Sunday, August 12, 2012

Allah's Name & Attribute : Al Muhsin

AL MUHSIN (part 1,2,3&4)

AL MUHSIN : ALLAHS ATTRIBUTE:part 1 (2nd August 2011)

Sometimes we keep complaining to ppl, so ulema said that complain to Allah swt,but if you fill ur hearts with Allahs knowledge, u will not complain as.complaining comes from lack of knowledge about Allah.
Iman al qawee:

His perfection Fi zaatihi ( personal perfection).
Allah is Muhsin, perfect, if we know this then we will not will give us contentment, satisfaction, what makes you think good, whatever matter happened to Sahabah Kareem they were patient and Sid not complain.

One of the meaning of Muhsin, in His names,in His attributes, in His action,In His decree.

When you know that your lord creator is perfect, this will make you attached to Allah swt.then you will not be able to hear anything against Allah swt.Before having Allah's knowledge you would not mind mixing with such ppl who negated Allah's attributes or ascribed a son to Allah,but after learning about Allah, you will not like to hear such talks and you will leave such company of friends.
When you are really attached to Allah, then you will negate any bad points about Allah swt.the more u know that Allah is perfect the more you will submit.

Ihsaan  bi ibaadillah : Allah is perfect towards His creations.

Allah swt will do good to His creations.this name resembles Wahhab.
One meaning is thatHe is perfect and He is wahhab, the best bestower to HIS creations,
Allah is muhsinun to every one,whomever Allah creates in life.when Allah is good to Hiscreations.there are two types of Ihsaan.

When you know Allahs Ihsaan ,you will realize thatThru out ur day ,before ur creation ,after ur creation we are drowned in Allahs Ihsaan.

First type of Ahsaan: Ahsaan Al Aaam ( general Ahsaan)

How does Allah swt have Ihsaan towards His creations generally?

Surah dhariyat :

Allah says about His Ahsaan Aam:Allah does not require any favor from u even if you doing Ibaadah,this is how Allah loves human beings and all His creations.

ALLAHS IHSAAN FIL AAM FII  ZAAT: ( to all the existence)
If we realize how much AllAh is being good to us then we will not complain,we all exists ,and Allah swt made me a human being,not a tree or an animal.this is also a blessing, Allahs Ihsaan that he created us from nothing and Allah prepared you to live,with senses.we take these things for granted .we are dealing with the signs of Allah for granted,for egs our hearing, our seeing.
For egs we have two eyes,had we got only one eye we could see only two directions but with two eyes we can see third direction.
Even for two ears,inorderto know exactly the source of the sound,tasting with our tongue is a blessing, Ihsaan billah.Allah created us with perfection.Allah perfected Hiscreations,Surah sajda ,surahmominoon.
Imagine if you did not have skin, then we could see our veins,ugly etc, but Allah has given skin,to feel,to cover our veins, protect it.

To be continued in next class..

Al Muhsin part two ( august 9th 2011 ,live class at Markaz)

Al Muhsin is a name Allah named Himself with and this name also has an increasing our knowledge with Allahs names, we will love Allah more, our faith will increase and whatever gaps are in our lives it will get filled up, we will feel happy and content.So always make dua that Allah increases our knowledge, Rabbi zidni Ilmaa.

Recap :Two meanings of Ihsaan linguistically
2-Doing a favor to someone ,exceeding your favor on someone or to derive favour for somebody else, Allah does a favor ,perfection for someone else.

'Allah is Muhsin'
1) Muhsin Fi Zaatihii:
Allahs names are all perfect and all His attributes are perfect.All His actions are perfect.With Allah swt actions are perfect and they deserve all magnifying,praises.even if the entire creation praises Him they will not be able to give The Almighty Allah the right of the praises,of His Majesty.only Allah swt can praise Himself and Give Himself the actual right.
How will you deal with issues in life which displease you,you must deal with it with muhsin, remember that there is rahmah in it, nothing happens in vain, Allah's actions are with wisdom.

Allah is the only one Who is muhsinun Fi zaatihee.
We should realize this then we will be easy on ourself ,deal with people as humans and then we will not criticize anybody.This is the impact of muhsinun Fi zaatihee.
We can see this attribute of Allah in the following three categories:
a)His names ( Allah's names are Muhsin,perfect)
b)His attributes ( Allah's attributes are perfect )
c)His Actions ( Allah's actions are perfect )
2)ILAA ibaadihii .:
This is similar to Allah's name Al Wahhab.Ihsaan by itself is a perfect attribute, when Allah is Ihsaan to His creation, He does not need anything from His creations,also Allah does Ahsaan wout His creations asking Him.
On the contrary if we look at ourselves ,for egs if in a gathering if I make space and allow a sister to sit next to me,how will I feel? A feeling of pride as though u have done a big favor to her.this is how humans deal with Ihsaan,but Allahs is the best example as He is our Creator.HE does favors upon His creations even when they do not ask him and Allah does not expect anything back in return from His slaves.
Allah is muhsinun even if there are no creation,Allah s attribute of Muhsin is never separated from Him, always there, this is a siffatt zaatiyaah.always attached to Allah.this is Muhsin Fi ibaaadihii.
Allah is Muhsin to His creation even if nobody appreciated that Ahsaan.only Allah knows how to praise Himself.every makhlukaat of Allah all of us need Allahs Ihsaan all the time, whether we know about it or not, even a blink of an eye we cannot live wout Ahsaan.there are two types of Ihsaan :
1-General (Aam )
2-Very Special (Khaas) (VVIP )

The more you know about Allah ,the more our love for Allah increases.

1) Existence ( al eejaaad ) : it is the big Ihsaan that he created us as humans wout asking us.had he asked us then we would not know what to be,a tree or flower,and Alhamdulilahi Rabil Aalameen that He did not ask us as we would not know what is good for us!

2) ability( al eddaad ) : the ability to use your limbs,the way our stomach functions the digestive system, circulatory system,the respiratory system ,inner organs functioning day and night,non stop,imagine if we had to manually turn off  the functions of our organs in the night to give it rest or we had to start the digestive system the moment we swallowed food, SubhanAllah ,how every part of our body functions perfectly!Who gave it this ability, It is Allah Al Muhsin!

3) al  imdaaad : sustenance ( continuos provision: anything that benefits you is risskk)
Allah is providing you wz diff types of riskkk continuos,when a baby is in the womb of mother the childs provision ,the angels write the baby's provision.when the baby is born the gifts we give is also a risk from Allah.constantly Allah providing for you, maal ( wealth ) , seehaa ( Health) ,aulaad (children).when Allah gives you this is General Ihsaan Allah, this is in dunyaa,when Allah gives you in Dunyaaa it does not mean it is a reward for you, whatever Allah will give you now ,it is a test for you.When Allah withholds any risk Fi duniya this is also from His Ahsaanfi Allah .
We need to use the risk Allah gave to be more attached to Allah, more children ,or more money doesn't mean that u become arrogant but use them to become closer to Allah swt.the provison ,the imdaad Allah has guaranteed it for u so do not be worried,this is a test from Allah swt.
Let us explain how by withholding,depriving the provisions Allah is doing Ihsaan on me,Allah is being good to me:
Hadith : Allah knows what is suiting you, Allah knows why a poor person is poor and why a rich person is richer.
Ihsaan when Allah gives,general Ihsaan,it is a test.Hadith/ Allah swt will give duniyaa to whomever HE wills and HE will choose whom HE gives the religion.yarzaquu may yashaaa,Allah gives the risk according to Hikmah and knowledge,when we understand this we will reach Ridhaaa, state of being pleased with Allah swt.
For egs : if you are making dua,duaa,for something in dunyaa and that person is not getting it, as it may not be good for you.for egs a sister who has daughters is making duaa for a son out of external pressure,she might  not get it,inspite  of duaas ,as this may be in her best interests, as Allah swt is all knower!
Whatever Allah wants to provide you,no one can stop Him,He is Azzeezun, whether we like it or not Allah will give it,Allah is Ahsaan u Azeezun.when we realize this we will be attached to Allah only,knowledge of Allah is important for us to understand,we should be attached to the real Muhsin.this will get us attached to Allah and hope only from Allah.but in the beginning we need to be content with Allah,in the aakhirah when you enter in jannah, this is the reward.this is Ahsaan ul Aam.
So we realise that this is Allah's general ihsaan for all His creations,whether they ask for it or not Allah provides them with such Ihsaan which is guaranteed.Allah is giving wout asking ,here you feel content that Allah is so Muhsin,this is guaranteed,whether Allah loves them or not, out of His wisdom and knowledge  but what about when you know about Ihsaan Al khaas.we should all hope for Ihsaan al khaas as Allah will give it to His creations based on love.
Ponder upon the ayyat in Surah hadid: where Allah mentions that wealth, children are zinatul hayatid dunya,only glitter of life and it is a test, in order that u do not rejoice what u have been given n not become arrogan?

If you love someone who is extremely special ,then how will ur Ihsaan be,it will definitely be special.
The Ihsaan al khaas from Allah out of His love will be perfect in your deen and aakhiraah.out of love to guide them to admit you to paradise,to make them guided.
This Ahsaan al khaasaah is for two groups of ppl:

1) Righteous :al mutaqeen
2)Sinners:  al risaaat

Righteous/ mutaqeen:
Ahsaan Fi mutaqeen bi isaaad, by making them happy Allah will provide His Ahsaan.raaah nafsiyaa,saqeenaa,tranquility ,peace of mind will be given to the mutaqeen.Allah will guide them to everything that will give eternal happiness.
Who is the one who knows when you will be happy, it is Allah swt.this is the esaaad, happiness.
Stages of esaaad:
Ahsaan al khass for aakhirah:
Anything that will guide you to paradise then for such things,Allah will guide you to do such good deeds. .

1) tuhibbat alladdheena
first step is that Allah swt will beautify the faith in ur heart and make you love it.yuhabbbee emaan, love the faith for egs, before how u will love righteous ppl, love the ppl going for salaat,then you will hate the sins, you will dislike the part that you used to enjoy before,you will enjoy dars,Allah beautifully guides you ,in a gentle manner,lateef,then Allah will make you accept it, slowly you will love reading Quran,when you feel like this then remember the favor of Allah, Allah muhsin Allah.
Don't be a mean to discourage someone whom Allah has given means. Of AhsanAllah,for egs someone doing hijab, do not discourage.

2)Taufeeq altaa'aa
Then Allah swt will guide you towards guidance, tareeq al mustaqeem,
Allah guides you towards goodness to Islam, if Allah sees you are sincere in your heart, this is Ahsaan al khass.when Allah grants u this ahsaan, these ppl will get the tranquility n happiness ,never experienced before.we need to hope for this

3)Luzum Ataaa'a
Showering you gently with Allahs blessing to get closer to Him.slowly you perfect ur prayers ,your Ibaadah,adhkaar,your charity,your worship.

4) altashbeet Ala al be firm on this path: very critical step,if someone does not appreciate the above three steps,this is when the blessings will be taken away.this is a big loser who will lose his aakhirah.
We need to appreciate Allahs Ahsaan al khaas, Allah will test you,how much you r sincere,the quickest way to learn Allahs qurb ,closeness is by learning about Allah,many obstacles come,why this is a test,Allah sees how sincere you are.
As soon as you cross this test everything will be fine, if you love for the sake of Allah then there should be no condition, always remember your target is to remain firm, tests are not everlasting,especially for deenAllah chooses His ppl, if you attend the dars,Allah chose you,if you reading night prayer, Allah chose you. We need to be firm from step three to four.always remember these four steps are Allah's Ahsaan al khaas in duniyaa,we must appreciate, we feel tranquil, hearts are happy,esdaaad.
Hadith :
A person doing good deeds all his life,he was doing deeds of ppl of Jann ah, then before he died his heart changed upside-down,he did the work of ahl naar.this was as he did not deserve this guidance,Always ask Allah to keep you firm till the end.

5)) greatest ihsAn : when you enter paradise this is the greatest Ahsaan:
The grppThe husnaa,greatest husnaa is paradise and then seeing Allahs face.if you have the above four then we will get the greatest ihsaN.

To be continued....

AL MUHSIN PART THREE ( 16th August live class)

We will talk about Ahsaan Al khaas today.Ahsaan al Aadham, the greatest form of Ahsaan, from Allah swt is when He grants us the Jannah.The More you are accepting Allah's guidance Allah will bless you with the best.


Even for the disbelievers & the sinners Allah will provide them with ahsan al khaas.
If any command comes to me there will be two cases either u will accept or u will reject.the one who accepts Allah will bless him more and for the one who rejects,Allah will give him also Ahsaan al khaas until he ( this person) is alive.Allah swt is so caring as HE provides Ahsaan Al Khaasah.
One of Ahsaan al Khaasah for a sinner is that Allah will not expose them immediately.Allah will not expose in front of ppl,will hide the sins of such a person,as Allah gives them opportunity to repent,Allah will give them respite.
For egs : when u commit a sin, the punishment does not come immediately.for egs a mother does not beat up her two yr old for breaking a vase but she will leave the child as he is still young.Allahs is the best of examples,HE loves His creations more than we can imagine and HE knows His creations very well.
Allah is forbearing and will not hasten the punishment,also Allah will not shut the door of guidance for that person.for egs someone is backbiting for many years and enjoying it,this is a sin.Allah will not hasten the punishment,also Allah will continue His guidance,how by listening in the dars, reading Quran u will realize, a friend may explain to you about ayat in Quran.
This indicates guidance is directly from Allah,guidance to know about right and wrong.this is how Allah deals with His Ahsaan even with disbelievers and sinners.Allah s name is Haleem which means that even though u r committing sins Allah is forbearing, forgiving you and still continues with is extremely important to know how Allah deals with us.this is Ahsaan al khaas from Allah, He gives us time to repent and rectify our sins.he will not hasten the akoobaa,punishment  for the sinners.
Hadith: no one is more forbearing and more forgiving as Allah swt.

Stages of Ahsaan Al Khaaas ( how Allah deals with you ,with His creation, there is a sequence):  the first two stages are huda al bayani and taadeeb al tardawee ( with firmness,to discipline) and the last two stages are extremely difficult.

1st Stage) al Huda al bayaani :

Allah will teach you , show u the way ,will guide you through knowledge.Allah teaches everybody,even if a person is a non Muslim, Allah will guide you and if you are a Muslim not practicing then Allah will teach you.for egs,out of ignorance you will not be aware that plucking eyebrows is haraam but later in a lecture u will hear about it,you may reject it.but Allah will not stop the guidance then such a person will later read about it in a book or another reminder will be sent about eyebrow plucking,see how Allah deals with us . He will not hasten the punishment,in His guidance there is lutf gentleness,HE is lateef ul khabeer,Allah will show you the way.for egs I don't know that I am a jealous person or I am arrogant, as these are sins of the heart,which are hidden,how Allah will guide you in these matters?Allah will put u in a situation and u will react,this is out of Allah's Ahsaan.when you realize your problem it is half the cure.
This is hudal bayaani,this will last for years, during this time Allah will show you ur sins, so either you will accept it ,then u will be part of mutaqeen ,but if  the person rejects it then Allah will guide such a person in a different manner.
No one knows more about His creations as the Creator Himself.Allah wants the good for His creations.Allah is lateef ul khabeer, will guide gently if not then He will discipline Him in a tough manner.
For egs two boys,one listens easily to his moms instructions while for the other the mom has  to deal in a tough manner.
First Allah guides you gently,with hudal bayani,but if if you insist and reject His guidance then Allah swt gets tough, with firmness, to discipline you, this is the next stage.

2nd Stage) taadeeb al tardawee:(Allah Guides thru discipline ,firmness)

Allah nurtures in a tough manner to reform such a person, to discipline such a person who does not get guided after hudal bayani.Allah swt  will afflict him wz difficulties,calamities,hardship, this is out of Ahsaan of Allah.Allah wants you to turn to Him so you will be under difficulties.the Scholars have said that There are two types of calamities ,difficulties that Allah sends upon His creations out of Allahs khaas Rahmaah,khass Ahsaan, if a trial is on a believer ,it is to elevate his ranks in aakhirah and if it is on a sinner or disbeliever it is in order to make him turn to Allah and repent, ask forgiveness.
For egs if Allah afflicts you with any hardship,Any sickness, then check urself that if u r committing sins then u need to reform urself, but sometimes if u r a good doer but still u r afflicted this means it is to elevate ur ranks.even the sharr,the evil,there is goodness .for egs.Sicknesses are Ahsaan al Allah Khaasah .this is Rahmaah from Allah the moment you repent and turn to Allah, Allah will be so happy, yafraaa.

Hadith : this story has been narrated by prophet saws that in a desert a man lost his camel filled with provision, he was so sad that he dug his grave,waiting for his death .while sitting in his grave he sees that his camel returns back to him with the provisions.this person becomes so happy and ecstatic that he thanks Allah swt so profusely.while the best of example is of our Creator, when Allah swt sees any of His slaves repent to Him and return back to true guidance,Allah swt is much happier than this person who found his camel.Allah loves His creations .we need to appreciate the guidance  provided to us by Allah.

Surah sajda Aya 21
وَلَنُذِيقَنَّهُم مِّنَ الْعَذَابِ الْأَدْنَىٰ دُونَ الْعَذَابِ الْأَكْبَرِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ

And most certainly We will make them taste of the nearer chastisement before the greater chastisement that haply they may turn.
Mayb you will taste some of the adhaab ,bit it is better than the adhaab of he'll fire

So after the affliction a momeen should go back to Allah swt ,repent and ask forgiveness.

Real Story :
A proud surgeon in gulf country,he was very good at his job and extremely arrogant as well.he would never smile or be warm towards anyone,but he had very good skills in his day his own daughter had to undergo a minor surgery of appendix,so he got every new tools in for the operation, even to the extent he did not trust anyone to do the surgery and he decided to conduct it himself.the operatn was successful and smooth ,but the daughter did not regain back her consciousness from the dose of anesthesia   and died in the operation table.this was a huge calamity for the proud doctor,who has changed completely ever since ,people who have known him say that he has become so warm n humble person.

Third stage is extremely scary :

3)al Ikraam al istadraee: honoring by degrees.

The one who is rejecting ,not repenting even when the Affictions come then it is the third stage where,Allah will now deal with them with justice.they deserve it, Allah will be adal with them.Allah knows these ppl will never be guided as there is a seal on their hearts.Allah will open for them the gates of delights of the world.fataahaan abawaaba Alaa kulli Shay, life will be perfect for such a sinner.Allah is honoring and opening the gates in order that the person commits more sin, Allah will overtake them in degrees, Allah will enlarge in everything in life for such a person.
evidence from Quran :

Aya 44 sura Al anAam

فَلَمَّا نَسُوا مَا ذُكِّرُوا بِهِ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ أَبْوَابَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا فَرِحُوا بِمَا أُوتُوا أَخَذْنَاهُم بَغْتَةً فَإِذَا هُم مُّبْلِسُونَ

But when they neglected that with which they had been admonished, We opened for them the doors of all things, until when they rejoiced in what they were given We seized them suddenly; then lo! they were in utter despair.

Aya 182 al Aaraaf
وَالَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا سَنَسْتَدْرِجُهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

And (as to) those who reject Our communications, We draw them near (to destruction) by degrees from whence they know not.

This is not from Allah's Ahsaan al khaas ,here Allah dealing with Ikraam, by giving ,such a person will indulge more in life,commit more sins ,until stage four.

4)Stage 4:  destruction : al Qasam

Allahs name is Haleem, he is forbearing gives us time.
But when they are enjoying their life,Allah will overpower them for egs story of saba, same with firawn, same with qaarun.we need to benefit from this stories in quraan.
By bringing them to a terrible death,for egsthe story of a sinner,who did not fear the almighty and took a young girl in the open near the sea in order to commit zinnaa,he said to himself who can stop me from doing this ,then Allah swt overtook him ,this person died while he was fornicating, such a terrible death! SubhanAllah.

IHSAAN AL KHAASA ( diagram drawn by Eman to explain further)

-Hudaa al bayaani ( knowledge )

---- accepts ( muqbil) : Allah will increase Him with guidance)
----habba bil Eemaan and the four stages discussed last wk.

----Muaarid ( rejects )
-------Taa dheebb ( discipline)
-------istadraaj ( honoring by degrees)
-----al halaqq ( destruction)
Apply the above in everything in ur life as this is How Allah deals with us.

IMPACTS Of Al Muhsin :

Shukar : appreciate all these blessings.
Every name of Allah has an impact on your Aqeedah and your behavior.It should strengthen your aqeedah, your yaqeen and increase your faith.No one is Muhsin like Allah swt , this is the yaqeen we will have after knowing about Allah as al Muhsin.
For egs when you see calamities on ppl around u, or when you hear such stories ,this is also Ahsaan of Allah.nobody can withold Allah's Ahsaan on anybody,when Allah wants to be good on anybody, No one can stop HIM as HE is Al Aziz.
Also all this Ahsaan from Allah will not benefit Allah, as He is the most rich,Allah does not need our goodness.even when Allah afflicts HIS creations,it is out of HIS Tadeeb,it is not that Allah is being revengeful to HIS creations but it is for the creations own good.this means that we need Allah's Ihsaan always.
For egs some ppl when they read Quran,ur prayers then feel great about themselves but these prayers,worship does not benefit Allah swt, it is for our own good.
For egs : when we are good to ppl then we expect them to be good to us too,but when Allah is good to us ,provides us with Ahsaan But HE does not expect anything from us, Allah's Ihsaan is perfect and free from any faults.Allah's Ihsaan is only for our own benefits.

Next week we will talk how this name will change the behavior of the believer and we will see the practical issues which can be rectified with this name.


IMPACTS of the name al Muhsin

1:Allah is Muhsin and loves the Muhsin human,try to perfect ur deeds,do things to the best of ability.perfection in ur actions
Hadith :Allah is Muhsin He loves the muhsineen ...
Sura isra 53
And to say to my slaves that they say those words that are the best.Satan verily,sows a state of conflict and disagreement among them surely Satan is to man a plain enemy.

Surah  Baqarah

And speak to ppl good ( words),choose the best words. When speaking to others- this is Muhsin.
Hadith: verily Allah ismuhsin and He loves the perfection, and if u kill then kill with perfection, even if someone deserves death kill them with Ahsaan do not torture them ( Hadith refers to those who deserve death).
" and if u want to slaughter an animal, slaughter it with perfection,ie do not make them suffer, sharpen knife but do not let it see not kill animals for sports,do not exceed ur limits when dealing wz ppl, u will be held accountable,treat ppl with Ahsaan.

Hadith: Allah loves that u do any job and u do it wz Ahsaan.
Keep ur word when u say u will do irf IA is Ahsaan.
Be Muhsin towards those closest to u,husbands and kids don't take then for granted, do the Ahsaan to Allah, it will be worship.ur ahsaanbenedits urself,if u do Ahsaan,for the sake of Allah u will get the love of Allah and Allah s companionship.He will give u the victory.Ahsan is what Allah commands u from Surah mulk verse 2.
Allah created deTh and life to test u that which of u is best indeed.the test is not who does the most,but who does the deed in the best manner.
Surah kahf v30
Whatever u do wz Ahsaan will never be wasted.
Imagine if all of us did Ahsaan in our actio show will the society Ahsaan in all ur ettiquettes ,even if u want to discipline ur kids, do wz Ahsaan, never slap them on their face!

2:Ahsaan in ur dealings :

1)) Ahsaan when dealing withAllah ,perfect your rukoo,sujood,khushoo do uribaadha according to sunnah.ponder on ur recitation in salah ,fasting wz ahsan,sadaqah wz Ahsaan  and recite Quran wz Ahsaan.

2)) Ahsaan wz urself
Be aware of what is good for u and what harms you.take care of ur body,nourish ur body well,keep it away from illness,take care of ur hair skin body ahsan to urself.
Take care of ur soul,keeping away from sins,nourish ur soul wz good deeds, this is ahsan to urself,sins of the heart destroy the soul and can lead to physical illness.if u have hatred in ur heart ,u will make urself sick.the prophet saws said that there are some sins,if u commit they will destroy you, for egs spying!
Don't be confident of urself ,put ur full trust in Allah,remember u r totally reliant on Allah.if you think u are self sufficient it will lead to ur in Allah not on ur own abilities.


Ahsaan towards everyone,those u know and those u dont ,rich and poor,old and young,weak and strong etc,

Rule of Ahsaan towards the ppl:

1) do what pleases Allah when interacting with the ppl- not necessarily what pleases the ppl .don't try to please the ppl with any act  if it does not please Allah .
2)) refine ur intention,why are u behaving with ahsan is it for the sake of Allah or to gain popularity ,show off.
3)) stop the thought that u are better than anyone,don't remind others of ur do not do anything for anyone that cannot be replaced so do not think you are someone special,Allah will test you!
4)) imam ibn Hanbal said that 9/10 of husn Khuluq is to just ignore what u dislike about others if someone says something that hurts u or is insulting,just ignore it,let it pass as if nothing happened, overlook it.


1)) Success : those who use their abilities to the best,Ahsan for this person is not to overly praise this type of person,too much praise will lead this person to have riyaa,praise will destroy such a person.Ahsan for such a person is to remind him of Allahs blessings on them.remind them they are limited they need Allahs help.
2)) Talent: but lazy in using their abilities and afraid of criticism.teach pokbto use their talent in a beneficial way.Ahsaan for them is to encourage them wz praise to get rid of their inhibitions.
3))this type  needs to be understood  Surah Nahl verse65: and dealt with properly before u destroy them.
These ppl may lack talent and often forget and seem to be useless.if u are always on their case this will destry them,be gentle towards ppl and do not admonish too much.always encourage motivate n praise them,look for the good in all ppl.

3: impacts be grateful towards those who have been good to you.appreciate the ahsan of others ( major of he'll. Dwellers were women due to their lack of gratefulness.) if someone upsets u think of all the good,they have done for u instead ,focus on the good that others do,overlook the bad.

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