Sunday, March 18, 2012

Heart of the Seeker of Knowledge : by Sister EMAN (10 th September 2011)


Welcome the seeker of knowledge,this is what the prophet PBUH said that the Talib al ilm is a special title given to special believers.In the month of shawwal, check urself,we should continue to be firm in our prayers ,ibaadaa even after Ramadan,al istiqaamaa baadaa Ramdan, the thirty days are  intensive training,so we should be from those who are firm in istaqaamaa, we should turn to Allah should be from the ones who have inaaba (turn to Allah).we need knowledge to keep us going,it is like the petrol in car which keeps us moving, make dua Allahuma inna nas alukaa ilman nafiaa.the knowledge has to be beneficial with two conditions :
First condition:The subject should be any knowledge which will make you closer to Allah, love Allah more, knowledge should make you magnify Allah more, any knowledge you learn should make you worship Allah more, make you follow sunnah more until the day you meet Allah swt.this is one condition.

The second condition,of beneficial knowledge is to act upon the ilm,application of that knowledge.for egs  in the  class we learn about the importance of sabar,patience, specially when dealing with people.when we are saabir Allah will give abundant reward, ghairi hisaab, but we forget this beneficial knowledge and we still deal with people impatiently,become judgmental.then the knowledge acquired is of no use as it has not changed our behavior.the knowledge should change our Ibadaat, refine our manners, change our Aqeedah.

I have all the knowledge, but in a situation we fail, where is the problem?the knowledge that we gain it goes to the heart,it is the sponge,container of knowledge, water is like the knowledge in the sponge, if it goes to the heart,it will produce resulrs, you will act upon it.
Allah Subhana wa ta'alaa( swt) in the Quran describes in a parable the relation  between heart and knowledge.
Allah says heart is like valley,a valley which is filled with dirt  (similar to a heart  filled with sins)but when it rains ( rains are similar to knowledge) ,the dirt gets washed away, just like with knowledge the sins of heart get washed away,the valley has dirt ,the more it rains,the dirt will get washed away, now the valley is filled with pure water which will benefit me and benefit when people do not benefit from the knowledge this is due to the issues of the heart,so we will talk about how should the heart of the Talib al ilm be?

 what are the obstacles in the heart which will stop you from taking the knowledge,several barriers in the heart you will not benefit from the knowledge.resemblance of such hearts is like the donkey.who has knowledge but does not apply it.
Surah Jumaah (62:5): Allah gives the parable of someone who has excess knowledge like that of a donkey who is burdened with books,as such people do not act upon the beneficial knowledge.
Always refresh yourself and check if u have the following obstacles in your heart,if yes, then remove them from your heart Inorder to act upon the beneficial knowledge attained.

Obstacles / barriers in the heart:

1)al fiqaah bil qudraat wal mahraat: one of the barrier is that the person will be confident of their ability, power,talent and intelligence.the more you feel confident.the moment you rely on urself, though u don't say it,then this will be an obstacle.( remember if you have come to any class this is because Allah wants to teach you,)the more u rely on ur mighty and power ,the same moment u will not benefit, Allah is aalimul bidaatu suduur, if Allah sees ur heart filled wz confidence, them Allah will nurture u ,HE will put u thru situations.
So rely on Allah always,I cannot learn Quran until Allah helps me! Iyaaka. Naabudu wa iyaaka nastaeen.we need Allah in every moment of life,the more u r very confident then u will slip.rely on Allah swt not on urself!if you trust in Allah, Allah will help you.

2) the second obstacle is the opposite,of a person who lacks any confidence, always afraid of failing,scared of not being able to fast or be able to study, always says I can not do it,this is an obstacle which will prevent u from doing the good,this is due to lack of reliance on Allah, such ppl are drowning as they are afraid of failure.extreme fear ,as you are putting obstacles for urself,such ppl will always be disappointed,they are so afraid,some ppl who are perfectionists will always discourage themselves in learning Arabic, they are worried what others will think.Always replace this barrier with reliance to Allah swt.with this reliance you will be the foremost but if the person does not have reliance even with the talent ,he will be a failure. Such ppl who bring obstacles upon themselves should  be encouraged ,by teaching them about the virtues of acquiring knowledge.

virtues of acquiring knowledge:

1) this is meerat of prophets salalaho alai hi was Salam ( saws) ,this is inheritance from prophet saws.
2)prophet saws said  acquiring knowledge is light, it is Noor .the more religious knowledge you have ur life in duniya will be good,u will have light, also u will have light in aakhiraah,in the grave,in siraat.
For egs, these days we see a sad mentality in parents that if they have intelligent son they will make him study medicine and for the weak student they will put him religious study. The reward of religious ilm,deeni will give u reward in duniya and aakhiraah.
3) if you acquire the knowledge then you will be protected in duniya from doing bidaat,shirk.
4) angels will lower their wings out of appreciation,angels lower their wings only for the Taliba al ilm, noble cause of gaining religious knowledge.
5) Allah will elevate tha ranks of such talibe ilm  in duniya and aakhirah.
6) Allah will elevate their ranks in jannah, also talubil ilm status is more than a worshipper, ibaadat.
7)the aalim is better than worshipper also it is better than doing jihaad Fi sabililah.

3::third obstacle : showing off// RIAAA

If the intention of acquiring religious knowledge is to show off,to earn money by teaching, or if you want praise from someone than Allah,this is out of riaa.the moment the riaa goes away from heart is the moment you will benefit from the religious knowledge.the one who is extremely sincere about gaining knowledge and wants only praise from Allah swt, this person will be extremely close to Allah but if the aalim or scholar is showing off from his knowl edge, then he will be the first one to enter the hellfire even before the we must check why are we learning or acquiring knowledge!
For egs: some ppl think That inorder to avoid having riyaa, I will attend online classes,or read alone at home, this is one of the trap of shaytaan.
The shaytaan says why should i to go to dars, billion books,read at ur on pace, but this is a trap as he does not want u to get the biggest ajar,he wants you to get least ajar.

virtues of attending study circle : 

If you have come from home to attend the class,this is more jihad,u drive from the traffic, reach class find seat,the more struggle the more reward there is more hasanaat in the class.the scholars say that because of the technology,books,ppl are not attending dars,classes,as they think they can watch tv at home or see the internet.but if ppl realize the merits of attending dars,they will hasten to come to class .
Prophet saws said if u come out of the house towards the path seeking knowledge,is a path towards paradise. The quickest, easiest, smoothest way to enter paradise is to come to a study circle.Allah loves such majaalis.the one who seeks a path to acquire knowledge so this is for the sake of Allah,fisabillillah.
Prophet saws said if you pass thru any gardens of paradise in duniyaa then pls sit.Sahabah said where is such garden in duniya, prophet saw a said  in study circles.

There are different angles ,there is a special group of angels who look for such study circle and then they surround them with their wings until they reach the heavens,
Allah will ask what are my servants doing, the angels will say that they are magnifying Allah worshipping Allah, then Allah asks that has anyone in that gathering  seen ME, the angels said no they have not,if they did they would magnify more,then Allah swt will ask the angels,what are these ppl aspiring for,the angels reply they want to enter jannah,Allah will ask  have they seen paradise ,the angels say no but if they did they will long for it, and they are also seeking refuge from hell fire, Allah says have they seen the hellfir ,angels say no if they did then they would flee from it.
So Allah says I bear witness for such seekers of knowledge I will forgive them the entire sins .When you return from the dars you will feel light, less burdened due to expiation of sins.

Allah will talk about you in front of the angels, because of the knowledge ,Allah will mention u in front of the most noble angels.

Allah will replace your sins with good deeds.
Prophet saws said that the study circle is better than the life and whatever is in the life.
Don't you want all this ajar, so don't listen to the whispers of shaytan.

Everything according to the niyyah of ur heart, ifu rely on Allah,do it for Allahs sake.

4th Obstacle: LAZINESS futoorr

FOR EGS if you have been attending for years the dars then you will become lazy as it has become routine .
Similarly what is ur intention to learn Arabic, it should be to b understand religion not tobe able to speak in Arabic in markets.
We need to appreciate the niyaamattt al ilm,Majaalis is barakah.
We should not feel lazy ,do not appreciate then this blessing will be taken Away.
But if we appreciate the blessing then we should be eager to learn,feel the hirs to learn the religion.we need knowledge more than food and drink.
Abu hurairah was always more eager to learn among the Sahabah. The more u r eager to learn the more u will learn and benefit from it, but if u were lazy then u will be the loser.
What should we have in order to get a little knowledge then u have to have complete dedication,complete focus to get little knowledge.the salaf and Sahabah had the eagerness to learn until they reached their grave,we should not be lazy should have hirs to learn.don't put obstacles.

signs of eager learner:

1:you will come early before the teacher.
2.dress up nicely ,not in pajamas.for egs if you are going to meet someone special in a party then you take care but remember for study circle we should remember we are going to be witnessed by Allah and angels.
3: how should we sit, like Gabriel ale Salam, straight ,jalsat Gabriel.
4.take notes. Someone else will take also benefit from it InshaaAllah.ur writing of notes is barakah by itself ( not photocopying !)
One of the salaf ibn Abbas, if he did not have paper he would write in his hands.
5: what else indicates that the person is eager in learning, is no interruption, interruption removes the barakah from dars,for egs someone asks a question then someone else answers not the teacher,this removes the barakah! This will create fitnah,as ppl discuss saying I heard one shaykh said this etc.
6: the hearts of ppl also have an impact in the gathering, for egs if someone comes wz heart to see what happens in gathering,this will spoil the dars.
7 : be patient in gathering ,as you want to honor kalamAllah and of nabi are patient for the knowledge.

5::: fifth obstacle sickness of the heart related to people:
If the talibal ilm in his heart has hasad,jealousy,sickness of heart,hasad in anything,when hasad enters the heart it will burn all the hasanat, so we should have clean heart.if sometimes hasad comes, for egs why is she able to get good marks,memorize better than ask Allah the Razzaq Who will give me from His bounties.So you should remember Allah gave her this blessing so ask Allah to give you from His bounties.

KIBAR : sicknesss of heart,
The moment you see that u r in better position than others say Alhamdulilah ,do not compare urself with anybody.

Aadaaab al majlis : etiquettes of majlis
husn at taamuu: good to ppl who are being bad to you.

Be patient with ppl, if someone is being bad to you,then we need to ignore and move on and be with that person very you are student of knowledge, you have more responsibility, u should have more husn al khulooq,consider yourself as u r having an amaanaah,Ammanah of deen,May Allah swt give us taufeeq to have hidaya and husn al Kholuq.We should not complain abour others, it should be for sake of Allah.

Meet with everyone with smile, greet, do not categorize ppl.don't backbite, don't criticize,don't gossip ,don't sit between two friends,don't bully and make others get up to sit, don't sit on the path.this is the etiquettes of majaali is and then you have really become Talibe  al ilm.

Ilm nafiaan will intercede for you when you die.only three things will benefit you after ur death, it will be ongoing charity.
This will be ilman nafian and say rabbi ziddni ilmaan.

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