Sunday, August 12, 2012


Special class on Rajab: June 3,2012( 13th Rajab)

The most beautiful thing in life after Allah guided us into islam is the sisterhood in Islam where we love each other for the sake of Allah.Alhamdulilah hi Rabil Aalameen.Today,We will talk about the sacred months,now we are in Rajab.In surat tauba aya 36 Allah has mentioned  the sacred months in the  Quran:

إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِندَ اللَّهِ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ذَٰلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقَيِّمُ فَلَا تَظْلِمُوا فِيهِنَّ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَقَاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَافَّةً كَمَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ كَافَّةً وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ

Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months in Allah's ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth, of these four being sacred; that is the right reckoning; therefore be not unjust to yourselves regarding them, and fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

SubhanAllah Allah has prescribed the twelve lunar months in Quran,ever since the creation of heaven and earth.these months are divine and from these twelve months Allah has called four months to be sacred,ash Shuhr Hurm. This means sacred months,shaharul Haram.Allah says in this ayaa ,that this is the great religion that during these months don't be unjust to yourself.remember this is not man made months like the english calendar.We should consider this as Allah has prescribed it,these four sacred months are Rajab,which is now then we have three months which come in succession of each other,Zul Quiddah,Zul Hijjah and Moharram.these are the sacred months,ash Shuhr haraam.( haraam means forbidden,prohibited and we will learn what this means later). before we learn what has to be done in this month we will study about how  must I receive the sacred month of Rajab? This does not mean how I will celebrate it ,NO! It means how will your heart receive it.first of all, we need to remember that Allah is all wise,so Allah chose this month to be one of the sacred month out of His wisdom.So we don't need to debate and discuss why this month is divine,some people give their opinion regarding religion,this is wrong.It is not our business to argue and debate related to religion,this is from Allah .we must say we listen and we obey.Allah chose these four months for a reason ,out of His wisdom.
There are people who raise doubts and open gates of debate,this is wrong!So we need to remember that Allah is Al Hakim,all wise!one of the main reasons of some of the hearts to die is "debate" or arguing in religion,it leads their heart to death.this means that even if he listens to good words or words of warning of hellfire,it will not affect that guidance will affect such a matter how intelligent a person is he cannot understand the wisdom of the creator! People argue things like why Hijab only for women ,why not six times prayer why only five,so there are people who debate and mislead.Religion is from the creator,Who is perfect in His wisdom and actions and so we should not argue!
Other reason about the virtues of these sacred months,is that since Allah has magnified the month then we must also magnify these months.don't we say Allah is Aazeem,Who is the most great,dont we say in our bowing that SubhanaAllah Al Azeem,so if Allah is great  then I will magnify this month as Allah magnifies it.Allah wants the small movements in our heart.Allah appreciates every good deed. Today our Ummah lack is the magnifying of Allah.the people don't realize what they are talking about,if anything happens they just casually remark that is is Allah's decreee!so if we are a believer then we will magnify the creator.See His Rahmaah and wisdom always.
In Surah Haj Aya 30 Allah says that the one who magnifies whatever Allah magnifies then it will be the best for him .
ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ حُرُمَاتِ اللَّهِ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّهُ عِندَ رَبِّهِ وَأُحِلَّتْ لَكُمُ الْأَنْعَامُ إِلَّا مَا يُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْكُمْ فَاجْتَنِبُوا الرِّجْسَ مِنَ الْأَوْثَانِ وَاجْتَنِبُوا قَوْلَ الزُّورِ

That (shall be so); and whoever respects the sacred ordinances of Allah, it is better for him with his Lord; and the cattle are made lawful for you, except that which is recited to you, therefore avoid the uncleanness of the idols and avoid false words

Of course such a person will get abundant rewards,so never underestimate the action of the heart,yes it is important to have action of limbs but more of the heart.

Why are these months called Ashuhr Haraam?

haraam means prohibited ...These four months need to be respected more in these months as there is something special about it.these four months ,this is the straight religion ,don't wrong yourself in this month,don't be unjust to yourself,don't transgress your limits.This means during this month good deeds will be multiplied ,for egs now in Rajab you are sitting in dars then you are getting double rewards than sitting in dars in regular months.this sacred month we need to take the opportunity to increase good deed as it will be multiplied.So Allah says don't lose the chance of earning more rewards so don't be unjust to yourself.
Alhamdulilah our religion keeps giving us opportunity thru the year to earn rewards and there is no fixed routine ,not monotonous but different forms of Ibaadah thru the year,but only for those who have the ilm ,knowledge ( others who don't have the knowledge do not notice these opportunities),Allah keeps us motivated thru out the Ramadan,Zil Hajjah,then sacred months...we must increase our good deeds Even with smile,helping others,then good deeds will be multiplied.but what about sins,it will not be multiplied but it will be GREAT!for egs if someone has the habit of backbiting,so if she does the same in this sacred month then she earns Greater sin.
For egs when you are in bait al haraam in Makkah ,if you commit a sin then it becomes a Great sin as compared to sinning in a different we need to respect bait al haraam although we should not sin anywhere but we need to b extra careful there.
Similarly the sacred months are very special and we need to be extra careful.
Don't make dhulm to yourself,as sins will be very Great in front of Allah during these sacred months.

So now question is what should we do?

Can we write a program what we need to do every day of Rajab? NO!as there is no Hadeeth asking us or explaining us about what is important is now we know virtues of this month so Alhamdulilah now everybody needs to do good deeds as per their ability.So we should not make long plans but keep doing good deeds as and when.
Also when we are busy making plans to do good deeds,then we will not do anything.but it is better to continue doing good deeds on the spot.Do all good deeds that is possible.
Since u know the virtues of this month so do whatever good you can do...don't busy in making plans keep doing on the spot.. Open the Quran , do dhikar, don't count your good deeds, Allah rewards in multiple folds, is giving ghairy hisaab and it is wrong for us to be counting good deeds,don't count your good deeds.Just do it,and also feel humble and  shy when you have done a good deed,saying ya Allah you deserve more... when u do then feel inkisaar and shy that you have not given enough... Don't be proud about it but thank Allah so that you become close to Allah.attribute every good deed to Allah as He taught you to do it..
What about the sin? Pray to Allah and say ya Rabbi help me not to sin.Ask Allah to help you to stop from sinning,ask Allah the guidance,please help me change the heart.if you backbite a lot or answer back then say ya rabbi i have a long tongue and i sin so please help me...make sincere duaa and Allah will help change your situation.worst sins are diseases of heart.the sicknesses of heart like jealousy,nifaaq,hypocrisy.,backbiting ....

Also continue doing Taubah and istighfaar...always saying istighfaar,for egs if you see that you want to do any good deed and you cannot do it it is due to your sins,so we must continuously do istighfaar and Taubah,then Allah will guide you to do the good deed..
We need to be good to the people,for egs helping someone,husn al khulooq,very nice to ppl.For egs a lady who was fasting and praying but harming ppl with her tongue.she was punished in hellfire as per a Hadith .also about a person who had great husn al Khuluq ..he was in best place in jannah...there is great importance attributed to husn al Khuluq so we must take care..

Now about Rajab,do we do anything special,NO! No special prayers,or sadaqaa,no celebrations especially on 27th on Israa ul Mairaaj,this is all wrong!also 27th Rajab is not accurate and prophet salaalaho alaihi wassalam did not celebrate so why should remember to abstain from the sins..if you are fasting on Monday's and Thursday's  every month then do it this month also.but have the right intention and do the good don't do any bidaa,innovations in the religion!

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