Worship of the Heart 25 th August 2011 Month of Ramadan is so blessed that we can Alhamdulilah are able to stay up in the night,this is a barakah for all creations.This is an invitation to everyone to all creations to grab this opportunity to repent,ask forgiveness and get themselves removed from he'll fire..every Ibadah u do never feel that u did enough,do not calculate with Allah swt, it should be endless,u should feel more humble. ( رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيْعُ الْعَلِيمُ Rabbana Taqaball minna innaka Antas Sami ul Aleem. (2:127). We are all fuqqarra,Allah is the most rich, so we are giving the Ibadah to most rich who does not need anything from us, May Allah grant us ikhlaas. Worship of the heart is more important than the worship of the limbs!ibaadaat Al qulub ,worship of theheart being studied this year are not obligatory acts of worship,but these are of higher degree,they elevate your ranks,they are much loved by Allah swt. After studying Ridhaaa, Shukar and TAFAKKUR ,and the one that we will be studiying today is the best as we will be closer to Allah.such a person who has this Ibadah,will be in peace in dunya and they will be the first ones to enter paradise without reckoning , wout being questioned. IBADAT AL TAWAKKUL the first ones to enter paradise are the ones who have tawakkul ,also they will be part of the 70,000 ppl who will enter paradise wout reckoning. Such ppl will not have any types of punishment, no crossing the siraat, no questioning,first ones to enter paradise.prophet saws said their face will be like shams on DOJ.their levels will be highly elevated. Make dua: Ya Rabbi helP me to be among them. At Tawakkul is half of deen said Ibn Qayyim AdDeen Islaam : two parts 1.at Tawakkul: rely on Allah swt, seek Allahs Help.this comes only from TAFAKKUR . 2.al Inaabaa: means Ibadaah which is continuously,going back always to worship,after eating you think of Allah ,after every deed,you will worship Allah.you cannot have Inaabaa until you have at tawakul. because of the TAFAKKUR the ulemas produce more knowledge based on their pondering,for egs ibn Qayyim got this principle by pondering upon theayaat iyaaakaa naabudu wa iyaakaaa nas taeen,istiannaa,seeking help in everything ,you need to return always to Allah swt.Also ibn Qayyim said that if everyone of us has tawakkul in Allah,that is have reliance in Allah always,for egs If Allah commands us to remove the mountains and if we have tawakkul in Allah, Allah will make it happen. Linguistically the meaning in language :Tawakkul means to delegate someone to do the job as I cannot do it. But tawaakkul in religion means ? In our life these days we need tawakkul in life,as there are too many responsibilities and more stress, but if we gain knowledge of tawakkul then we will be stress free.this is an action of the heart ,we need to totally rely on Allah swt in all our matters regarding dunya and aakhiraah. We need to have tawakkul to avert any harm affecting you,for egs u r concerned about ur sickness or u r afraid of unseen circumstances.from all matters of duniya and deen.reliance completely on Allah. Second part is taking the means :Everyone of us has different issues,stress is related to heart,rely totally on Allah,if there are jobs to do let ur limbs do,but rest leave it on Allah. So Tawakkul has two parts,rely on Allah and take the means to do the job. Do not deviate, as some ppl become extreme for egs they were going on ling journey abut did not carry provisions, they said of. Allah wants He will feed us, this is wrong! There are two extremes,some ppl take the means and the heart is attached to the means, heart is relying on means for egs some ppl working in office and in the same time their heart is attached to the work,they think that they get provisions due to their job.similarly doctor and medicine these are means,some ppl get their hearts attached to the means to the doctor.some ppl depend only on the medicine or rely only on doctor.this is one extreme.For egs attached to mobiles, sometimes we panic if family member forgets to carry mobile, this is wrong as u r attaching and relying to it.use the technology but do not rely on it,the more we have technology the more we are relying in it! The place of Allah is in the Heart, we should love HIM the most,make istianaa in HIM,fear ,HIM,hope from HIM.whenever Allah said this is good for u ,the more to do any obligatory then it is best for you. Allah feels jealous ( perfect attribute for Allah ) if HE sees love of someone else in the heart of a momeeeneen.( inna Allah yaghar alla qalb al cumin. The other extreme is that they r totally relaxed by not taking the means. Tawakkul Allah is the middle path,seeratul mustaqeem is very tough,we need to take the means and also rely on Allah,this is a big jihad! HOW TO MAKE MY HEART DEPEND ONLY ON ALLAH AND NOT THE MEANS: Why we are depending only on mobile to do it, this is as we have trust in the mobile.the more you have trust in anything then The more u trust the more u depend.for egs some one has a case in court,a lawyer who is more experienced then u have more trust in him then you will rely on him.another example of how to take care of a baby,,, We need to trust Allah,more yaqeen in Allah,the more knowledge about Allah will make you trust more in Allah, rely mor in Allah with yaqeen. Some of Allah s names will help you in tawakkul.for egs in Quran Allah said have tawakkul on the one who is everliving and never dies! Rely on Allah who is Al Hayy, never dies, never is HE absent from you!other names of Allah which will help you increase your tawakkul.Allahs name VAKEEL.you will depend on HIM to do everything,Tawqeel Aam, sponspor Allah to do all ur tasks,HE has knowledge what suits you,HE is VAKEEL,and HE is Al Hayy.HE is ALl seer ,all listener and witnesses everything,w and HE is king of all kings Aya Imraan verse 26: قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُ بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom! Thou givest the kingdom to whomsoever Thou pleasest and takest away the kingdom from whomsoever Thou pleasest, and Thou exaltest whom Thou pleasest and abasest whom Thou pleasest in Thine hand is the good; surety, Thou hast power over all things. If you know this verse you will realize that He is the master of the kingdom,the VAKEEL knows everything,HE is able to do everything,The VAKEEL ,then you rely on everything only on Allah! For egs Ayatal Kursi : Some ppl rely too much on ayatul kursi ,depending as though it will keep u protected but this is wrong,as this is only a means Aya 42 Surah Anbiyaah Who is the one who will protect u besides Allah! It is sun natal Fi qawm, anything that you put ur trust in ppl ,in doctors, in family members, then you will find the person will fail you.where is the proble? Attachment!they should have tawakkul only on Allah.We need to preserve the ppl from failing around us by having tawakkul.Allah will show the failures of such a person as Allah teaches us to rely only on Hiim.the relationship will fail, so everything depends only on Allah For egs a Arabic teacher will fail to teach ur child as u will rely only on Allah. It is easy for ppl to depend on means as they can see them but the pp, of Allah will actually see the source behind the means. Scholar Haatim bin Assam method of his tawakkul: who was fa I attain to the tawakkul by four points: 1) I knew that my provision will not be eaten by anyone except by me, so my heart was at peace. 2)I knew that my job no one can do it ,so I m busy doing it for egs my prayer,my duaa,I know have to perfect it ,no one can do it so 3)death is waiting for me so I do everything prepared my provision to meet Allah swt. 4)I knew that Allah sees me,witnesses me so I feel shy from doing any sin. fruits of Tawakkul 1-enter paradise wout reckoning and punishment 2- Allah is self sufficient for youm( talaq:3) 3-all provisions will come to u: Hadith : if you rely on Allah like the birds then Allah will provide you they way Allah provides the birds. The life of birds animals stress free,they are praising Allah . 4- protects and guards you from the psychological issues,heart will be strong,the more tawakkul will give inner strength.like Ibrahim ale Salam had so much stress,they wanted to thro him in fire,Gabriel came to help but Ibrahim ale Salam said that only Allah is His VAKEEL. Also bibi Haajar was left in the jungle with a baby,but she asked if Allah has commanded you,then Allah will take care of us. We should pray ya rabbi you will take care of us( the more means around us means that we will have less tawakkul,less reliance, more tests) when u see more means then remember that it is a test, check if u r relying on the means or in Allah swt. Ghazwat al bad Ar no means but there was reliance in aAllah. Everything is possible with tawakkul but if you have all the means without tawakkul then u will fail . 5-protect from shaytaan if you rely in Allah swt.( Nahl:99) If you have reliance in Allah then no whispers of shaytan will affect you.when you take Allah as your guardian ,then Allah will fulfill HIS promise. Story narrated by Omar Al khattab: A pregnant wife who was due to deliver but her husband had to leave for business, so he said by putting his hand on the stomach and said that I leave u in Allah's custody.the mother died before delivery,then the husband saw a smoke from the grave,the baby was delivered alive ,a karamaah,miracle.Allah protects if you have tawakkul. Another story: Husband was very poor ,no means to eat,so she made duaa then she saws her ove.n baking bread . May Allah swt make us from the mutawaqaleen. Worship of the Heart 25 th August 2011 Month of Ramadan is so blessed that we can Alhamdulilah are able to stay up in the night,this is a barakah for all creations.This is an invitation to everyone to all creations to grab this opportunity to repent,ask forgiveness and get themselves removed from he'll fire..every Ibadah u do never feel that u did enough,do not calculate with Allah swt, it should be endless,u should feel more humble. ( رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيْعُ الْعَلِيمُ Rabbana Taqaball minna innaka Antas Sami ul Aleem. (2:127). We are all fuqqarra,Allah is the most rich, so we are giving the Ibadah to most rich who does not need anything from us, May Allah grant us ikhlaas. Worship of the heart is more important than the worship of the limbs!ibaadaat Al qulub ,worship of theheart being studied this year are not obligatory acts of worship,but these are of higher degree,they elevate your ranks,they are much loved by Allah swt. After studying Ridhaaa, Shukar and TAFAKKUR ,and the one that we will be studiying today is the best as we will be closer to Allah.such a person who has this Ibadah,will be in peace in dunya and they will be the first ones to enter paradise without reckoning , wout being questioned. IBADAT AL TAWAKKUL the first ones to enter paradise are the ones who have tawakkul ,also they will be part of the 70,000 ppl who will enter paradise wout reckoning. Such ppl will not have any types of punishment, no crossing the siraat, no questioning,first ones to enter paradise.prophet saws said their face will be like shams on DOJ.their levels will be highly elevated. Make dua: Ya Rabbi helP me to be among them. At Tawakkul is half of deen said Ibn Qayyim AdDeen Islaam : two parts 1.at Tawakkul: rely on Allah swt, seek Allahs Help.this comes only from TAFAKKUR . 2.al Inaabaa: means Ibadaah which is continuously,going back always to worship,after eating you think of Allah ,after every deed,you will worship Allah.you cannot have Inaabaa until you have at tawakul. because of the TAFAKKUR the ulemas produce more knowledge based on their pondering,for egs ibn Qayyim got this principle by pondering upon theayaat iyaaakaa naabudu wa iyaakaaa nas taeen,istiannaa,seeking help in everything ,you need to return always to Allah swt.Also ibn Qayyim said that if everyone of us has tawakkul in Allah,that is have reliance in Allah always,for egs If Allah commands us to remove the mountains and if we have tawakkul in Allah, Allah will make it happen. Linguistically the meaning in language :Tawakkul means to delegate someone to do the job as I cannot do it. But tawaakkul in religion means ? In our life these days we need tawakkul in life,as there are too many responsibilities and more stress, but if we gain knowledge of tawakkul then we will be stress free.this is an action of the heart ,we need to totally rely on Allah swt in all our matters regarding dunya and aakhiraah. We need to have tawakkul to avert any harm affecting you,for egs u r concerned about ur sickness or u r afraid of unseen circumstances.from all matters of duniya and deen.reliance completely on Allah. Second part is taking the means :Everyone of us has different issues,stress is related to heart,rely totally on Allah,if there are jobs to do let ur limbs do,but rest leave it on Allah. So Tawakkul has two parts,rely on Allah and take the means to do the job. Do not deviate, as some ppl become extreme for egs they were going on ling journey abut did not carry provisions, they said of. Allah wants He will feed us, this is wrong! There are two extremes,some ppl take the means and the heart is attached to the means, heart is relying on means for egs some ppl working in office and in the same time their heart is attached to the work,they think that they get provisions due to their job.similarly doctor and medicine these are means,some ppl get their hearts attached to the means to the doctor.some ppl depend only on the medicine or rely only on doctor.this is one extreme.For egs attached to mobiles, sometimes we panic if family member forgets to carry mobile, this is wrong as u r attaching and relying to it.use the technology but do not rely on it,the more we have technology the more we are relying in it! The place of Allah is in the Heart, we should love HIM the most,make istianaa in HIM,fear ,HIM,hope from HIM.whenever Allah said this is good for u ,the more to do any obligatory then it is best for you. Allah feels jealous ( perfect attribute for Allah ) if HE sees love of someone else in the heart of a momeeeneen.( inna Allah yaghar alla qalb al cumin. The other extreme is that they r totally relaxed by not taking the means. Tawakkul Allah is the middle path,seeratul mustaqeem is very tough,we need to take the means and also rely on Allah,this is a big jihad! HOW TO MAKE MY HEART DEPEND ONLY ON ALLAH AND NOT THE MEANS: Why we are depending only on mobile to do it, this is as we have trust in the mobile.the more you have trust in anything then The more u trust the more u depend.for egs some one has a case in court,a lawyer who is more experienced then u have more trust in him then you will rely on him.another example of how to take care of a baby,,, We need to trust Allah,more yaqeen in Allah,the more knowledge about Allah will make you trust more in Allah, rely mor in Allah with yaqeen. Some of Allah s names will help you in tawakkul.for egs in Quran Allah said have tawakkul on the one who is everliving and never dies! Rely on Allah who is Al Hayy, never dies, never is HE absent from you!other names of Allah which will help you increase your tawakkul.Allahs name VAKEEL.you will depend on HIM to do everything,Tawqeel Aam, sponspor Allah to do all ur tasks,HE has knowledge what suits you,HE is VAKEEL,and HE is Al Hayy.HE is ALl seer ,all listener and witnesses everything,w and HE is king of all kings Aya Imraan verse 26: قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُ بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom! Thou givest the kingdom to whomsoever Thou pleasest and takest away the kingdom from whomsoever Thou pleasest, and Thou exaltest whom Thou pleasest and abasest whom Thou pleasest in Thine hand is the good; surety, Thou hast power over all things. If you know this verse you will realize that He is the master of the kingdom,the VAKEEL knows everything,HE is able to do everything,The VAKEEL ,then you rely on everything only on Allah! For egs Ayatal Kursi : Some ppl rely too much on ayatul kursi ,depending as though it will keep u protected but this is wrong,as this is only a means Aya 42 Surah Anbiyaah Who is the one who will protect u besides Allah! It is sun natal Fi qawm, anything that you put ur trust in ppl ,in doctors, in family members, then you will find the person will fail you.where is the proble? Attachment!they should have tawakkul only on Allah.We need to preserve the ppl from failing around us by having tawakkul.Allah will show the failures of such a person as Allah teaches us to rely only on Hiim.the relationship will fail, so everything depends only on Allah For egs a Arabic teacher will fail to teach ur child as u will rely only on Allah. It is easy for ppl to depend on means as they can see them but the pp, of Allah will actually see the source behind the means. Scholar Haatim bin Assam method of his tawakkul: who was fa I attain to the tawakkul by four points: 1) I knew that my provision will not be eaten by anyone except by me, so my heart was at peace. 2)I knew that my job no one can do it ,so I m busy doing it for egs my prayer,my duaa,I know have to perfect it ,no one can do it so 3)death is waiting for me so I do everything prepared my provision to meet Allah swt. 4)I knew that Allah sees me,witnesses me so I feel shy from doing any sin. fruits of Tawakkul 1-enter paradise wout reckoning and punishment 2- Allah is self sufficient for youm( talaq:3) 3-all provisions will come to u: Hadith : if you rely on Allah like the birds then Allah will provide you they way Allah provides the birds. The life of birds animals stress free,they are praising Allah . 4- protects and guards you from the psychological issues,heart will be strong,the more tawakkul will give inner strength.like Ibrahim ale Salam had so much stress,they wanted to thro him in fire,Gabriel came to help but Ibrahim ale Salam said that only Allah is His VAKEEL. Also bibi Haajar was left in the jungle with a baby,but she asked if Allah has commanded you,then Allah will take care of us. We should pray ya rabbi you will take care of us( the more means around us means that we will have less tawakkul,less reliance, more tests) when u see more means then remember that it is a test, check if u r relying on the means or in Allah swt. Ghazwat al bad Ar no means but there was reliance in aAllah. Everything is possible with tawakkul but if you have all the means without tawakkul then u will fail . 5-protect from shaytaan if you rely in Allah swt.( Nahl:99) If you have reliance in Allah then no whispers of shaytan will affect you.when you take Allah as your guardian ,then Allah will fulfill HIS promise. Story narrated by Omar Al khattab: A pregnant wife who was due to deliver but her husband had to leave for business, so he said by putting his hand on the stomach and said that I leave u in Allah's custody.the mother died before delivery,then the husband saw a smoke from the grave,the baby was delivered alive ,a karamaah,miracle.Allah protects if you have tawakkul. Another story: Husband was very poor ,no means to eat,so she made duaa then she saws her ove.n baking bread . May Allah swt make us from the mutawaqaleen.
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