنسِلُونَ
Even when Gog and Magog are let loose and they shall break forth from every elevated place.
Explaination on yajuj maajuj:: This is when Yajuj maajuj come as gushing water, they are like Mongolian type, their faces like a plate of iron flattened ,round and flat,eyes very small,hair black to reddish color.they will spread like mischief,they will come in crowds, they will comw to the river or lake,they will drink all water,no manners,very fast in drinking,spreading all diff type of mischief and crime.they will actually come on DOJ,they feel proud that they killed so many ppl children ,SubhanAllah after killing ppl then they will get arrogant and they will exceed their boundaries,so they will say now that we have killed the ppl of the earth, our next target is that we will kill the inhabitants of heaven they will take arrows in the sky and shoot,these arrows will return with blood so they will be deceived.who are ppl who will be saved,the ones to be saved are the ones who climb on top of the Isaa ale Salam is their on the mountains so he will make duaa to Allah will send small creatures,like a worm will eat and kill them immediately all of them ,all in one go,will be killed.Isaa ale salaam will come down and see all bodies .Now how to dispose so many .Allah will send huge birds and they will carry and throw them away, where Allah hu Aalaam!
See the name Ar Rabb Allah puts u in trial to reform us,test is a purification stage,look at believer how is emaan increases after the test so only be attached to Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa, hold onto the rope of Allah.our Aqeedah needs to be correct.So how many signs, so far we have done are four signs.
5,6,7 Signs are together: three landslides
The earth will split ,one in the east,one in the west and one in arab peninsular.then the entire humanity will go back to jahiliya time.after forty it will go down, ignorance will return.Allah will send. Ar Reeh ,wind which will take the life of all believers, who will remain only the wicked ppl,the disbelievers,at the end the kaaabaa will be destroyed by a black man from habashaa with thin shin.Allah will raise the Quran,KalamAllah will be taken the ppl will worship idols,they will commit adultery on street,the best man among them will say commit a sin but behind will be a sign when the doors of repentance will be closed.
8)) eighth sign ,SUN WILL RISE FROM WEST.
Every day sun asks for Allah's permission as to where from it will rise, then only this time Allah says to rise from repentance accepted now.
9)) ninth stage:appearance of beast Surah Namal aya82 : Pg 23
وَإِذَا وَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَخْرَجْنَا لَهُمْ دَابَّةً مِّنَ الْأَرْضِ تُكَلِّمُهُمْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ كَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا لَا يُوقِنُونَ
And when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a creature from the earth that shall wound them, because people did not believe in Our communications.
Explaination:The real beast will come from earth and she will talk,and say that the ppl are cursed as they do not have certainty of ayaat, the signs.
10)) the last sign THE FIRE :
The fire this is like a driver,the earth is dying,so the fire will come from Yemen to start the DOJ.the fire is to drive the most wicked ppl of the times to run towards the land of gathering ,they will run in crowds,the fire will push them to the ground of DOJ.they will rest when fire is down ,but then it will chase them till the land of gathering!
Date : 6th March 2012
Venue : Dubai Women's association.
Speaker : Sister Eman
Bismillahir Rahman Nir Raheem
All praise is to Allah ....
Welcome to the journey ,may Allah grant us ikhlass with qawl and Amal..
Prophet pbuh said in a Hadith that on DOJ ,there will be ppl whose faces will be bright,their outfit will be bright, the platform they stand on will have light, prophets and martyrs will envy these ppl as they are so close to Allah,under Allah's shade.they are from diff nationalities, diff languages,diff ppl but they meet and love each other only for la ilaahaa ilalaah...because they have this love in their hearts only for the sake of Allah that the prophets and martyrs will envy ...
We want this relation with Allah till DOJ...Alhamdulilah for Allah's bounties and blessings.We need to flee to Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa...we have sisters whom we love for the sake of Allah...we are all the same ,don't think that anyone ( any learned person or a teacher) is more than the rest, we are all in the same boat and prophet Muhammad pbuh is our leader...this is what Allah said that they will be under the shade of Allah because of this...
Everything in duniya , they called the duniya as the cursed one, always lower yourself,if you are teaching then remember that it is from Allah and you must humble yourself and if you are learning then remember all are same learning for Allah's sake...
In two days workshop we have discussed about the journey of soul but that happens within seconds,what will save you? It is thinking good of Allah and the provisions of good deeds that you take with you.when we are in this journey, we stopped at the grave,so at the end of journey write and prepare a list of what provisions i need to take with me...
Today we will talk about what ? After the two days of talking about what Allah decreed what will happen to the dead person.Today we will talk about the other there are Two ways to start the journey,one path is via death ,the other path is for the ones who are still alive,did not die,other generations Allah hu Aalam ! ..these ppl will go thru diff types of trials.for egs there are trials of grave Where the person is alone by himself faces different types of trials,while the other path is such where they are facing trials as groups altogether, so today we will see which type of trial is more difficult,facing alone in the grave or facing the fitan in groups.SubhanAllah.
The second book titled beads of necklace to be referred now ( available on al huda website for online sisters)... people will face trials in groups,with different open the book beads of necklace...
Always come with the niyyah ,ya Allah you teach me what is good for me, I want from Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa the best guidance, so Allah will guide you to what will benefit you the most..
What is the story about the necklace? The meaning of beads of necklace from Hadith, where prophet pbuh said,there are signs for the day of judgement ,but these are major signs,for those who are still alive,diff types of trials, diff alaamaat ,ayaa signs of DOJ.
Two types of signs,minor sign and major sign:
Minor sign starts from the time of prophet muhammamd pbuh, evidence in Surah qamar: the moon will split is one of the minor sign of qiyaamaah ,this happened in time of prophet pbuh.the other sign of DOJ is prophet pbuh himself, that is the coming of prophet Muhammad,when Allah sent our messenger.prophet pbuh said that the time between me and DOJ is very close, he showed and said as close as two two fingers..subhanaAllah..
So Allah has mentioned in many verses that u think that the DOJ is far but in reality it is very close..The minor signs can come one at a time,gradually.but for the major signs,if you see one of the major sign then you will see the rest all the others coming very fast one after the other..
For egs if you break the string of a necklace then can u control, the beads of string? NO! so this is how the major signs will come one after the other.these are like fitnah..
We will go over these ten signs: major signs:
SubhanAllah,Allah hu Aalam as the ulema say that most of the minor signs are over,now we are waiting for the don't say that we may not be alive to witness it,but say that I need to learn it so that I am prepared, so that I can teach My children ,they can teach their generations.why should we learn this,as it has been mentioned in Quran and Hadith so it is an obligatory, this is emaan bil ghayb ,this is about our Aqeedah.also as nowadays ppl are twisting the major signs, they say do you know dajjal is actually Internet!this is WRong!
About Mahdi ppl have doubts ,so if I do not know what it is then I will believe whatever ppl say.very important is our Aqeedah, one of the pillars of faith is Eman bil ghayb.we learn to guard ourselves and know what it is so that will not get misled,by ppl.We are not going as per the series order ,what is important is the information,,
We will start with one of the Major signs ,THE SMOKE:
Surah dukhaan Aya 10
فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِي السَّمَاءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
Therefore keep waiting for the day when the heaven shall bring an evident smoke,
Allah Subhana wa taa tala is warning that wait any moment you may see the dukhaan, imagine this Aya was revealed centuries back,whenever prophet saw the smoke they would get worried but look at us we are not alert we take pictures and smile when there is a hufe smoke or for egs there are many eclipses these days and we are fascinated by it and pose for pictures,instead of pondering upon aakhirah, it's signs..
Don't think of it as far away,what will happen to saamaa ,it will produce smoke ,what type,Allah hu aaalamm ,so the dukhaan will be clear for every one to see, .what will happen to the ppl it will cover them , what is the consequence,the Hadith says it will fill everywhere,how will it affect the ppl:
For egs today,if in a room is filled with bakhoor diff ppl will react in diff way.some enjoy the fragrance,some get choked by it or some find it suffocating etc
Now for the dukhan how it will affect the ppl ,so for believers he will get it like a flu,but for kafir and hypocrite it will enter,penetrate into ears into his body that he will be blown with the smoke,like a balloon.this is how the smoke will affect the believers and disbelievers.this is a special protection for believer hufdh al observe how Allah protects the believer in the journey, this is the first sign.
2nd Sign)): DAJJAL:
The name dajjal from da ja la,means great liar,qaddhab,this is one of the signs of DOJ,u cannot find any trial more than the dajjal, the dajjal resembles the fitnah tal qabar,in grave the three questions are like fitnah of dajjal.all messengers ,Nuh,Musa,all prophets have been warning of dajjal but no one gave explanation in detail than prophet Muhammad pbuh.even prophet Muhammad explained the characteristics and also told us the ways to protect,prophet was the seal of messengers this is the reason he has clearly explained.
The dajjal is from Banu aadam,he is a creature from human beings not from jinn.but Allah gave him some characteristics,for dajjal he lives longer.someone may ask does the dajjal exist? SubhanAllah they say yes dajjal exists,we will now explain with Quran and sunnah.
Anyone saw dajjal:yes in the time of prophet Muhammad,a man tameem ad daari who was a Christian and became a Muslim.he told prophet what happened in his life,once thirty ppl went in a ship,there was a violent wind we could not control the wind, the vessel of the ship was moving ,tossing turning in diff directions as the winds were with us for more than one month,turning turning,till the ship sailed to one island,after one month they reached ,they saw a beast which was scary like a shaytanaa,it had too much hair,that u could not recognize which is it's front from back,then they asked who are you,then it replied ,I am jassaasaa,means I am giving a sign for something,sign for said that if you go to that man in that place,so the ppl were scared but they decided to go to see the other,they said we did not see a man as huge as him,he was chained,from hands to neck,so that this person could not move.he asked them who are you,they said we are Arabs, then he asked about one of the date palm tree in Jordan, did that tree baisaan still give date fruit,so they said yes there are plenty of fruits,so it said soon there will not be having any fruits,then he asked tell me about this lake,is there still water in. The lake.this lake will dry very soon,it will lose all water,then he asked has the illeterarte nabi come,he said yes he has arrived ,what is he doing,did he migrate to madina,are Arabs fighting ,they said yes,then it is good for you to follow him..he advised that it is better to follow prophet Muhammad pbuh.
Then they asked who are you,he said,Anaal maseeh ,I am waiting when Allah will give me permission to come out ,then I will destroy all around, I have only forty,I cannot enter two places,Mecca and tayyabaa ( madina) as angels guarding Mecca and madinaa.So prophet Muhammad said that this is dajjal.
So when will he come, which century ,what will be the situation on earth before the appearance of Dajjal:
Before he appears the islam will have a great power,the muslimeen will have a great power.prophet pbuh said that there will be peace between Romans and Muslims, Christians and Muslims are united against the third enemy.both of them will have one enemy, till who will have the victory ,the Muslims with Romans.then there will be booty after the victory, they will sahr the booty amongst themselveds and then they would return, however one of the Christians will raise the cross and claim that we have defeated them because of the a Muslim will get angry,why cross, then he will kill due to this there will be fight between the muslims and christians,fasaad bet them, this will be a greater battlefield said prophet pbuh.for the muslimeen this will be like a group of Muslim will fight against the Romans and the other group will be divided in three groups,one third equally in 3 parts,one group will refuse to fight the Romans, weak faith ,Allah will never forgive them,the one third Allah will protect them then Allah will never let them experience trial ever,while the last group ,then one third will die as matyrs.
Trials can have different forms,trial in family ,children etc, trials happen to distinguish between hypocrites and believers.for egs someone attending dars,someone not respecting family members is this not fitnah, the wealth Allah gave u this is a trial,Allah puts u in fitan to check who you are and what u want, what do u do with the knowledge,to succeed the trial is to submit to Allah.this is from Allah, all from u come for Allah's sake,always flee to Allah,something good from Allah, something I don't like then be patient and ask Allah's help.
We are learning about DOJ to reform ourselves, we need to be focussed,thabaaat,always like thabaat in grave .
Muslims have the victory, then they will have the booty.they will be distributing , then shaytan will scream saying the dajjal has appeared and he is at your homes,so they leave everything and go to stand in front of dajjal,
Some signs which occur before three years of the appearance of dajjal.the first year Allah swt will command the sky to withhold one third of rain, then Allah will forbid the earth to withhold the growth of one third of plants,then the second year Allah will command the earth and sky to withhold two thirds of growth of vegetation and rain respectively.the third year Allah will command the sky and earth to withhold of all rain ,no plants,which means earth will be faced with the drought.
In Surah Baqarah: Allah says that he will have trails like hunger,starvation,rain...
Aya 155
وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَيْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ
And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient,
This is a trial and not a punishment! SubhanAllah don't u think before the final exam there are so many quizzes like elimination,if someone is lazy not doing good then he will fail.
Who will benefit from the trials , "the believer", when u pass the small tests u will do the best in the finals.all trials ur size,Allah never burdens anyone.
This will happen before dajjal. So Sahabah asked if there is no food no drink how will ppl live.attahleeel,at tahmeel,dhikar Alllah will keep them alive.the remembrance of Allah will keep them going in life,subhanaAllah alhmadulillah wallah hu Akbar, this is like food and provision for believers.
The ppl of paradise will naturally say Alhamdulilah ,SubhanAllah ,just like we breathe in duniya wout thinking,similarly the ppl of paradise will remember with Alhamdulilah.prophet pbuh said dhikarAllahi will give you Noor in grave,.prophet pbuh said to the person , that your tongue should be moist with Allah's remembrance, so never lose out any chance even when you are sitting idle.all praises to Allah,recite with meaning.Allah hu Akbar,you should say SubhanAllah, this is the provison of heart,if heart is filled then body does not need prophet pbuh always advised to eat Sahabah lived,at times wout cooking only dates and water.This is the second sign before the dajjal.
The third sign the dajjal will come in a time when no one on earth will remember dajjal.the ppl will indulge in duniya so that they will make their minds absent from his name.also the imams will forget to mention about dajjal in their friday sermons.SubhanAllah such a trial,this is hikamtallah,all pre decreed.Allah did not create you in vain.
The sahabah understood about trails, accountability and how they feared it for egs Abubakar RA said that I wish I was a branch of a tree,Omar said I wish my mother did not give birth to me,as they knew about the final exam!
Now the dajjal will appear so let's now know,about his appearance;
The dajjal ,when you see him, there are faults in his creation,he has only one eye, the other side it is covered with the skin,mamsoooh means as though it had been erased.the one eye looks like floating grape,green in color ,very bright like star,very scary .
He is limping,his feet is curved,even hands have a curve,his texture is black ( some say white but Allah hu Aalam) .he has thick curly hair,like a bush,his words,there is faults in it,his kalaam has faults cannot pronounce properly,uses low language.remember dajjal is a qadddhaab, he claims that he is god that you need to worship him!
So prophet pbuh said Allah is perfect in His attributes, Allah is salaam free from all faults,his Rahmaa is perfect,his Hikmah is perfect,his salaam is perfect he is Quddus,he is beautiful ,he is subbooh,he is it is very important to know our creator,I know my rabb is jameel,beautiful,this is the best delight, his eyes are perfect,his hands shiin perfect,Allah's kalaam is perfect.look at dajjal all with the faults.
SubhanAllah though dajjal looks so ugly,but he will easily deceive ppl ,ppl will easily get attached.don't you see how ppl believe in ugly gods,make cow god.even logically if you consider ,how can such ppl are decorating ugly gods,this is only due to their attachment, all this is wrong.dajjal looks so ugly but ppl will follow him.
Dajjal will walk on the earth,where is Allah?Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa is above the seventh heaven rose over His throne as it suits His majesty...
If ppl are misled in believing that Allah is everywhere then they can easily get deviated...some ppl believe that Allah comes in everything astaghfirullah, descend on crystal,on shaykh this is all wrong Aqeedah has to be correct.
There is a sign that only a believer can see ,which says" kaaf, Fa ra' which means disbelief, who can see and read this! Only the believer!
So this means that Muslims will be divided into two groups,strong believer and weak believer,.prophet pbuh said that if you hear that dajjal has appeared then we must be very careful and stay home as the most pious man can also get misled.only strong believer can read it, the one with strong faith.
For egs how do u know If u r strong or not,at times of afflictions,the weak believers will fall on their face with any affliction,the ones having strong faith will remain firm.
For egs if you see someone wearing revealing clothes, u know this is wrong,so some ppl will say that it is fashion while you know that this is wrong,so a believer sees the kafaraa,they will see wrong but will say it is wrong immediately,right away ,similar in times of dajjal they will see the wrong and say right,so we need to make ourselves strong.may Allah make us see the truth as the truth and evil as evil..
At the time of signs of DOJ, ppl will go to grave and wish they were dead because there will be too much of fitnah in these fitnaah means any saying or any action you will see which misleads you from your Deen,when if weakens their faith,it will make them indulge induniya.this will deviate them.this is the characteristic of dajjal,so when we see wrong we must say it is wrong.
How can we recognize him,not by memorizing his characteristics but by knowing who Allah is ,by knowing truth is truth and evil is something wrong they cover with glitter so be careful.
Allah almighty gave him some types of ability,so that this is fitnah for human beings.someppl may ask why Allah gave him such ability, then my answer to such ppl is that Allah is the malik and this is HiS kingdom,this is not my business.
How munkar and nakeer come in the grave as it is a trial.this is to differentiate.between the truthful ones from the untruthful ones.
1) the dajjal has speed,very fast he can go from one place to another.dajjal knows he has only forty days,but he can go to one country to another very fast.prophet pbuh said that his speed is like rain with wind behind he will go everywhere except in Macca and madina.
When he comes he will come with rivers of sweet water and mountain of bread. One river is with water and the other river is with fire, he has the provision.he will command the sky to rain it will rain and at the same time he will command for earth to give crops it will bear plants.the biggest enemy of ppl is their stomach, imagine in places where there is starvation,ppl kill each other.
Another riwaayat of nabi pbuh,there are two rivers,one is nice sweet water,the other has fire,so ppk said what should we do,then prophet saws said go to the fire,then close your eyes and drink from it then it is sweet cold water.the liars will say this and that so we should be careful as it is hidden.dajjal is hidden.
For egs ribaa ,interest ,is wrong.ppl take it easily,but believer will say no cut my money I don't want to be rich like that.
So prophet advised close your eyes,which means that at times when it is difficult then better to close your eyes.
Sometimes fitnah at home also,for egs if you see ppl doing prayers,following Deen then others call such a person backward,but if you are wearing hijab then u feel it is difficult,then it is because prophet said a time will come when following Deen is like holding a burning coal in hand,so it will be difficult.
For egs discount in clothes look how grand mums used to be covered but slowly the plots of shaytan..women. Are getting deceived ,slowly they removed hijab to show little hair, then slowly wearing no hijab,then discount in clothes,getting lesser on body,revealing clothes ,tight abaayaa,this is all wrong.
You will expect trials from your family,they will discourage u ,so do it for Allah not for ppl.Dajjal has helpers ,they are the they are helping him,
The dajjal will talk to a man, Bedouin,he will ask are you missing your parents,he will say yes,then dajjal will say that if I bring back ur parents then will u believe me so the shaytan will come in the form of bedouin parents and deceive them.
Also they will have a response to everything,he has the ability to talk to the objects,so it is not an easy trial,the rivers,the shayateen, everything will respond to them .so can the dajjal give life and death to ppl.this we will see after the break!,
The dajjal can go everywhere except Mecca and madinah..they said madinah will have three earthquake so that all munafiqeen will be taken out, they will all run away.something will happen outside the borders of madina.
One of the righteous one,the youth will com out, then he will say that you are dajjal? So the dajjal says that .if I cut the youth into two halves so that he dies then will u believe in me,so dajjal will cut the youth, into two pieces,then dajjal will walk in between the separated body ,then he will bring him back to life, dajjal will ask now do u believe in me,the youth will say and answer before I disbelieved you but now I disbelieve you more.!you are the qaddhab the dajjal!
The magicians, of feron when they saw Moosa they believed it was not magic,magic is illusions,don't say that the shaykh cured me from black magic, this is deception.most of it are lies,don't depend to take any means ,cure I take like medicine, ruqyaah is fine,but ppl put copper ,for high cholesterol this is all wrong.if it is not qauni and sharreee then we should not take the means.
Everyone will think he is in fire but actually he will be in paradise,so dont believe unless it is shareee or qauni,rest is false deception.
You have all these martyrs,but that youth has the greatest honour as he faced dajal face to face.biggest trial.
Who is Rab: lordship of Allah.the dajjal claims that he is Rab but when he claims this,then don't you know that dajjal is false claims that he is Allah but we know no one can see Allah untill he dies.Allah is perfect in his attributes.
Characteristics of Dajjal:
Generally the one who has in his heart attachment to duniya and does not want to hear about the aakhiraah.these ppl will easily respond to dajjal.
Duniyaa means low from one of the Ibadaat that the believer should have is taffaakur meaning pondering always in duniya about ayat of Allah.everything in duniya is the sign,the one who came to life is miskeen if he did not taste the sweetness of knowing Allah.Allah is your companion by his knowledge ,, by his seeing by knowledge,we need to have hope in Allah to flee and escape from trials of dajjal, only when you know Allah, love Alah the most as dunya is low.why do I have problems in my life,fight with inlaws,frustrated with myself,fighting with everyone ,why because we are magnifying duniya more than anything else,no problem if maid did not make fish,no problem.
This is how the person will escape from dajjal.
How long will dajjal stay in duniya?
Sahaabaah asked how long will dajjal stay,prophet said,forty.the first day will be like one year ,the second day will be like one month very long days..
The Sahabah asked if one day is like one year,actually it will be very long,the Sahabahs concerns was how do we pray,five prayers or ten prayers?
So prophet pbuh said you will have to estimate the time.they said five times prayer will not be enough,so from this Hadith found out that it is one year,so it needs to be estimated.
Nothing comes to their head, this is how the Sahabah thought as prayer was in their heart.
For a believer it is very important than prayer.
So prophet pbuh informed us that some ppl will surely follow dajjal,immediately.they believe that a ruler will come and that they need to follow him.they think that the ruler should have power authority ,so 70,000 Jews will follow,wearing their robe,all the religious ones would follow.some others like the hypocrites will also follow.. The characteristics of Munafiq ,Allah will expose them on DOJ,lies in their heart.
The women also will also follow the dajjal as they are weak and they see that he has food, so for the children they need food,subhanaAllah.a man will go to his wife,sister and mother and tie them in the house,to protect them.the men will tie the females so that they do not get carried away .
How to be saved from dajjal?
Dont meet him,don't come close to him.he will bring fitnah til maal,trials of knowledge,wealth,power
All different types of trial ,trial of knowledge, like in Surah Kahaf.
Never put yourself in trial,trial can be for desires or in doubts.for egs some person will say that last year we went to some places,we visited a temple,saw Buddha,then they say I am not worshipping them, so advise them keep away from fitnah.
For egs watching debate between Muslims and non Muslims,don't put your self into a fitnah.hand reading just for fun.
Going to a party ,there is a music, don't put urself into fitnah.don't say I will put my child in non muslim school and child will fight them out,don't put them in fitnah.for egs someone knows That I am a jealous person,then don't put yourself in a situation that will make u more sick.look at dajjal,I cannot survive if I see him.he will destroy the faith in different angels,prophet pbuh said keep away from him.
Don't deceive yourself,don't put yourself in a situation that will make u out of the religion.prophet pbuh said that before DOJ there is too much fitnah then it is better to stay at faith is more precious then anything.some ppl will flee to caves.for egs if you see friends in gathering,they are backbiting,then what should I do, better to leave as they can easily distract you,this is fitnah.
Istighaaathha billah,we need Allah,ask Allah ya rabbi pls help me.we need Allah in our lives every second,if good befalls then remember Allah if bad comes remember Allah.
Faffarruu fill aallah.flee to Allah.flee to ar Rahman ..flee to AlGhaffur...
Read the ten ayat of Surah Kahaf.
seek refuge from maseeh tashahud before Salam,asking in prayer ,dua.all trial of life and death,trial of grave,trial of fire,and of maseeh dajjal..
This is all for forty days ,long forty days.
During this chaotic corrupt time,on earth, then Allah will send a Muslim leader,Imaam Mahdi.his name is Muhammad ibnu abdullah, from the branch of Fatima.he will be from the offspring of Muhammad pbuh.
Description of Imam Mahdi appearance.
High forehead pointed nose,he will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with injustice.he will come from east ,ppl will support him from east,everyone will be under one umbrella.he is a Righteous leader,a pious leader of Muslims,believer should follow him.
There are many misconceptions in different groups,some believe that he was on the earth more than 1100 years ago,some say he is five years old and he is in samrraaa basement,some ppl deny,some say we are Mahdi,this is all wrong.false claims.What do ahle as sunnah say in majority, they say that during difficult times,the righteous leader will come.with all the trials ,Allah gives ease.all will be under one khalifaah.this is about Mahdi.
Let's go back to dajjal,who will take care of dajjal,Allah will make dajjal be killed in the hands of Isaa ibnuu Maryam alaihi Salam.
Third sign)) DESCEND OF ISA ale salaam
Who tried to kill ISA ale salaam before it was the Jews,evidence in book from ayaa a pg ten.
So Isaa ale Salam will kill dajjal and the Jews.Isaa ale salaam wil descend on the white minaret,in Damascus, he will put hands on the two angels ,he will come down.
How does Isaa looks like?
Medium sized,reddish white,as if he came out from a bath,hair is wet,when will he come out at that the time when ppl have made rows to start the prayer behind. Mahdi.they are the believers they know that this is the sign, when they look at him,imam Mahdi will say that you are a messenger so pls lead the prayer.Isaa will say you lead I will Isaa pbuh will follow the islam of Muhammad pbuh.
There are Christians who will live at that time and they will have to believe in there is no compulsion in religion, there is a choice today there are evidences.When Isaa pbuh comes he will break the cross,kill the pig and will not accept tax from nasara.if they do not believe Muhammad then he will fight them.
In bible they have how Isaa was praying bowing proatrating like muslimeen.
Look at the priority first we do prayer ,this is the provision of a believer,then after the prayer Isaa said open the dajjal was waiting at the door with seventy thousand Jew.dajjal when he sees Isaa ale salaam he will melt and Isaa ale salaam has a spear so he will show the blood of dajjal,as a proof,so the Jews will escape behind things ,trees,walls as soon as they hide behind something the thing will speak and say that kill the jew who is hiding behind me is a Jew except one tree that will not talk, Jews love this tree ,which is shajar al gharqaat,this tree will not talk..
Prophet pbuh said that he feared for his ummah more than dajjal is Riyaaah,the deeds you do to get praise from ppl.
The dajjal remained forty days but Isaa ale salaam will stay for forty years.
Don't magnify the problems in your life,for egs ppl talk about the negative sides of the life ,we need to magnify the good things in your life.little time of hardship there is relief.Isaa pbuh will not bring any new religion but will follow islam,everybody in his time will be will the universe be,perfect with we have deviations because of diff in faith,sins increased,so if you see calamity do will the time and life will be ,there will be no jealousy,alll love each other like brother and sister.even the wild animals,like lions and tiger can be kept at home,snakes will also not harm cage.this is the third sign .so Isaa ibnu Maryam has another mission,within this forty years,some other trials will come,coming of Yaajuj and maajuj.
From the generations of Nuh ale Salam one of his sons named yafith,they are offspring of this yafifth,also known as abu Turks,the story of Some ppl living in mountains as they were suffering from atrocities of Yajuj maajuj .so Zulqarnain helped and build a strong barrier to protect them.this wall was very strong made of copper etc so the Yajuj maajuj could not come out to trouble ppl.soGeneration after generation , they were digging till there was a hole ,as they wanted to spread mischief.they did that everyday until one day they would say they will come out.
These ppl are insisting,when they have an intention to sin,they are having a bad intention, then Allah will deal with you with his hilmmm that you will repent.if it is initial time of a sin then Allah will deal with forbearance,Allah al Haleem giving time to repent.then Allah will open the doors very wide open,if Allah sees that this person is insisting insisting on doing a sin then Allah will open the gates of all good for this person,then this person is deceived,this is not because Allah is peased but Allah dealing with forbearance, then he will suddenly take it away.
Prophet pbuh in his time he was very sad, then Zainab said why are you sad ,he said because there is a small hole in the imagine how big the hole must be today. In pg 16&17 mentioned about them in detail..
Prophet pbuh said the yajuj and maajuj will be very huge crowd,if one dies then thousands will come.they have a mission to fulfill.
Surat anbiyaa Aya:96
حَتَّىٰ إِذَا فُتِحَتْ يَأْجُوجُ وَمَأْجُوجُ وَهُم مِّن كُلِّ حَدَبٍ يَنسِلُونَ
Even when Gog and Magog are let loose and they shall break forth from every elevated place.
Explaination on yajuj maajuj:: This is when Yajuj maajuj come as gushing water, they are like Mongolian type, their faces like a plate of iron flattened ,round and flat,eyes very small,hair black to reddish color.they will spread like mischief,they will come in crowds, they will comw to the river or lake,they will drink all water,no manners,very fast in drinking,spreading all diff type of mischief and crime.they will actually come on DOJ,they feel proud that they killed so many ppl children ,SubhanAllah after killing ppl then they will get arrogant and they will exceed their boundaries,so they will say now that we have killed the ppl of the earth, our next target is that we will kill the inhabitants of heaven they will take arrows in the sky and shoot,these arrows will return with blood so they will be deceived.who are ppl who will be saved,the ones to be saved are the ones who climb on top of the Isaa ale Salam is their on the mountains so he will make duaa to Allah will send small creatures,like a worm will eat and kill them immediately all of them ,all in one go,will be killed.Isaa ale salaam will come down and see all bodies .Now how to dispose so many .Allah will send huge birds and they will carry and throw them away, where Allah hu Aalaam!
See the name Ar Rabb Allah puts u in trial to reform us,test is a purification stage,look at believer how is emaan increases after the test so only be attached to Allah subhanaAllah wa ta'alaa, hold onto the rope of Allah.our Aqeedah needs to be correct.So how many signs, so far we have done are four signs.
5,6,7 Signs are together: three landslides
The earth will split ,one in the east,one in the west and one in arab peninsular.then the entire humanity will go back to jahiliya time.after forty it will go down, ignorance will return.Allah will send. Ar Reeh ,wind which will take the life of all believers, who will remain only the wicked ppl,the disbelievers,at the end the kaaabaa will be destroyed by a black man from habashaa with thin shin.Allah will raise the Quran,KalamAllah will be taken the ppl will worship idols,they will commit adultery on street,the best man among them will say commit a sin but behind will be a sign when the doors of repentance will be closed.
8)) eighth sign ,SUN WILL RISE FROM WEST.
Every day sun asks for Allah's permission as to where from it will rise, then only this time Allah says to rise from repentance accepted now.
9)) ninth stage:appearance of beast Surah Namal aya82 : Pg 23
وَإِذَا وَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَخْرَجْنَا لَهُمْ دَابَّةً مِّنَ الْأَرْضِ تُكَلِّمُهُمْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ كَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا لَا يُوقِنُونَ
And when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a creature from the earth that shall wound them, because people did not believe in Our communications.
Explaination:The real beast will come from earth and she will talk,and say that the ppl are cursed as they do not have certainty of ayaat, the signs.
10)) the last sign THE FIRE :
The fire this is like a driver,the earth is dying,so the fire will come from Yemen to start the DOJ.the fire is to drive the most wicked ppl of the times to run towards the land of gathering ,they will run in crowds,the fire will push them to the ground of DOJ.they will rest when fire is down ,but then it will chase them till the land of gathering!
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