AR RAHMAAN AR RAHEEM ( May 3, 2011)(@AlMamzar)
After doing ibadat ,your worship to Allah, we should not feel proud about it rather we should be humbled to Allah swt ,the ghani ,most rich, and pray that Allah accepts our ibadat which is pure .we should always ask Allah to give us Husn ibadatiq,we should worship the Almighty,our Creator as HE deserves.our Creator is Maliq us Samaawaat wa Ardh,everything in heaven and earth belongs to Him.So we must worship him as HE deseves, so now the question arises how should we worship him as it suits your majesty, by knowing our Creator then our worship becomes better and better.we must learn about Allah by His beautiful names and attributes!the wisdom behind our creation is to worship Allah alone!
Evidence sura ad dhaariyat
Allah created man and Jin except to worship Allah swt, the best type of worship.
This is the reason we are learning about Allah,names of Allah swt,this will put urheart at rest.This is the reason the scholars say that in the life u will find your heart at rest by knowing Allah swt., happiness and comfort in life only by the knowledge of Allah.we see around us that ppl in the life know about everything except do not have knowledge about Allah swt!everyone claims that they know Allah swt but this is not true, if they have knowledge of Allah they will be able to deal with things in dunya in better way.
Knowledge which changes human being to become better beings.we need to know Allah swt and love Allah swt!
Earlier we have done series of names like Allah, Ar Rabb,al Hayy Al Qayumm,Today we will learn about a new name of Allah swt,two names together,these two names which have the same attribute.Ar Rahman Ar Rahim.the attribute ofRahman Ar Raheem is Rahmaah,mercy but we will study the slight difference later towards the end.Also remeber every name of Allah has an attribute,the attribute here is mercy,Rahmaah!
How many times has this name been mentioned in the Quran?
In the Quran,Ar Rahman has been mentioned 57 times and Ar Raheem exactly double 114 the quran Allah has mentioned in the beginning these two names,Bismillah Hir Rahman nit Raheem, also in Surah Fatiha Allah mentions in the beginning with Ar Rahman Ar Rahim!Allah has mentioned in fatihah Al kitaab, beginning of the Quran, starting with Bismillah hir Rahmaan Ar Rahim..
All praises and thanks to Rabil Alameen, reciting this minimum 17 times in a day in your prayers.alhamdulilahi Rabil Alameen...remember Rabb is such an important name, Rab means the Owner, the obeyed Master,the one who nurtures His creations,takes care of His creations.Allah is Rabb il Alameen of all the creations,world of jinn, ins all creations.Allah takes care of Hiscreations with mercy..alhamdulilahi Rabil Alameen Ar Rahman ar Allah swt takes care of His creations out of His Rububiyah, out of His mercy!
How a mother takes care of her children with mercy,mother is called Rabat manzil,sometimes when u nurture ur children sometimes she deals wz a little stiffness ,sometimes wz love depending on the children.
Thank Allah with all praises for nurturing us with mercy and care.human beings always need Rahmaah,we love when someone shows compassion, love, mercy towards us.for egs we expect our husband,sister,daughter friends,parents to show compassion and mercy towards us,sometimes if u don't get this u feel disappointed and sad,this is the need of human being.when we are young we expect this mercy and compassion from mother, if not from mother we expect from father, if not then from their teachers,kids get attached to teacher.when such a person grows up he/she look for this mercy from a friend ,worst situation if they fall into bad company but if it is a good friend then good,Noor ala Noor but if a bad company of friends then it's difficult! Then even if we receive compassion from a friend then we get tired and look for compassion from another friend,we are never satisfied as weare looking for compassion from human beings, the one who owns the mercy is not human being,x,y,z we must go to the source of Mercy! This mercy should be from someone who is endless!this will give u security!
Human beings need mercy from the source the Creator.we must really feel this name of Allah and feel that this mercy should be forever,endless.unlike looking for mercy from human beings, who will be absent ,not around never permanent!
We want mercy from our Lord who provides mercy forever,this gives us security and peace.Hence we need to know about Allah swt ArRahman Ar Raheem.
Like in a wall, sometimes some bricks are missing ,similarly human beings heart also has gaps but with every name of Allah such gaps get filled!
This name will affect our heart and bring tranquility.Allah says in Quran that by remembering Allahs names hearts gaps get filled.whatever emotions as human beings feel like depression, by remembering Allahs names these gaps are filled!this is the reason Allah sent us the book, in the remembrance of Allah swt the gapsarefilled.
for egs when you meet a kind human being you recognize mercy but now we need to know the mercy of Allah swt.
Rahmatillah of our creator :Allah is Ar Rahman Ar Rahim .
Whenever we learn about Any attribute of Allah swt we must say thatbno one Resembles Allahs always tell urself:laysaa hi ki mithalai shai..No one resembles Allahs Raheem!Allahs Rahmaah is the maximum.Sometimes if we are shown mercy by human beings we get so attached,and love such a person so much, but remember we should not get attached to anyone but only to Allah swt.when we know Allah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem ,we should see Allahs Rahmaa behind the means,imagine if so ands is merciful towards me then how will be the mercy of Allah .in my heart I do not attach myself to anyone except Allah swt.
We should know Allahs mercy behind the means,how much I feel happy when I see human beings mercy.
We need to know Allahs mercy ,how will I know Allahs mercy,No one can tell us that about Allahs mercy except if Allah tells us or informs us thru our prophet saws.we need to get the information .if we do not know the mercy of Allah we become slaves and expect mercy from human beings,for egs ppl wait for mercy from their loved ones,they get into a trap, they associate their emotions of happiness and sadness to one person, if that person shows love they feel elevated if not they get depressed!Subhanallah.
Allah swt tells us about mercy so that we know His mercy!
Surah Ghaafir Aya 7: to seek Allahs mercy you don't need to travel anywhere ,just hearts movements are enough.whereas if u want mercy for human beingsyou have totravel,go to them etc .But with Allah,no effort required, the slightest movemment in heart towards the creator and Allah will respond to you.this statement in the quran is said from hamtul arsh, the ones who carry Allahs throne.these angels are the closest to Allah and they make this duaa,The angels who are carrying Allahs throne,they describe Allah swt,Rabbana,our Lord You comprehend All things in mercy & knowledge.Allah encompasses everything in mercy and knowledge,nothing is hidden from Allah swt,mercy of Allah reaches everywhere.for human beings one person is merciful towards one person,however with our Lord,the one who owns the real mercy, haqeeqi, it spreads to all the creations.
Sometimes as mother we imagine that we have the haqeeqi mercy ,and we tend to spoil our children as our knowledge is limited and less experience.But Allahs is the best example as hHis mercy is real mercy and He is the source of all mercy on earth.whatever mercy you see around you from your husband,friends,then yes it's good JazakaLllah khair but u should think who gave her this mercy,it is from Allah swt.for egs sometimes u see an injured bird to fly,then ur heart cries ,imagine that this mercy in urheart is from Allah swt.He put it in ur heart ,so if u see someone showing u mercy,u appreciate and thank the person but also realize and love Allah swt as He is the source of all mercy!Alhamdulilah,always think n thank Allah swt.the mercy you receive from human beings is actually the mercy from Allah swt.therefore our hearts shpiuld turn to Allah swt
Allah has 100 parts of mercy and only one part of His mercy he has descended to His creations in the world.
Imagine all the mercy from the beginning of Adam till the day of judgement if u combined it all,then it is one part of mercy out of the 100 parts of mercy of Allah!we need to have hope from Allah to grant u the mercy,Allah is the source!
The one u turn toward human beings like husband etc to give u mercy the more will be denied as they are not the source so attach Urself to Allah swt The source of all mercy.
Nowadays the depression around us has increased,why ,human beings need mercy,wout which they are depressed.We must take the mercy from the Source to feel secure,don't seek mercy from human beings like urself.Allah wants to teach us to get mercy from the Rab! seek mercy from Allah ,then Allah will bring the means to u wout any effort.Allahs mercy is real mercy and He is the source of all mercy.this attribute is attached to Allah which means that He is the most merciful all the time!This attribute is not like Allahs anger,ghadabAllah, this is opposite of Allahs rahmah.We do not find any name with Allahs anger ,it is just an attribute,this means Allahs Rahmaah,mercy overcomes Allahs anger!
In Surah Fatiha you say Alhamdulilah hir Rabil ...Ar Raheem,,we should feel blessed and thank Allah always as His anger overcome by His mercy!
SurahAnaam: verse 12
Allah said whatever in heaven And earth all belongs to Allah,and Allah has prescribed Himself to be mercy !
In another Hadith Allahsays His mercy precedes His anger!His mercy comes before His anger.
What is written in Arsha Allah , Rahmati sabaqat Ghadhaby, which means the mercy of Allah precedes His anger!human beings should feel like that, we should not tell children that there is naar,then this child will always have fear,this is a major problem as such children are despairing from Allahs mercy,Allahs we see ppl committing suicide,May Allah protect the ummah from such sins, but ppl who commit such a sin are despairing fromAllahs mercy!what makes this human being kill himself, losing hope,helplessness,all negative emotions,will be in hell.depression, although today's life is much easier than before human beings need mercy ,we need to get this mercy from the source, the source which is permanent ,this will give u security.
Allah swt is always merciful and His anger is a restricted attribute ,not always,depend o. The situation!when we learn about all the mercy of Allah from Quran and Hadith,give us so much security.scholars say that Allah is most merciful ,even more than the most beloved person in my life!He is the most merciful than my parents ,than my husband, than my children even than myself.sometimes ppl torture themselves by not giving the body rest or not eating etc but Imagine Allah swt is most merciful ypto urban u r to urself.Subhanallah.
When you collect all the mercies on the earth ,Allahs mercy is greater than that.Hadith from nabi salaloho alai hi wassalam and abu huraira,who said that once a man came to the prophet saws with a little boy.the man was hugging the boy,kissing his son.prophet saws asked are u merciful to ur boy? The man said of course I am,he is my child .Prophet saws said that how much u r being merciful. To ur son,but Allah swt is much more merciful than what u r to ur child.
Another time another Araabi saw prophet saws kissing and hugging his grandsons,so he said proudly I have ten children but I have never kissed even one of them,prophet saws said to him that the Rahmaah has been taken away from Ur heart!of course we should be merciful toward s our children.Allah is more merciful than u .it is natural to be merciful towards children
Ghazwat ,in one ofthe battles in which prophet saws fought,Omar RA said that there came one of teh prisoners who was a lady and had lost her new born baby,then when she found him,she started breastfeeding him ,filled with love and mercy for her baby,not caring unintentionally nursed the baby that she was in front of ppl..Prophet saw said to the Sahabah ,do u think that this woman will throw this baby in hell fire.the Sahabah replied of course not,she loves the baby so much, though she is able to do it!.so prophet saws said thatAllah is more merciful than this woman is on the baby!imagine the love and mercy of Allah, Allah loves all His creations.
Allah loves all His creation as Allah created them,though some group do not deserve it,Allah is providing them provisions,mercy.
Allahs two types of mercy Rahmaah Al Aamaa ( general mercy)
2.Ar Rahmaa alKhaasah
General mercy:
Who are enouying this general mercy: all ,Believer,disbeleiver,Sinner,pious,good,bad ,smaller bigger,jinn,animals.Allah provides general mercy to all creations,related to worldly living.Ar Rahmaan explains the general mercy of Allah.Allah explains this in suraah Rahmaan, everyone is enjoying this mercy whether believer or not, this concerns the worldlylife.had it not been for this generAl mercy we would not be able to live in life.
provisions,food drinks,how to lead a life in dunyaa this comes from general mercy.
The position of Earth near the sun is third in the solar system.The distance is absolutely accurate from the sun,had it been a little closer all the living beings would have burnt and had it been a little farther,we would have frozen to death.Out of Allahs mercy ,our creator put us in the right planet,the earth.Allah made it suitable for everyone to live.even the fish living in different types of oceans ,whatever Allah has created Allah has placed the. In the suitable places, even those living in mountains or in valleys, or birds, Allah has created them and taken charge of them with it believers or non believers.
Another example ,the percentage of Oxygen in the air is 21% ,had it been a little more everything would have caught fire.We should ponder on these signs to increase our faith in Allah.This is mercy for entire mankind!
If all the sea ocean around us would have been sweet instead of salty,the earth would have decayed.Since it is salty it preserves the they discovered that theSAMAAad dunya, lowest heaven ,Allah said that this is ceiling ,guarding us, now they have have discovered that the Sanaa is guarding us from outside human.
Ex of human beings after example of universe.Every organ limb in your body demonstrates Allahs mercy.This is Rahmatillah,how we eat same time we breathe,digestive system :food,chew,digest,a big internal factory automatically functioning.who made it perfect? Allah swt ,every limb on our body is a proof!
Animals are merciful towards each other,rabbits remove the fur from stomach,when they are expecting baby and make it a baby cot before the birth of their baby.who put this thought in them ,Subhallah Allah put this instinct in them.some other animals will remove all the fur for the birth of the baby !this should increase ur faith in Allah !
Female penguins after laying eggs,she takes a vacation then the male penguin will stand for 6months protecting the egg,mercy in their heart is from Allah swt.Subhanallah,
Who put it in their heart such mercy, it is from Allah swt.
Aya 73 Surah Qasas: Allah says about His mercy,of day and night,gradually day comes and night leaves.this is a blessing ,mercy from Allah ,for all His creations.
Allah made night to be dark,this relaxes the body and day light which gives u energy toseek ur provision.this is out of blessing gradul transition of day n night.
Sura Rumaya50
Wind brings rain,Hadeeth from Prophet saw.The wind,Reeh, will bring mercy from Allah and it will also get torment from Allahpbuh said .Do not curse the wind and pray to Allah to bring all the good from the wind Reeh.Allahuma inni aslaluka min khairihaa..
Always make duaa that all thegood comes. From the wind!this is Rahmaa for all creations this gives us more peace and relaxation.
Surah Furqaan,Aya 26: even on doj Allah is full of mercy for all His creations,how will Allah recompense all with Rahmaah For good doers Allah giving bountiful rewards and for disbelievers,Allah will deal with justice.
On the DOJ , the kingdom belongs to Allah swt, the most merciful,even when Allah judges all the creations,HE will ne most merciful!for all creations he will be most will Allah recompense a believer,any good deed done by a good doer ,he will be given hasanaat in bounties,rewarded in multiplies from ten to 700 hasanat.while for any sin committed he will be given a punishment equal to the sin not more.Allah will reward good doers with Fadhal ,bounties and for a sinner,he will deal with him with justice Adal! The disbelievers before entering hellfire their hearts will be praising Allah,they will confess that Allah has dealt with justice .remember the Hadith that Allah kept 99 parts of mercy in DOJ ,He have only one part in dunya, our knowledge is limited today we cannot imagine,only in DOJ we will see that Allah is Ar Rahman Ar Raheem!When do we human beings need the mercy more,it is on Allah has saved the 99 parts for aakhirah.huwaa ArRahmaan ArRaheem.the best naeem on DOJ is to see Allah and the worst punishment is not to see Allah on DOJ.
The purpose of learning about Allahs beautiful names and attributes we should long to see Allah swt on reward Namat,the delight is to see Allah swt and the worst punishment for disbelievers is not to see Allah this is regarding the general rahma for life and hereafter!this is how Allah deals with human,
In a hadith prophet saws said that if the life in dunya ( pleasures of dunya) will be equal to a mosquito wing,meaning that the duniya is very low,still Allah is providing His blessings to disbeliever, all creations ,imagine how would Allah deal with The believers!
How will Allah swt deal with the believers,how will Allahs special mercy be?Allahs special mercy is only for the believers.,the special ppl.
Ar Rahmaaahtillah Khaasah
Rahmatillah Aamah is for all the creations and it us for the body,food drink etc, but Rahmatillah Khaasah is only for believers!
Only for believers ,special mercy,Rahmaah Deeniya,eemaniya,duniyaviyaah and ukhrawiyah a,complete mercy.( mercy on faith,religion,in dunya and in aakhiraah).Allahs Rahmaah al Khaasah is regarding the faith, religion ,even dunya, related to their body and for aakhiirah!)
How Allah will provide spl mercy?
1. Allah swt will guide the believer to worship Allah swt and Allah will guide to all good. For ex Allah will make it easy to His obedience,to His ibadat.Allah will make it easy to do good deeds,wearing hijaab,doing dawah,if you find doing this easy then this is Rahmaah Khaasah from Allah swt.this is spl mercy as this will benefit u in life and hereafter.any ataaa' at,obedience to Allah will benefit u in life n hereafter!we must recognize this mercy appreciate and be thankful to Allah swt.whenever u r praying you think that you have been doing it out of your will,but you should realize that this is out of Allahs spl mercy,then u feel blessed !Allah chose me and gave me this spl blessing,this benefits u in lfe n hereafter.
For egs, whatever Allah ordained us to do good deeds for surely will benefit me in life n hereafter!for egs some ppl who are stressed, when they go to doctor, they say they have Pressure, they will be advised for massage,or yoga or swimming!these are the solutions provided by ppl, imagine what our prophet saws did if he went thru any stress, war,etc he said about the salaat,that it would relax you,though your main reason to pray is obedience to allah but this will benefit.
Foregs sadaqaah,when u r kind then you will be very happy ,also u willbe happier when u r giving a gift rather than receiving a when u do any ibadat ,any dhikar will feel more happy!When u r teaching you feel more happy than she is learning as u r benefitting others.all the ibadat you do,dhikar,daawah,fasting,attending daras,you will feel happy,happiest when u r in obedience to Allah swt. While the others will feel that miskeen ,always praying but they do not realize ur happiness.some ppl look for happiness in worldly party and after it's over they feel sad,temporary happiness.someone who shops a lot ,is happy but later gets depressed as all money gets over!
This is the reason Allah commands us to pray,the obligations, Allah is our creator He knows what is best for us,what will make us happy.Whenever Allah guides you towards goodness,remember this is a spl type of mercy,this is a permanent benefit in dunya n aakhirah!the great reward will be on DOJ,this is where u will feel the sweetness of ibadat!In theDoj, when ur deeds are wweighed in meezan, u will feel happy, in the siraat the angels will give u light u will feel happy!till u enter paradise, they will show u the rank, u will feel happy!Any type of chances to obey Allah ,grab it as this is spl mercy from Allah,the happiness is permanent you will receive the sweetness of ur Ibadaah after death,in ur grave,in doj,in meezan,in sirrat,because of this spl mercy.
Obedience in any type of worship gives more happiness,in Attaa Allah,this is real Rahmaah,great reward on DOJ.
Allahs taufeeq, Allah guides me to do the good deeds.Allah makes it easy to obey Attaa.
We need spl mercy from Allah swt, as this will benefit in dunya and aakhirah.sometimes we see ppl who have not yet been guided,maybe there ignorance or environment,but as soon as such a person is showered When Allah guides u towards good deeds this is spl mercy,when Allah swt showers with spl mercy on someone,that persons life changes upside down.don't we all want this special mercy,when Allah guides you to do,Taufeeq At Taa ,Allah guides us towards this special mercy!for egs sometimes you move from one country to another then they become close to religion,according to their situation.for egs,there are two ppl,one lives close to the masjid and the other stays far from masjid,both are blessed with mercy as one goes to masjid wout any effort as it is so close while the other one has strong eman and drives far for the masjid.Always ask for this spl mercy!this is s spl care and spl mercy and never judge any person.always seek spl mercy fromAllah swt.We must seek this spl mercy from Allah swt,also pray for ur children to have spl mercy,Attaaa .these are actions of heart,seek this fromAr RahmannAr Raheem this is only for the believer!
may Allah swt gather us always in good!
After doing ibadat ,your worship to Allah, we should not feel proud about it rather we should be humbled to Allah swt ,the ghani ,most rich, and pray that Allah accepts our ibadat which is pure .we should always ask Allah to give us Husn ibadatiq,we should worship the Almighty,our Creator as HE deserves.our Creator is Maliq us Samaawaat wa Ardh,everything in heaven and earth belongs to Him.So we must worship him as HE deseves, so now the question arises how should we worship him as it suits your majesty, by knowing our Creator then our worship becomes better and better.we must learn about Allah by His beautiful names and attributes!the wisdom behind our creation is to worship Allah alone!
Evidence sura ad dhaariyat
Allah created man and Jin except to worship Allah swt, the best type of worship.
This is the reason we are learning about Allah,names of Allah swt,this will put urheart at rest.This is the reason the scholars say that in the life u will find your heart at rest by knowing Allah swt., happiness and comfort in life only by the knowledge of Allah.we see around us that ppl in the life know about everything except do not have knowledge about Allah swt!everyone claims that they know Allah swt but this is not true, if they have knowledge of Allah they will be able to deal with things in dunya in better way.
Knowledge which changes human being to become better beings.we need to know Allah swt and love Allah swt!
Earlier we have done series of names like Allah, Ar Rabb,al Hayy Al Qayumm,Today we will learn about a new name of Allah swt,two names together,these two names which have the same attribute.Ar Rahman Ar Rahim.the attribute ofRahman Ar Raheem is Rahmaah,mercy but we will study the slight difference later towards the end.Also remeber every name of Allah has an attribute,the attribute here is mercy,Rahmaah!
How many times has this name been mentioned in the Quran?
In the Quran,Ar Rahman has been mentioned 57 times and Ar Raheem exactly double 114 the quran Allah has mentioned in the beginning these two names,Bismillah Hir Rahman nit Raheem, also in Surah Fatiha Allah mentions in the beginning with Ar Rahman Ar Rahim!Allah has mentioned in fatihah Al kitaab, beginning of the Quran, starting with Bismillah hir Rahmaan Ar Rahim..
All praises and thanks to Rabil Alameen, reciting this minimum 17 times in a day in your prayers.alhamdulilahi Rabil Alameen...remember Rabb is such an important name, Rab means the Owner, the obeyed Master,the one who nurtures His creations,takes care of His creations.Allah is Rabb il Alameen of all the creations,world of jinn, ins all creations.Allah takes care of Hiscreations with mercy..alhamdulilahi Rabil Alameen Ar Rahman ar Allah swt takes care of His creations out of His Rububiyah, out of His mercy!
How a mother takes care of her children with mercy,mother is called Rabat manzil,sometimes when u nurture ur children sometimes she deals wz a little stiffness ,sometimes wz love depending on the children.
Thank Allah with all praises for nurturing us with mercy and care.human beings always need Rahmaah,we love when someone shows compassion, love, mercy towards us.for egs we expect our husband,sister,daughter friends,parents to show compassion and mercy towards us,sometimes if u don't get this u feel disappointed and sad,this is the need of human being.when we are young we expect this mercy and compassion from mother, if not from mother we expect from father, if not then from their teachers,kids get attached to teacher.when such a person grows up he/she look for this mercy from a friend ,worst situation if they fall into bad company but if it is a good friend then good,Noor ala Noor but if a bad company of friends then it's difficult! Then even if we receive compassion from a friend then we get tired and look for compassion from another friend,we are never satisfied as weare looking for compassion from human beings, the one who owns the mercy is not human being,x,y,z we must go to the source of Mercy! This mercy should be from someone who is endless!this will give u security!
Human beings need mercy from the source the Creator.we must really feel this name of Allah and feel that this mercy should be forever,endless.unlike looking for mercy from human beings, who will be absent ,not around never permanent!
We want mercy from our Lord who provides mercy forever,this gives us security and peace.Hence we need to know about Allah swt ArRahman Ar Raheem.
Like in a wall, sometimes some bricks are missing ,similarly human beings heart also has gaps but with every name of Allah such gaps get filled!
This name will affect our heart and bring tranquility.Allah says in Quran that by remembering Allahs names hearts gaps get filled.whatever emotions as human beings feel like depression, by remembering Allahs names these gaps are filled!this is the reason Allah sent us the book, in the remembrance of Allah swt the gapsarefilled.
for egs when you meet a kind human being you recognize mercy but now we need to know the mercy of Allah swt.
Rahmatillah of our creator :Allah is Ar Rahman Ar Rahim .
Whenever we learn about Any attribute of Allah swt we must say thatbno one Resembles Allahs always tell urself:laysaa hi ki mithalai shai..No one resembles Allahs Raheem!Allahs Rahmaah is the maximum.Sometimes if we are shown mercy by human beings we get so attached,and love such a person so much, but remember we should not get attached to anyone but only to Allah swt.when we know Allah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem ,we should see Allahs Rahmaa behind the means,imagine if so ands is merciful towards me then how will be the mercy of Allah .in my heart I do not attach myself to anyone except Allah swt.
We should know Allahs mercy behind the means,how much I feel happy when I see human beings mercy.
We need to know Allahs mercy ,how will I know Allahs mercy,No one can tell us that about Allahs mercy except if Allah tells us or informs us thru our prophet saws.we need to get the information .if we do not know the mercy of Allah we become slaves and expect mercy from human beings,for egs ppl wait for mercy from their loved ones,they get into a trap, they associate their emotions of happiness and sadness to one person, if that person shows love they feel elevated if not they get depressed!Subhanallah.
Allah swt tells us about mercy so that we know His mercy!
Surah Ghaafir Aya 7: to seek Allahs mercy you don't need to travel anywhere ,just hearts movements are enough.whereas if u want mercy for human beingsyou have totravel,go to them etc .But with Allah,no effort required, the slightest movemment in heart towards the creator and Allah will respond to you.this statement in the quran is said from hamtul arsh, the ones who carry Allahs throne.these angels are the closest to Allah and they make this duaa,The angels who are carrying Allahs throne,they describe Allah swt,Rabbana,our Lord You comprehend All things in mercy & knowledge.Allah encompasses everything in mercy and knowledge,nothing is hidden from Allah swt,mercy of Allah reaches everywhere.for human beings one person is merciful towards one person,however with our Lord,the one who owns the real mercy, haqeeqi, it spreads to all the creations.
Sometimes as mother we imagine that we have the haqeeqi mercy ,and we tend to spoil our children as our knowledge is limited and less experience.But Allahs is the best example as hHis mercy is real mercy and He is the source of all mercy on earth.whatever mercy you see around you from your husband,friends,then yes it's good JazakaLllah khair but u should think who gave her this mercy,it is from Allah swt.for egs sometimes u see an injured bird to fly,then ur heart cries ,imagine that this mercy in urheart is from Allah swt.He put it in ur heart ,so if u see someone showing u mercy,u appreciate and thank the person but also realize and love Allah swt as He is the source of all mercy!Alhamdulilah,always think n thank Allah swt.the mercy you receive from human beings is actually the mercy from Allah swt.therefore our hearts shpiuld turn to Allah swt
Allah has 100 parts of mercy and only one part of His mercy he has descended to His creations in the world.
Imagine all the mercy from the beginning of Adam till the day of judgement if u combined it all,then it is one part of mercy out of the 100 parts of mercy of Allah!we need to have hope from Allah to grant u the mercy,Allah is the source!
The one u turn toward human beings like husband etc to give u mercy the more will be denied as they are not the source so attach Urself to Allah swt The source of all mercy.
Nowadays the depression around us has increased,why ,human beings need mercy,wout which they are depressed.We must take the mercy from the Source to feel secure,don't seek mercy from human beings like urself.Allah wants to teach us to get mercy from the Rab! seek mercy from Allah ,then Allah will bring the means to u wout any effort.Allahs mercy is real mercy and He is the source of all mercy.this attribute is attached to Allah which means that He is the most merciful all the time!This attribute is not like Allahs anger,ghadabAllah, this is opposite of Allahs rahmah.We do not find any name with Allahs anger ,it is just an attribute,this means Allahs Rahmaah,mercy overcomes Allahs anger!
In Surah Fatiha you say Alhamdulilah hir Rabil ...Ar Raheem,,we should feel blessed and thank Allah always as His anger overcome by His mercy!
SurahAnaam: verse 12
Allah said whatever in heaven And earth all belongs to Allah,and Allah has prescribed Himself to be mercy !
In another Hadith Allahsays His mercy precedes His anger!His mercy comes before His anger.
What is written in Arsha Allah , Rahmati sabaqat Ghadhaby, which means the mercy of Allah precedes His anger!human beings should feel like that, we should not tell children that there is naar,then this child will always have fear,this is a major problem as such children are despairing from Allahs mercy,Allahs we see ppl committing suicide,May Allah protect the ummah from such sins, but ppl who commit such a sin are despairing fromAllahs mercy!what makes this human being kill himself, losing hope,helplessness,all negative emotions,will be in hell.depression, although today's life is much easier than before human beings need mercy ,we need to get this mercy from the source, the source which is permanent ,this will give u security.
Allah swt is always merciful and His anger is a restricted attribute ,not always,depend o. The situation!when we learn about all the mercy of Allah from Quran and Hadith,give us so much security.scholars say that Allah is most merciful ,even more than the most beloved person in my life!He is the most merciful than my parents ,than my husband, than my children even than myself.sometimes ppl torture themselves by not giving the body rest or not eating etc but Imagine Allah swt is most merciful ypto urban u r to urself.Subhanallah.
When you collect all the mercies on the earth ,Allahs mercy is greater than that.Hadith from nabi salaloho alai hi wassalam and abu huraira,who said that once a man came to the prophet saws with a little boy.the man was hugging the boy,kissing his son.prophet saws asked are u merciful to ur boy? The man said of course I am,he is my child .Prophet saws said that how much u r being merciful. To ur son,but Allah swt is much more merciful than what u r to ur child.
Another time another Araabi saw prophet saws kissing and hugging his grandsons,so he said proudly I have ten children but I have never kissed even one of them,prophet saws said to him that the Rahmaah has been taken away from Ur heart!of course we should be merciful toward s our children.Allah is more merciful than u .it is natural to be merciful towards children
Ghazwat ,in one ofthe battles in which prophet saws fought,Omar RA said that there came one of teh prisoners who was a lady and had lost her new born baby,then when she found him,she started breastfeeding him ,filled with love and mercy for her baby,not caring unintentionally nursed the baby that she was in front of ppl..Prophet saw said to the Sahabah ,do u think that this woman will throw this baby in hell fire.the Sahabah replied of course not,she loves the baby so much, though she is able to do it!.so prophet saws said thatAllah is more merciful than this woman is on the baby!imagine the love and mercy of Allah, Allah loves all His creations.
Allah loves all His creation as Allah created them,though some group do not deserve it,Allah is providing them provisions,mercy.
Allahs two types of mercy Rahmaah Al Aamaa ( general mercy)
2.Ar Rahmaa alKhaasah
General mercy:
Who are enouying this general mercy: all ,Believer,disbeleiver,Sinner,pious,good,bad ,smaller bigger,jinn,animals.Allah provides general mercy to all creations,related to worldly living.Ar Rahmaan explains the general mercy of Allah.Allah explains this in suraah Rahmaan, everyone is enjoying this mercy whether believer or not, this concerns the worldlylife.had it not been for this generAl mercy we would not be able to live in life.
provisions,food drinks,how to lead a life in dunyaa this comes from general mercy.
The position of Earth near the sun is third in the solar system.The distance is absolutely accurate from the sun,had it been a little closer all the living beings would have burnt and had it been a little farther,we would have frozen to death.Out of Allahs mercy ,our creator put us in the right planet,the earth.Allah made it suitable for everyone to live.even the fish living in different types of oceans ,whatever Allah has created Allah has placed the. In the suitable places, even those living in mountains or in valleys, or birds, Allah has created them and taken charge of them with it believers or non believers.
Another example ,the percentage of Oxygen in the air is 21% ,had it been a little more everything would have caught fire.We should ponder on these signs to increase our faith in Allah.This is mercy for entire mankind!
If all the sea ocean around us would have been sweet instead of salty,the earth would have decayed.Since it is salty it preserves the they discovered that theSAMAAad dunya, lowest heaven ,Allah said that this is ceiling ,guarding us, now they have have discovered that the Sanaa is guarding us from outside human.
Ex of human beings after example of universe.Every organ limb in your body demonstrates Allahs mercy.This is Rahmatillah,how we eat same time we breathe,digestive system :food,chew,digest,a big internal factory automatically functioning.who made it perfect? Allah swt ,every limb on our body is a proof!
Animals are merciful towards each other,rabbits remove the fur from stomach,when they are expecting baby and make it a baby cot before the birth of their baby.who put this thought in them ,Subhallah Allah put this instinct in them.some other animals will remove all the fur for the birth of the baby !this should increase ur faith in Allah !
Female penguins after laying eggs,she takes a vacation then the male penguin will stand for 6months protecting the egg,mercy in their heart is from Allah swt.Subhanallah,
Who put it in their heart such mercy, it is from Allah swt.
Aya 73 Surah Qasas: Allah says about His mercy,of day and night,gradually day comes and night leaves.this is a blessing ,mercy from Allah ,for all His creations.
Allah made night to be dark,this relaxes the body and day light which gives u energy toseek ur provision.this is out of blessing gradul transition of day n night.
Sura Rumaya50
Wind brings rain,Hadeeth from Prophet saw.The wind,Reeh, will bring mercy from Allah and it will also get torment from Allahpbuh said .Do not curse the wind and pray to Allah to bring all the good from the wind Reeh.Allahuma inni aslaluka min khairihaa..
Always make duaa that all thegood comes. From the wind!this is Rahmaa for all creations this gives us more peace and relaxation.
Surah Furqaan,Aya 26: even on doj Allah is full of mercy for all His creations,how will Allah recompense all with Rahmaah For good doers Allah giving bountiful rewards and for disbelievers,Allah will deal with justice.
On the DOJ , the kingdom belongs to Allah swt, the most merciful,even when Allah judges all the creations,HE will ne most merciful!for all creations he will be most will Allah recompense a believer,any good deed done by a good doer ,he will be given hasanaat in bounties,rewarded in multiplies from ten to 700 hasanat.while for any sin committed he will be given a punishment equal to the sin not more.Allah will reward good doers with Fadhal ,bounties and for a sinner,he will deal with him with justice Adal! The disbelievers before entering hellfire their hearts will be praising Allah,they will confess that Allah has dealt with justice .remember the Hadith that Allah kept 99 parts of mercy in DOJ ,He have only one part in dunya, our knowledge is limited today we cannot imagine,only in DOJ we will see that Allah is Ar Rahman Ar Raheem!When do we human beings need the mercy more,it is on Allah has saved the 99 parts for aakhirah.huwaa ArRahmaan ArRaheem.the best naeem on DOJ is to see Allah and the worst punishment is not to see Allah on DOJ.
The purpose of learning about Allahs beautiful names and attributes we should long to see Allah swt on reward Namat,the delight is to see Allah swt and the worst punishment for disbelievers is not to see Allah this is regarding the general rahma for life and hereafter!this is how Allah deals with human,
In a hadith prophet saws said that if the life in dunya ( pleasures of dunya) will be equal to a mosquito wing,meaning that the duniya is very low,still Allah is providing His blessings to disbeliever, all creations ,imagine how would Allah deal with The believers!
How will Allah swt deal with the believers,how will Allahs special mercy be?Allahs special mercy is only for the believers.,the special ppl.
Ar Rahmaaahtillah Khaasah
Rahmatillah Aamah is for all the creations and it us for the body,food drink etc, but Rahmatillah Khaasah is only for believers!
Only for believers ,special mercy,Rahmaah Deeniya,eemaniya,duniyaviyaah and ukhrawiyah a,complete mercy.( mercy on faith,religion,in dunya and in aakhiraah).Allahs Rahmaah al Khaasah is regarding the faith, religion ,even dunya, related to their body and for aakhiirah!)
How Allah will provide spl mercy?
1. Allah swt will guide the believer to worship Allah swt and Allah will guide to all good. For ex Allah will make it easy to His obedience,to His ibadat.Allah will make it easy to do good deeds,wearing hijaab,doing dawah,if you find doing this easy then this is Rahmaah Khaasah from Allah swt.this is spl mercy as this will benefit u in life and hereafter.any ataaa' at,obedience to Allah will benefit u in life n hereafter!we must recognize this mercy appreciate and be thankful to Allah swt.whenever u r praying you think that you have been doing it out of your will,but you should realize that this is out of Allahs spl mercy,then u feel blessed !Allah chose me and gave me this spl blessing,this benefits u in lfe n hereafter.
For egs, whatever Allah ordained us to do good deeds for surely will benefit me in life n hereafter!for egs some ppl who are stressed, when they go to doctor, they say they have Pressure, they will be advised for massage,or yoga or swimming!these are the solutions provided by ppl, imagine what our prophet saws did if he went thru any stress, war,etc he said about the salaat,that it would relax you,though your main reason to pray is obedience to allah but this will benefit.
Foregs sadaqaah,when u r kind then you will be very happy ,also u willbe happier when u r giving a gift rather than receiving a when u do any ibadat ,any dhikar will feel more happy!When u r teaching you feel more happy than she is learning as u r benefitting others.all the ibadat you do,dhikar,daawah,fasting,attending daras,you will feel happy,happiest when u r in obedience to Allah swt. While the others will feel that miskeen ,always praying but they do not realize ur happiness.some ppl look for happiness in worldly party and after it's over they feel sad,temporary happiness.someone who shops a lot ,is happy but later gets depressed as all money gets over!
This is the reason Allah commands us to pray,the obligations, Allah is our creator He knows what is best for us,what will make us happy.Whenever Allah guides you towards goodness,remember this is a spl type of mercy,this is a permanent benefit in dunya n aakhirah!the great reward will be on DOJ,this is where u will feel the sweetness of ibadat!In theDoj, when ur deeds are wweighed in meezan, u will feel happy, in the siraat the angels will give u light u will feel happy!till u enter paradise, they will show u the rank, u will feel happy!Any type of chances to obey Allah ,grab it as this is spl mercy from Allah,the happiness is permanent you will receive the sweetness of ur Ibadaah after death,in ur grave,in doj,in meezan,in sirrat,because of this spl mercy.
Obedience in any type of worship gives more happiness,in Attaa Allah,this is real Rahmaah,great reward on DOJ.
Allahs taufeeq, Allah guides me to do the good deeds.Allah makes it easy to obey Attaa.
We need spl mercy from Allah swt, as this will benefit in dunya and aakhirah.sometimes we see ppl who have not yet been guided,maybe there ignorance or environment,but as soon as such a person is showered When Allah guides u towards good deeds this is spl mercy,when Allah swt showers with spl mercy on someone,that persons life changes upside down.don't we all want this special mercy,when Allah guides you to do,Taufeeq At Taa ,Allah guides us towards this special mercy!for egs sometimes you move from one country to another then they become close to religion,according to their situation.for egs,there are two ppl,one lives close to the masjid and the other stays far from masjid,both are blessed with mercy as one goes to masjid wout any effort as it is so close while the other one has strong eman and drives far for the masjid.Always ask for this spl mercy!this is s spl care and spl mercy and never judge any person.always seek spl mercy fromAllah swt.We must seek this spl mercy from Allah swt,also pray for ur children to have spl mercy,Attaaa .these are actions of heart,seek this fromAr RahmannAr Raheem this is only for the believer!
may Allah swt gather us always in good!
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