Sunday, August 12, 2012

Companions of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ): By Yahya Bari

Companions of prophet Muhammad by Yahya Abdul Bari
April 14 2:53

The companions of prophet,the ambassador of peace, calling others to peace,persecution in Mecca so they went to absynnia,the makkans were not happy so they send the delegates to vpbrong back the Muslims,the king wanted to listen to Muslims,so jaaffer ibn Talib said about islam to the king.
Jaafar bin abi Talib taught thejinn about islam ,the najaashii accepted islam because of the message that was brought to h,
We were ppl of ignorance and we would eat meet that was nt slaughtered properly, we would do fornication, we were unfriendly and unkind to neighbors,weak would be oppressed by the strong,then he said this is what we were on in Makkah untill Allah sent us a prophet,whom we knew his lineage we knew his truthfulness,for his chastity.
Great injustice ,there can be no peace without justice,if there is oppression there cannot be a continued oppression,in order to have peace there has to be justice,

after that he said the messenger called us to Allah so that we worship Allah alone and we abandon the forefathers who worshipped other than Allah.what did prophet pbuh ordered?he ordered to is innate in human being he wants justice.been a child wants justice ,if his candy is taken ,then they cry.that is their weapon.
In order for us to have peace there must be respect good manners and justice,so islam calls to all of this to have good morals and manners to attain peace.then he ordered for us to be truthful in speech.when ppl know you are truthful then you are modest peace with that person.then he ordered us to be truthful with ppl are not trustworthy then there is no peace of mind nor family.

He also advised us to enjoin relations, to straighten bonds of the family,there will be no peace if  there will be no enjoining the family, if there is no forgiveness,this is the reason that it is of the utmost importance.this is the reason that in islam prophet saws said that he who cuts relations will not enter jannah.there are two things when r standing in front of the seerat,the sharper than sword ,there will be two things that will come to your right and left,the messenger of Allah informed us that one is enjoining relations and trustworthiness.Silaatal graham and amaanaah.
He who is not trustworthy ,then he will fall in hellfire.
To be kind to those who are near you,the ones who are close to you,kind to your neighbors,there will be peace in your family and we should be the ambassadors of peace and be kind to neighbors like our messenger.
It is very important to be nice to neighbor that prophet saws said that Gabreil

Stay away from bloodshed ,any evil,said prophet saws.
Prophet also prohibited us from all false witnessing,false testimony ,taking away from wealth of orphan, not to slander women who are innocent,do not accused them about things that they did not do.islam urges us to respect women, as part of the soceirty that should be honored and have mercy upon them then he ordered us to worship none but Allah.not to associate anything with Allah swt,when we worship the one who created you it brings happiness to you family and society.we have been created to worship Allah swt.
Worship is aall encompassing word everything we do we say that is pleasing to Allahbeing kind to parents is worship being good to neighbors is worship.
He ordered us to pray ,fast and give zakaah charity,Jaafar abi ibn Talib,brought this message of peace to najaashii, all peace starts with family.

Another companion,who was also in habashaa, a youth when he returned mussaab ibn umm aid,was sent to a city of yathrib, there were Jews and there was bloodshed,tribalism,always,this city is called today al madina.the tribes would kill hundred of ppl,then who did these ppl see that who would bring them peace it was the messenger.
So they invited messenger,so mussab was sent to yathrib and he invited the two tribes with wisdom,both was and Khazraj were brought together,there was peace and unity in islam at that time so Allah az zawajal made the hearts unite and come together.

And Allah says that he enjoined their hearts.the only way to bring peace and true unity is by la ilahhaa illah other way.
In Haj all coming  from diff parts Muslims are very organized ,we are punctual also,we are taught to be kind to animals, respect trees,to be at peace,good to bneighbors.this is the message that was brought by companions ,because of la ilahaa ilalah that comes from surrendering to the will fo Allah
Allah says hold on to rope of Allah and remember Allah's blessings,you became brothers Allah then mentions the blessing of unity first then HE says that you were at the edge of hellfire but Allah saved you.
The blessing of unity coming together due to la ilaaha ilaalah,we need to attain peace we need to hold on to rope of Allah, we need to have righteousness chastity truthfulness ,not oppressing anyone being totally just,islam also teaches us to fulfill promise.
When you are ordered to do something in a non muslim country we are ordered to be obedient,only of it is not contradictory to Quran,prophet saws said whoever kills someone
We should be the best to everyone,we as Muslims have to embody the teachings of Islaam ,religion of peace and submission,that others will see and want to be like us.

Janitor said there is water everywhere,Muslims look at you,he was very angry,islam is religion of cleanliness,but we take care of staying clean.

Ayesha said that the character of prophet saws is the Quran,he was walking talking of Quran,today the non Muslims do not have time to read Quran but they see us,we should be kind truthful to stand out and show how Muslims should be.
Hadith sunaan :
In order to have peace we need to have AhsanAllah, the connection between u and Allah and the connection bet u and ppl,it has to be from inside out.
Having good character and peace is very important. Companions brought message of peace .we need to ask ourselves that are we doing what our prophet pbuh said ,we need to deliver the message of peace,we ask Allah to help us with the character and strengthen our lailahaa illahaa..

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