An Accepted Haj , Haj Mabroor : 15th October 2011
If u honor one of Allah's symbol, for egs Haj, this is out of the piety of the heart,every Muslim an d muslimah should feel happy about Haj whether he or she is going or not,.the one who magnifies Allah's symbol,this is from the taqwaa al quloob.this is one of the worship.
Haj Surah 32
ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ
That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts.
We need to remember every ibadah Allah wants our heart that is the main thing needed from any pillar of islam, Allah does not want u to simply get tired physically, Haj is based on Tauheed.All ibadat like prayers ,fasting are all connected with the worshippers heart.Salah or fasting is not to get physically tired but to connect our hearts to our creator.
How to get acceptable Haj,we need to have two conditions:
1) Al ikhlaas : with sincerity,not to show off not to get title of Hajji,not for parties,but only for Allahs sake.when u are doing ihraam where is ur heart,when doing arkaan where is ur heart, always renew your intention with ikhlaas for Allah sake.
2)Al itibaah:
Some ppl try to change the pillars of Haj based on their convenience.we need to follow our prophet saws.Haj e maqbool the accepted Haj has to be based on how our prophet saws did.
Haj has two parts outer which is based on the physical actions and the inner which includes the heart.
Why are we doing the Haj : what is the motivation:BASED ON ur intentions u will do ur Haj and will be rewarded accordingly.this is the reason we need to have the right knowledge and right intention, to get the maximum rewards,therefore we need to
Prepare our hearts first.
1) I am a slave of Allah, Abdullah.this means that I have the complete freedom and my heart is attached to only one God.I am following Allah's commandments.Allah talks about Haj in this Surah.
Surah imraan aya 97
فِيهِ آيَاتٌ بَيِّنَاتٌ مَّقَامُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمَن دَخَلَهُ كَانَ آمِنًا وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الْعَالَمِينَ
In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) every one who is able to undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds.
When we perform haj then we are fulfilling Allah's commandments,therefore it is a must to perform Haj when you are capable, ur Mahram is with you, you are financially secure and able,physically able to perform Haj,this means that I am following Allah's commandments.if u go for Haj do not think u r doing a favour to Allah,as Allah is the most rich we are poor, we need HIM, HE does not need us.the person who is capable and has all the means yet is not going for Haj is because he feels it's not important. This is not correct,we must have,complete submission to Allah.this is the main reason to go,following Allah's commandments.
We are slaves of Allah, why do we say this? This is proved from Haj, Haj can be performed only in one particular time of the year and we have to follow the arkaan together,this is how Allah shows that we are slaves of Allah.we are slaves of Allah, when Allah says that u sleep here ( for egs in Mina) we sleep, we obey,one place to another , when the King asks us to do something we are of course responding to Him, forget about urself, ur comfort, this is a training to be slave of Allah,in order to feel the closeness of Allah,samiaana wa aatiana...first wisdom why we are doing Haj.
2)) the one who has followed all the rituals of Haj in accordance of sunnah and correctly then pbuh said that such persons sins will be expiated like a new born.hajj mabroor.once u go to Haj it is as if it's a new chapter with Allah.only three occasions when a person comes out like new born:
When he accepts islam
When u do Hijra
And when u perform Haj mabroor.
From hadith we know that Between the two umrahs,the sins will be expiated,and with the acceptable haj,haj mabroor reward is the reward of paradise.after the person completes such a Haj a person will be guided to do only good deeds which will take u to jannah.
Allah will deal with you as shaakir as shakur, He will appreciate ur deeds.Allah will honor you and appreciate ur good deeds from you and reward u.How Allah will reward you according to what you have in your heart.All the ppl who are going for Haj will all get Haj mabroor and all the rewards, the ulemas say it will be based on what is in their heart.
When you go for Haj, you need to hold your heart and prepare ur heart onlythink of the goal, ya rabbi I want only expiation of sins, I want jannah, think about the reward.
Ppl who have not gone for Haj will start wondering that how will I manage it seems difficult,how to earn the rewards,after knowing the rewards,prepare ur heart then we must have reliance in Allah, istiaanaa billah,we are human beings , we have no power, la hawla wall quwatta, to Allah only we rely and ask for his Help.we need to prepare our heart,with sincerity,seek paradise,and have the magical key which is the istiana billah.
1) repentance : repent from all the sins that we have committed before,if before Haj only between you and Allah ,write all ur sins, and repent and correct yourselves.for egs backbiting,abandoning sins,ask ya rabbi for true repentance.
We need to be truthful in Allahs repentance ,because we need the rewards.if Allah has blessed u upon this journey then do not waste it,repent and reform yourselves,if somebody gave u amaanah, then U need to return it to the person.for egs if I had a fight with a friend then ask for forgiveness, remember all ur sins and repent.when planning to go for haj,choose a righteous friend and righteous group,as sometimes if u r heedless then they will remind u , if u are forgetting to do good deeds you will be reminded.the best provision for Haj is righteous group,foregs sometimes you see ppl in group,and talking and encouraging ur deeds,this is good but if there are groups busy in vain talk this is we must first prepare ourselves our heart,before starting the journey.
Now we must imagine that we are in the journey and we will feel all the steps.
Pack your stuff,very simple,not too heavy,different sizes of bags is good as you travel to diff place, preferred to have cotton clothes,take more abayas, shailas,no time for washing/laundry so take care of hygiene take bath it is recommended,if men taking bath with perfume.women's clothes should not be short,not transparent not tight,make dua for children when leaving them behind ( I place you in the protection of Allah). Don't think that my mum or any other person is taking care of my kids ,only Allah.
Haj is like an invitation from the lord almighty the heart is completely submitting to Allah, attached to Allah, Allah is greater than everything Allah hu Akbar.
When at the airport,sometimes it may be delayed, even this time is fisabillilah, don't argue or fight wz ppl, remember i m fulfilling Allahs commands so have sabar, make dua in plane,dua of a traveller is accepted then what about the dua of a person going in hajj!
Increase ur Dua ,read Quran prepare ur heart before the journey.
In plane journey, they announce the miqaat, this is the time we enter the state of ihraam , it is not the clothes,clear this misconception that being in state of ihraam does not mean the clothes it means the state of your heart and that you need to take care of the following:
1)Have niyyah of Haj or umrah.: niyyah has to be in heart and also needs to be pronounced,uttered . for egs if doing Haj tamatu : meaning umrah first then after few days Haj so we must say labayyak umrah .on 8 th dhil hajj say labbayak hajja.
2) not allowed to put perfume, anything with fragrance to be not used,make sure that the soap, cream,shampoo,deodorant,everything fragrance free.
When u r in the state of ihraam u must hold ur heart, we want a pure heart, qalbul Saleem,to get the fruits of Haj.
No tailored clothes for men, no cutting nails, no trimming hair,women mustn't wear gloves or Niqaab, hunting not allowed, no sexual relation, men cannot cover their head,no hat no cap,nothing attached to men's head, but umbrella is allowed.those who are used to Niqaab can have a veil on the face.avoid all the things that is a sin, be very careful should not be disobedient.the Haj is in sacred month,sacred time, place of haramm, sacred place in a state of ihraam ,three sacred things this is great in Allah's sight,may Allah swt protect us.
The most difficult is the tongue, avoid fighting , arguing, between husband and wife,don't indulge in vain talk in sinful talk, as the sin committed will be very great. So we must avoid it.
The state of ihraam is the niyyah,if u reach Makkah, u can change and take bath,ensure soaps fragrance free .we need to be humble to Allah,we have no might or power, in the Haj is submission
3)) at Talbiyyah:
Certain talbiyaah that needs to be recited,
Labbayk Allahuma Labbayk ...
O my lord I. Am at ur service,nobody is a partner with Allah ,this is also like la il aha il aha..I will not perform Haj anywhere except do it in Allahs house.nobody worthy except Allah..all praises only for u..all the blessings for Allah swt..even the kingdom belongs to Allah belongs the heaven and the earth...we need our heart to be humble to Allah,,we need to train Our heart to have inkisaar in Allah.Allah will respond to you,labbaik wa saddayaika..Allah will give u the aid to perform Haj,
Gabreil said to Prophet saws that raise ur voice when saying talbiyah...this is a beautiful action emphasizing the tauheed, a practise to have Allah's remembrance ,tongue will be moist with Allahs remembrance, recite with meaning ( ladies not to raise ur voice ). As much as u can recite ,every stone,every tree, they are hearing and will be a witness for u on Foj ( day of judgement)
Labbaykka: there are different meanings of talbiyah in Arabic, it means to respond after a response,submitting after submission,doing it only for Allahs sake , for the love of Allah, I am drawing close to Allah swt,doing it with sincerity and humility, this helps our heart to strengthen in the journey of Haj.
The ulema was asked how can the heart submit to Allah:
Ulema said that once the heart submits to Allah it will do so till doj.this will remain till doj, continuously u r earning reward, this is the result of talbiyah.
Direction to Makkah:
I am going to the place which Allah magnifies,Makkah is a place where Ibrahim ale salaam and his son built Kaaba.
Allah asked Ibrahim to announce to ppl to come to Allah's house after kaaba was built,Ibrahim said that who will hear me in this Desert ,but Allah said that Allah will make the message reach the worshippers, so today when ppl who go for Haj are actually answering ibrahims call.
The books on Haj were distributed to all those going for Haj this year.
Refer to bookpg 6 : the ghusal with dua
Then enter masjid haram, tawaf is tahtul masjid.
Tawaaf: start by saying bismillah Allahu akbar.then make thetawaaf.every atom is doing tawaaf,every planet is doing tawaaf,my heart should be doing tawaaf to Allah always, this is symbol to always be attached to Allah.remember u are in tawaaaf,in state of tawaaf, always make dhikar, recite ur Quran,don't get distracted by others, some ppl criticizing or talking in mobile ,this is wrong.
Rukan al yemani : only touch the rukan al yamani,it is said that when you touch all the sins will be expiated,fall off.
Hijar Asswad: Omar ra said that u r a stone ,u will not harm me or benefit me but as I had seen the prophet kissing ui m following the sunnah.
Always rely in Alllah ask Allah to make space for you ,Allah will make it for u.
Then Recite rabbana aatina from rukun Yemeni to hijaraswad.
Then after 7 rounds of tawaf, read two Rakaah ,behind makaam Ibrahim, then drink zamzam,then proceed to safa marwa.
Then pg ten safa marwaa:
Surah baqarah aya 158
إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَائِرِ اللَّهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيمٌ
Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them both; and whoever does good spontaneously, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing.
Then say that we begin with what Allah commanded us to do.
Read dua :While standing at safa facing qublah direction:
Laa ilaah illahahu,anjaza wa dahu,wa nasara abduhu ,wa hazamak ahzaaba wahdahu,; say three times and say ur Duas)
This has to be done seven times.
Then u come after ihraam,then cut ur hair, (u can also go to hotel and cut ur hair),how to cut is by collecting all ur hair and cut a little,men to cut during umrah and shave their head after Haj.
Youm at tarwiya : the day of Hajj : 8th of dhil hajj
We should have the niyyah of ihraam.
Labbayk Allahumma hajjan
Then start saying labbayak Allahuma Labbayk,when u reach Mina,then pray salatul dhuhar,now in the state of ihraam,then read asr two Rakaah, then maghrib three Rakaah all in their respective times,,till the next day Fajar in day of 9th Haj, this is a great day,remembering the day of recompense.
Haj is actually a picture of doj,we will be waiting for recompense,after saying salatul Fajar on day of 9th dhil Haj, everyone goes for Arafah
ARAFAH DAY 9th dhil hajj
Hadith jaami ut tirmidhee (3/377)
Prophet saws said : that u cannot find any day except the day of Arafah when Allah freed the ppl from the hell fire.this is a very important day, whatever time to reach, recite ur talbiyah
While u are busy seeking forgiveness from Allah, the shaytann is the mosthumilated on this day as Allah forgives ppl.
On the day of Arafah Allah the almighty will descent on the lowest heaven in a way that suits His majesty, then Allah will btalk about your magnificence in front of the angels,Allah appreciates HIS slaves, Allah says look how they are coming with dusty feet, so you bear witness that I forgive them.Allah appreciates that you have left dunya and come to Allah.Arafah resembles day of recompense,all ppl making Duas in different languages, Allah will responding to them. And answering their ppl should be busy with their Duas, make dua for the one who is witness over you.the best Dua ever is laillahaa il aha wahdahu la shareeka lahul mulk wa lahul hamd...
Pg 15 of the book. Good dua.
But most ppl busy with taking pictures or eating.this is wrong.the great day will end with maghrib, so we should make sure that in our heart we ask Allah for acceptance,think good of Allah that He promised and will forgive,always have good intention as Allah appreciates.this is because immediately shaytan comes to create doubts in ur heart and make u believe that ur Haj has nor been accepted as u did not do well.pray qaser Shortened zuhar and asar jamaaa.
After maghrib ,when sun sets, everyone hastens to Muzdalifaah,sayying labbaykaa always,till u reach soon as u reach must pray maghrib and ishaan, we must stay overnight in Muzdalifaah,this is the waajibaatof Haj.the bidaa is to collect stones from Muzdalifaah,the stones should be collected at the place where u throw at the shaytan, so we do not need to collect stones in Muzdalifah!
After Muzdalifah ,say fajar prayers, then go to Mina, this is the day of eid, tenth day of dhil Haj,after sunrise you will go to the aqabah the big shaytan,size of stone will be size of the chickpeas.remember this is a symbol, u r declaring your enmity with shaytan.say bismillah Allahu Akbar at every throw of the stone!
Then there is sacrifice of the animal.then u can come out of ihraam but partially not totally,sexual intercourse is not allowed.then you will cut ur hair.
Then you will do tawaaf then do saee, this is the time when u are out of state of ihraam,tahaatul Akbar.
When Sahabah asked can we change the sequence ,so prophet saws said that whatever is convenient and depending on ur situation u can change the sequence.
Day of eid, yaum al completed.
Then the second ,third day of Eid in Mina.on second day of eid start throwing stones at all the three shaytaan,after the noon, the dhuhhar time until night time,then do the same on third day of eid as well.
Then do tawaaf al widaa before leaving for ur country.
PILLARS OF HAJ ARKAAN AL HAJJ ( extremely important to fulfil the pillars else ur Haj is not accepted)
STATE OF ihraam
Tawaaf al ifaadah
remember missing any pillar nullifies Haj.
All of this is obligatory otherwise Haj not accepted.
Obligations or waajibaat of Haj ( if u miss any waajibaat , Haj is still accepted)
Ihraam from meeqat
Staying three nights in mina starting 10 th day dhil Haj
Stoning the jamarat
May Allah accept our worship in the Haj and fill our hearts with patience
If u honor one of Allah's symbol, for egs Haj, this is out of the piety of the heart,every Muslim an d muslimah should feel happy about Haj whether he or she is going or not,.the one who magnifies Allah's symbol,this is from the taqwaa al quloob.this is one of the worship.
Haj Surah 32
ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ
That (shall be so); and whoever respects the signs of Allah, this surely is (the outcome) of the piety of hearts.
We need to remember every ibadah Allah wants our heart that is the main thing needed from any pillar of islam, Allah does not want u to simply get tired physically, Haj is based on Tauheed.All ibadat like prayers ,fasting are all connected with the worshippers heart.Salah or fasting is not to get physically tired but to connect our hearts to our creator.
How to get acceptable Haj,we need to have two conditions:
1) Al ikhlaas : with sincerity,not to show off not to get title of Hajji,not for parties,but only for Allahs sake.when u are doing ihraam where is ur heart,when doing arkaan where is ur heart, always renew your intention with ikhlaas for Allah sake.
2)Al itibaah:
Some ppl try to change the pillars of Haj based on their convenience.we need to follow our prophet saws.Haj e maqbool the accepted Haj has to be based on how our prophet saws did.
Haj has two parts outer which is based on the physical actions and the inner which includes the heart.
Why are we doing the Haj : what is the motivation:BASED ON ur intentions u will do ur Haj and will be rewarded accordingly.this is the reason we need to have the right knowledge and right intention, to get the maximum rewards,therefore we need to
Prepare our hearts first.
1) I am a slave of Allah, Abdullah.this means that I have the complete freedom and my heart is attached to only one God.I am following Allah's commandments.Allah talks about Haj in this Surah.
Surah imraan aya 97
فِيهِ آيَاتٌ بَيِّنَاتٌ مَّقَامُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمَن دَخَلَهُ كَانَ آمِنًا وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الْعَالَمِينَ
In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it shall be secure, and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) every one who is able to undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds.
When we perform haj then we are fulfilling Allah's commandments,therefore it is a must to perform Haj when you are capable, ur Mahram is with you, you are financially secure and able,physically able to perform Haj,this means that I am following Allah's commandments.if u go for Haj do not think u r doing a favour to Allah,as Allah is the most rich we are poor, we need HIM, HE does not need us.the person who is capable and has all the means yet is not going for Haj is because he feels it's not important. This is not correct,we must have,complete submission to Allah.this is the main reason to go,following Allah's commandments.
We are slaves of Allah, why do we say this? This is proved from Haj, Haj can be performed only in one particular time of the year and we have to follow the arkaan together,this is how Allah shows that we are slaves of Allah.we are slaves of Allah, when Allah says that u sleep here ( for egs in Mina) we sleep, we obey,one place to another , when the King asks us to do something we are of course responding to Him, forget about urself, ur comfort, this is a training to be slave of Allah,in order to feel the closeness of Allah,samiaana wa aatiana...first wisdom why we are doing Haj.
2)) the one who has followed all the rituals of Haj in accordance of sunnah and correctly then pbuh said that such persons sins will be expiated like a new born.hajj mabroor.once u go to Haj it is as if it's a new chapter with Allah.only three occasions when a person comes out like new born:
When he accepts islam
When u do Hijra
And when u perform Haj mabroor.
From hadith we know that Between the two umrahs,the sins will be expiated,and with the acceptable haj,haj mabroor reward is the reward of paradise.after the person completes such a Haj a person will be guided to do only good deeds which will take u to jannah.
Allah will deal with you as shaakir as shakur, He will appreciate ur deeds.Allah will honor you and appreciate ur good deeds from you and reward u.How Allah will reward you according to what you have in your heart.All the ppl who are going for Haj will all get Haj mabroor and all the rewards, the ulemas say it will be based on what is in their heart.
When you go for Haj, you need to hold your heart and prepare ur heart onlythink of the goal, ya rabbi I want only expiation of sins, I want jannah, think about the reward.
Ppl who have not gone for Haj will start wondering that how will I manage it seems difficult,how to earn the rewards,after knowing the rewards,prepare ur heart then we must have reliance in Allah, istiaanaa billah,we are human beings , we have no power, la hawla wall quwatta, to Allah only we rely and ask for his Help.we need to prepare our heart,with sincerity,seek paradise,and have the magical key which is the istiana billah.
1) repentance : repent from all the sins that we have committed before,if before Haj only between you and Allah ,write all ur sins, and repent and correct yourselves.for egs backbiting,abandoning sins,ask ya rabbi for true repentance.
We need to be truthful in Allahs repentance ,because we need the rewards.if Allah has blessed u upon this journey then do not waste it,repent and reform yourselves,if somebody gave u amaanah, then U need to return it to the person.for egs if I had a fight with a friend then ask for forgiveness, remember all ur sins and repent.when planning to go for haj,choose a righteous friend and righteous group,as sometimes if u r heedless then they will remind u , if u are forgetting to do good deeds you will be reminded.the best provision for Haj is righteous group,foregs sometimes you see ppl in group,and talking and encouraging ur deeds,this is good but if there are groups busy in vain talk this is we must first prepare ourselves our heart,before starting the journey.
Now we must imagine that we are in the journey and we will feel all the steps.
Pack your stuff,very simple,not too heavy,different sizes of bags is good as you travel to diff place, preferred to have cotton clothes,take more abayas, shailas,no time for washing/laundry so take care of hygiene take bath it is recommended,if men taking bath with perfume.women's clothes should not be short,not transparent not tight,make dua for children when leaving them behind ( I place you in the protection of Allah). Don't think that my mum or any other person is taking care of my kids ,only Allah.
Haj is like an invitation from the lord almighty the heart is completely submitting to Allah, attached to Allah, Allah is greater than everything Allah hu Akbar.
When at the airport,sometimes it may be delayed, even this time is fisabillilah, don't argue or fight wz ppl, remember i m fulfilling Allahs commands so have sabar, make dua in plane,dua of a traveller is accepted then what about the dua of a person going in hajj!
Increase ur Dua ,read Quran prepare ur heart before the journey.
In plane journey, they announce the miqaat, this is the time we enter the state of ihraam , it is not the clothes,clear this misconception that being in state of ihraam does not mean the clothes it means the state of your heart and that you need to take care of the following:
1)Have niyyah of Haj or umrah.: niyyah has to be in heart and also needs to be pronounced,uttered . for egs if doing Haj tamatu : meaning umrah first then after few days Haj so we must say labayyak umrah .on 8 th dhil hajj say labbayak hajja.
2) not allowed to put perfume, anything with fragrance to be not used,make sure that the soap, cream,shampoo,deodorant,everything fragrance free.
When u r in the state of ihraam u must hold ur heart, we want a pure heart, qalbul Saleem,to get the fruits of Haj.
No tailored clothes for men, no cutting nails, no trimming hair,women mustn't wear gloves or Niqaab, hunting not allowed, no sexual relation, men cannot cover their head,no hat no cap,nothing attached to men's head, but umbrella is allowed.those who are used to Niqaab can have a veil on the face.avoid all the things that is a sin, be very careful should not be disobedient.the Haj is in sacred month,sacred time, place of haramm, sacred place in a state of ihraam ,three sacred things this is great in Allah's sight,may Allah swt protect us.
The most difficult is the tongue, avoid fighting , arguing, between husband and wife,don't indulge in vain talk in sinful talk, as the sin committed will be very great. So we must avoid it.
The state of ihraam is the niyyah,if u reach Makkah, u can change and take bath,ensure soaps fragrance free .we need to be humble to Allah,we have no might or power, in the Haj is submission
3)) at Talbiyyah:
Certain talbiyaah that needs to be recited,
Labbayk Allahuma Labbayk ...
O my lord I. Am at ur service,nobody is a partner with Allah ,this is also like la il aha il aha..I will not perform Haj anywhere except do it in Allahs house.nobody worthy except Allah..all praises only for u..all the blessings for Allah swt..even the kingdom belongs to Allah belongs the heaven and the earth...we need our heart to be humble to Allah,,we need to train Our heart to have inkisaar in Allah.Allah will respond to you,labbaik wa saddayaika..Allah will give u the aid to perform Haj,
Gabreil said to Prophet saws that raise ur voice when saying talbiyah...this is a beautiful action emphasizing the tauheed, a practise to have Allah's remembrance ,tongue will be moist with Allahs remembrance, recite with meaning ( ladies not to raise ur voice ). As much as u can recite ,every stone,every tree, they are hearing and will be a witness for u on Foj ( day of judgement)
Labbaykka: there are different meanings of talbiyah in Arabic, it means to respond after a response,submitting after submission,doing it only for Allahs sake , for the love of Allah, I am drawing close to Allah swt,doing it with sincerity and humility, this helps our heart to strengthen in the journey of Haj.
The ulema was asked how can the heart submit to Allah:
Ulema said that once the heart submits to Allah it will do so till doj.this will remain till doj, continuously u r earning reward, this is the result of talbiyah.
Direction to Makkah:
I am going to the place which Allah magnifies,Makkah is a place where Ibrahim ale salaam and his son built Kaaba.
Allah asked Ibrahim to announce to ppl to come to Allah's house after kaaba was built,Ibrahim said that who will hear me in this Desert ,but Allah said that Allah will make the message reach the worshippers, so today when ppl who go for Haj are actually answering ibrahims call.
The books on Haj were distributed to all those going for Haj this year.
Refer to bookpg 6 : the ghusal with dua
Then enter masjid haram, tawaf is tahtul masjid.
Tawaaf: start by saying bismillah Allahu akbar.then make thetawaaf.every atom is doing tawaaf,every planet is doing tawaaf,my heart should be doing tawaaf to Allah always, this is symbol to always be attached to Allah.remember u are in tawaaaf,in state of tawaaf, always make dhikar, recite ur Quran,don't get distracted by others, some ppl criticizing or talking in mobile ,this is wrong.
Rukan al yemani : only touch the rukan al yamani,it is said that when you touch all the sins will be expiated,fall off.
Hijar Asswad: Omar ra said that u r a stone ,u will not harm me or benefit me but as I had seen the prophet kissing ui m following the sunnah.
Always rely in Alllah ask Allah to make space for you ,Allah will make it for u.
Then Recite rabbana aatina from rukun Yemeni to hijaraswad.
Then after 7 rounds of tawaf, read two Rakaah ,behind makaam Ibrahim, then drink zamzam,then proceed to safa marwa.
Then pg ten safa marwaa:
Surah baqarah aya 158
إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَائِرِ اللَّهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيمٌ
Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them both; and whoever does good spontaneously, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing.
Then say that we begin with what Allah commanded us to do.
Read dua :While standing at safa facing qublah direction:
Laa ilaah illahahu,anjaza wa dahu,wa nasara abduhu ,wa hazamak ahzaaba wahdahu,; say three times and say ur Duas)
This has to be done seven times.
Then u come after ihraam,then cut ur hair, (u can also go to hotel and cut ur hair),how to cut is by collecting all ur hair and cut a little,men to cut during umrah and shave their head after Haj.
Youm at tarwiya : the day of Hajj : 8th of dhil hajj
We should have the niyyah of ihraam.
Labbayk Allahumma hajjan
Then start saying labbayak Allahuma Labbayk,when u reach Mina,then pray salatul dhuhar,now in the state of ihraam,then read asr two Rakaah, then maghrib three Rakaah all in their respective times,,till the next day Fajar in day of 9th Haj, this is a great day,remembering the day of recompense.
Haj is actually a picture of doj,we will be waiting for recompense,after saying salatul Fajar on day of 9th dhil Haj, everyone goes for Arafah
ARAFAH DAY 9th dhil hajj
Hadith jaami ut tirmidhee (3/377)
Prophet saws said : that u cannot find any day except the day of Arafah when Allah freed the ppl from the hell fire.this is a very important day, whatever time to reach, recite ur talbiyah
While u are busy seeking forgiveness from Allah, the shaytann is the mosthumilated on this day as Allah forgives ppl.
On the day of Arafah Allah the almighty will descent on the lowest heaven in a way that suits His majesty, then Allah will btalk about your magnificence in front of the angels,Allah appreciates HIS slaves, Allah says look how they are coming with dusty feet, so you bear witness that I forgive them.Allah appreciates that you have left dunya and come to Allah.Arafah resembles day of recompense,all ppl making Duas in different languages, Allah will responding to them. And answering their ppl should be busy with their Duas, make dua for the one who is witness over you.the best Dua ever is laillahaa il aha wahdahu la shareeka lahul mulk wa lahul hamd...
Pg 15 of the book. Good dua.
But most ppl busy with taking pictures or eating.this is wrong.the great day will end with maghrib, so we should make sure that in our heart we ask Allah for acceptance,think good of Allah that He promised and will forgive,always have good intention as Allah appreciates.this is because immediately shaytan comes to create doubts in ur heart and make u believe that ur Haj has nor been accepted as u did not do well.pray qaser Shortened zuhar and asar jamaaa.
After maghrib ,when sun sets, everyone hastens to Muzdalifaah,sayying labbaykaa always,till u reach soon as u reach must pray maghrib and ishaan, we must stay overnight in Muzdalifaah,this is the waajibaatof Haj.the bidaa is to collect stones from Muzdalifaah,the stones should be collected at the place where u throw at the shaytan, so we do not need to collect stones in Muzdalifah!
After Muzdalifah ,say fajar prayers, then go to Mina, this is the day of eid, tenth day of dhil Haj,after sunrise you will go to the aqabah the big shaytan,size of stone will be size of the chickpeas.remember this is a symbol, u r declaring your enmity with shaytan.say bismillah Allahu Akbar at every throw of the stone!
Then there is sacrifice of the animal.then u can come out of ihraam but partially not totally,sexual intercourse is not allowed.then you will cut ur hair.
Then you will do tawaaf then do saee, this is the time when u are out of state of ihraam,tahaatul Akbar.
When Sahabah asked can we change the sequence ,so prophet saws said that whatever is convenient and depending on ur situation u can change the sequence.
Day of eid, yaum al completed.
Then the second ,third day of Eid in Mina.on second day of eid start throwing stones at all the three shaytaan,after the noon, the dhuhhar time until night time,then do the same on third day of eid as well.
Then do tawaaf al widaa before leaving for ur country.
PILLARS OF HAJ ARKAAN AL HAJJ ( extremely important to fulfil the pillars else ur Haj is not accepted)
STATE OF ihraam
Tawaaf al ifaadah
remember missing any pillar nullifies Haj.
All of this is obligatory otherwise Haj not accepted.
Obligations or waajibaat of Haj ( if u miss any waajibaat , Haj is still accepted)
Ihraam from meeqat
Staying three nights in mina starting 10 th day dhil Haj
Stoning the jamarat
May Allah accept our worship in the Haj and fill our hearts with patience
I was on rummage around for the sites related to provide good information, so I came up to your site.
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