Udhiyaaa the sacrifice of animal أضحيته
Today we will discuss about the various misconceptions associated with udhiya.this topic is important as We will do the sacrifice very soon in Dhil Hajjah.So first let's find out how prophet salal Laho alaihi wasalam did udhiyaa in his time...
Prophet ( saws ) slaughtered two ram ,one for himself which included his entire family members and the other one for all his ummah, ummat al muslimeen!
Thus it is clear that only the earning member / head of the family needs to slaughter the animal and this will suffice and include his entire family members,his wife, his children ,his parents ,his unborn child(if wife is pregnant).
Can we slaughter an animal with the name of prophet salal Laho alaihi wasalam or can we slaughter an animal with the name of all the prophets,
answer :
NO!! we should not slaughter animal in any prophets names as this is an innovation in the religion.It is bidaaa to do for prophet saws or any prophets.this is a trick from shaytan ,he whispers into ppl's ears that you should love your nabi ,praise him and out of respect you must sacrifice an animal in Rasul salalaho alaihi was salams name.this is wrong,Allah swt has praised our nabi and informed us to read the darud to praise him,this is is bidaaa.
A person needs to sacrifice but he has debts, can he still sacrifice an animal.
Someone needs to sacrifice then he needs to do it even if he has debts.
Important points :
It is highly recommended sunnah,the father of the house takes charge of one sheep, this is enough For all the family.
If you have lot of money, this does not mean that you will slaughter many animals,this is wrong and becomes riaa,show off.
Some ppl very casually give money during Dhil Haj time as sadaqaaa for sacrifice this is wrong but if you give money specifically to do udhiyaa , sacrifice ,even in your home country ( where there is facility and it will benefit poor family)!then this is fine.But do not say that the animal should be sacrificed in the name of first nabi saws,then the person who is spending,then naming other members in family,this is not required ,islam is a easy religion,just the name of the person spending on animal is enough,as it includes his entire household members!
If we have the intention of sacrificing the animal, when should we stop cutting nails ,hair & until when and also is there any kaffarah if we don't do this.
If you have the intention to sacrifice the animal, then the person who is spending the money needs to make the intention on the first of Dhil hajj and not cut his hair or cut his nails until the animal has been sacrificed.This is from the sunnah of our prophet saws.this person is free to cut nails/ hair after the animal has-been sacrificed.Also none of his family members need to follow this,it is only for the man of the house who is financing the udhiyaa ( sacrifice).There is No kaffarrah if you cut your hair or cut your nails but the person should repent.
What if the person forgets the above sunnah or remembers after 2nd 3rd Dhil Haj that he will sacrifice an animal.
this is fine InshaaAllah as islam is a religion of moderation, such a person can start following the sunnah when he remembers and Allah knows best!
Which are the days for sacrificing the animal?
Answer :
It is the Day of Id which is ten Dhil Hajjah, followed by any of the three days of eid which is then 11,12 and 13 th date of Dhil Hajjah when sacrifice can be done.
When is the best time for slaughter of animal.
It Should be only after salatal eid,they say the best time is immediately after the khutbah of eid.and the best place is at home,but if there is restrictions then do it where it is allowed.
Can we sacrifice for someone who has passed away?
Answer: The scholars said that if such a dead person has made a will ,wasiyaa then you need to do it,but when you do it it is for everybody in family.
Some scholars said that u can do it as sadaqaaa for the dead that is fine.
So sacrifice is for everybody,it is included,one sheep for everyone in the household.
One cow will be for seven families not for seven ppl.maashaaAllah.
Important points:
The animal should be healthy, no injury,the more expensive it us better as you are spending in Allahs cause,the age also matters of the animal,one year for a ram,two years for cow and five years for a camel!
The best slaughter done is in the country / place where you are living.unlike the previous generations,umm at muslimeen are allowed to eat from the sacrificed has to be divided it into three parts,one third as hadiyaaa,gift for relatives and friends ,one third for poor,and the rest for family.
It is haraam to sell the meat or is not allowed to give the butcher the meat as the payment, we must give him money and out of consideration we give him meat ,this is fine as it is a bonus reward!
It is recommended that you need to be a witness at the time of slaughter and recommended to even slaughter /do it for urself.
You can give the skin as sadaqqaaa,red crescent etc but you cannot sell it to earn profits.
You can give meat to non Muslim inclined towards islam,but should not share it with ppl who are not from amongst you.
Not allowed to sharpen the knife in front of the animal,not to slaughter the animals in front of another animal,should be done very caringly and with compassion.
Not allowed to hurt them before death,no torture of the animal is allowed.
Have rahmah towards the animal and treat with utmost mercy to be rewarded with the mercy from Allah swt!
Udhiyaaa the sacrifice of animal أضحيته
Today we will discuss about the various misconceptions associated with udhiya.this topic is important as We will do the sacrifice very soon in Dhil Hajjah.So first let's find out how prophet salal Laho alaihi wasalam did udhiyaa in his time...
Prophet ( saws ) slaughtered two ram ,one for himself which included his entire family members and the other one for all his ummah, ummat al muslimeen!
Thus it is clear that only the earning member / head of the family needs to slaughter the animal and this will suffice and include his entire family members,his wife, his children ,his parents ,his unborn child(if wife is pregnant).
Can we slaughter an animal with the name of prophet salal Laho alaihi wasalam or can we slaughter an animal with the name of all the prophets,
answer :
NO!! we should not slaughter animal in any prophets names as this is an innovation in the religion.It is bidaaa to do for prophet saws or any prophets.this is a trick from shaytan ,he whispers into ppl's ears that you should love your nabi ,praise him and out of respect you must sacrifice an animal in Rasul salalaho alaihi was salams name.this is wrong,Allah swt has praised our nabi and informed us to read the darud to praise him,this is is bidaaa.
A person needs to sacrifice but he has debts, can he still sacrifice an animal.
Someone needs to sacrifice then he needs to do it even if he has debts.
Important points :
It is highly recommended sunnah,the father of the house takes charge of one sheep, this is enough For all the family.
If you have lot of money, this does not mean that you will slaughter many animals,this is wrong and becomes riaa,show off.
Some ppl very casually give money during Dhil Haj time as sadaqaaa for sacrifice this is wrong but if you give money specifically to do udhiyaa , sacrifice ,even in your home country ( where there is facility and it will benefit poor family)!then this is fine.But do not say that the animal should be sacrificed in the name of first nabi saws,then the person who is spending,then naming other members in family,this is not required ,islam is a easy religion,just the name of the person spending on animal is enough,as it includes his entire household members!
If we have the intention of sacrificing the animal, when should we stop cutting nails ,hair & until when and also is there any kaffarah if we don't do this.
If you have the intention to sacrifice the animal, then the person who is spending the money needs to make the intention on the first of Dhil hajj and not cut his hair or cut his nails until the animal has been sacrificed.This is from the sunnah of our prophet saws.this person is free to cut nails/ hair after the animal has-been sacrificed.Also none of his family members need to follow this,it is only for the man of the house who is financing the udhiyaa ( sacrifice).There is No kaffarrah if you cut your hair or cut your nails but the person should repent.
What if the person forgets the above sunnah or remembers after 2nd 3rd Dhil Haj that he will sacrifice an animal.
this is fine InshaaAllah as islam is a religion of moderation, such a person can start following the sunnah when he remembers and Allah knows best!
Which are the days for sacrificing the animal?
Answer :
It is the Day of Id which is ten Dhil Hajjah, followed by any of the three days of eid which is then 11,12 and 13 th date of Dhil Hajjah when sacrifice can be done.
When is the best time for slaughter of animal.
It Should be only after salatal eid,they say the best time is immediately after the khutbah of eid.and the best place is at home,but if there is restrictions then do it where it is allowed.
Can we sacrifice for someone who has passed away?
Answer: The scholars said that if such a dead person has made a will ,wasiyaa then you need to do it,but when you do it it is for everybody in family.
Some scholars said that u can do it as sadaqaaa for the dead that is fine.
So sacrifice is for everybody,it is included,one sheep for everyone in the household.
One cow will be for seven families not for seven ppl.maashaaAllah.
Important points:
The animal should be healthy, no injury,the more expensive it us better as you are spending in Allahs cause,the age also matters of the animal,one year for a ram,two years for cow and five years for a camel!
The best slaughter done is in the country / place where you are living.unlike the previous generations,umm at muslimeen are allowed to eat from the sacrificed has to be divided it into three parts,one third as hadiyaaa,gift for relatives and friends ,one third for poor,and the rest for family.
It is haraam to sell the meat or is not allowed to give the butcher the meat as the payment, we must give him money and out of consideration we give him meat ,this is fine as it is a bonus reward!
It is recommended that you need to be a witness at the time of slaughter and recommended to even slaughter /do it for urself.
You can give the skin as sadaqqaaa,red crescent etc but you cannot sell it to earn profits.
You can give meat to non Muslim inclined towards islam,but should not share it with ppl who are not from amongst you.
Not allowed to sharpen the knife in front of the animal,not to slaughter the animals in front of another animal,should be done very caringly and with compassion.
Not allowed to hurt them before death,no torture of the animal is allowed.
Have rahmah towards the animal and treat with utmost mercy to be rewarded with the mercy from Allah swt!
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