Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Life of the Barzakh :By Sister Awatif Al Hashmi

LIFE OF THE BARZAKH:The Inevitable journey.... By Sister Awatif Al Hashmi

Date: 5th May 2012
Venue: Markaz Al Huda ; At Towar
Definition of Barzakh:
Linguistically barzakh means a barrier,a veil.Allah describes in Quran that the two sea water do not meet,one is salty water and the other sweet water ,so they don't meet ,due to a barzakh a barrier.
Surah Al Furqaan :25:53
وَهُوَ الَّذِي مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ هَٰذَا عَذْبٌ فُرَاتٌ وَهَٰذَا مِلْحٌ أُجَاجٌ وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخًا وَحِجْرًا مَّحْجُورًا
And He it is Who has made two seas to flow freely, the one sweet that subdues thirst by its sweetness, and the other salt that burns by its saltness; and between the two He has made a barrier and inviolable obstruction.
The minute a person dies he enters into Barzakh.Al Barzakh is a stage between this world and hereafter,it is the stage before the day of qiyaamaah,judgment day .
As a Muslim we need to believe in Hereafter.This is one of the pillars of faith to believe in Hereafter.The last day in this world is the first day of Hereafter.
Once a man asked prophet salalaho alaihi wassalam ,when is the hour?
Prophet salalaho alaihi wassalam said that what have you prepared for it...
Details of Hadith:
Anas bin Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, said that a man asked the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: "When will the (last) hour come?" He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam replied: “What have you done to prepare for it?” The man replied: "Nothing, except the love I have for Allaah and His Messenger." The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam replied: “You will be (on the Day of Judgment) with those whom you love.” Anas bin Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "We (his companions) never rejoiced at anything more than his words, when he said “You will be (on the Day of Judgment) with those whom you love.”’ Anas, may Allaah be pleased with him, continued: "I love the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them both, and I hope to be with them (in the Hereafter) due to my love for them, even if I cannot do (the same amount of righteous deeds) as they do." (Bukhaari, Muslim and others).
The day a person dies ,it is the day his aakhiraah begins,the day we leave the duniya the hisaab starts.  When we are alive in the dunya ,it is the time to do good deeds,good Aamal. In this world ,we have a mission accomplish which is from Allah's mercy, its a Rahmaah from Allah for us to study about the Deen , be informed about the aakhirah.
All of us, as believers, have to change the concept of how people speak these days about death.  All the prophets taught us about the hereafter ,so we should prepare for it so that we do not regret on that day. It is upon us not to be deceived in the duniya.if we believe in youm al Aakhir,then you will have a good life in duniya and Aakhirah. Those who do not believe in youm al Aakhira,  they run behind their desires to get fill in life thinking that the day they die,  life ends there,but Alhamdulilah life does not end there.The eternal life begins...
Allah asks in the Quran that,Do you think Allah has brought you without a reason?
Allah did not leave us in darkness after sending us in dunya,HE sent messengers, Quran and shareeah( Islamic laws) to guide us.The last messenger HE sent is prophet Muhammad salalaho alaihi wassalam  to the entire mankind and Allah took it upon Himself to preserve and protect the Quran till the end of times.
Golden words:
We are living in duniya in transition,so in a Hadeeth prophet salalaho alaihi wassalam said that live in duniya as a traveller.
On the authority of Abdullah ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with them both), he relates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) once held my shoulders and said:
“Live in this world as (if you are) a wayfarer or a stranger.” And Abdullah ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with them both) used to say: “If you live till night, then do not wait for the next day (i.e. do not have hopes that you will live to the next day), and if you wake up in the morning do not have hope that you will live till the night. And take (advantage) from your health before your sickness and take advantage of your life before your death (i.e. do every possible obedience in your life before death comes to you for then no deeds can be performed.)” [Bukhari and Tirmidhi]
Prophet salallaho  alaihi wassalam said that I am in duniya like a rider who took rest under the shade of the tree and left .
Details of this Hadith : As prophet Muhammad salallaho alaihi wassalam so eloquently said:“What relationship do I have with this world? I am in this world like a rider who halts in the shade of a tree for a short time, and after taking some rest, resumes his journey leaving the tree behind.” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)
Hassan al Basiree said that you have come to duniya alone,you will die alone and you will be resurrected and accounted alone!
Another scholar said that: human beings are passing day, he said :Son of Adam! Ibn Adam you are like  days ,with every passing day each part of you is going..Some people say that I am still not prepared for aakhirah, I will repent on lailatul Qadr night,some say only after Haj I will do Taubah,some say that after Ramadan I will and so forth ....... !
Allah subha 'ana wa ta'ala said to the prophet salalalaho alaihi wassalam in a revelation brought by Gabriel when the prophet salalalho alaihi wassalam was alive,stating that YOU ya Mohammed ( pbuh) will die and ALL will die..
So we should remember that death is inevitable and in the end there will be hisaab..
It is reported from Al-Hasan Al-Basrî – Allâh have mercy on him – that he said:
The life of this world is made up of three days: yesterday has gone with all that was done; tomorrow, you may never reach; but today is for you so do what you should do today.[Al-Bayhaqî, Al-Zuhd Al-Kabeer, p.197]
Allah subhaa'ana wa ta' ala describes this world in many places in Quran:
Surah al Ankabut: 64
وَمَا هَٰذِهِ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا لَهْوٌ وَلَعِبٌ وَإِنَّ الدَّارَ الْآخِرَةَ لَهِيَ الْحَيَوَانُ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ
“What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the Home in the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew.” (29: 64)
Surah Al Kahf:(18:7)
إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا مَا عَلَى الْأَرْضِ زِينَةً لَّهَا لِنَبْلُوَهُمْ أَيُّهُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا
Surely We have made whatever is on the earth an adornment for it, so that We may try them (as to) which of them is best in deeds.
Surah Yunus :( 10:24)
إِنَّمَا مَثَلُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاءٍ أَنزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فَاخْتَلَطَ بِهِ نَبَاتُ الْأَرْضِ مِمَّا يَأْكُلُ النَّاسُ وَالْأَنْعَامُ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَخَذَتِ الْأَرْضُ زُخْرُفَهَا وَازَّيَّنَتْ وَظَنَّ أَهْلُهَا أَنَّهُمْ قَادِرُونَ عَلَيْهَا أَتَاهَا أَمْرُنَا لَيْلًا أَوْ نَهَارًا فَجَعَلْنَاهَا حَصِيدًا كَأَن لَّمْ تَغْنَ بِالْأَمْسِ كَذَٰلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الْآيَاتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
The likeness of this world's life is only as water which We send down from the cloud, then the herbage of the earth of which men and cattle eat grows luxuriantly thereby, until when the earth puts on its golden raiment and it becomes garnished, and its people think that they have power over it, Our command comes to it, by night or by day, so We render it as reaped seed; produce, as though it had not been in existence yesterday; thus do We make clear the communications for a people who reflect.
Allah says with parable,know that this life is la'ib means play, entertainment ,zinnia,decoration, show off and multiply your children and wealth as if there is raining, the farmer becomes happy seeing the rain and his plants grow from a little sapling into a green plant,then it gradually withers,turns yellow,then it dries,then it die this is exactly how the lives of human beings will be.
Allah says that some of you want this life and some of you want hereafter!
So there is either penalty for some and there is forgiveness of Allah for some and there is also the pleasure of Allah for some.this world is nothing but deception!
Prophet Muhammad salalaho ala'ihi wassalam had said that a man will normally live in duniya for 60-70 years and very few pass...However On the day of judgement people will feel as though this whole life in dunya was for few hours,when people will be asked how much time they spent in dunya, they will answer half an   hour,some will feel say about one hour...
Death is a fact which we are ignoring ! Death is a preacher.Who is the wise person? The one who is ready for death.death is just a door away,if you are ready then it is jannah if not hellfire,there is no middle way ,either this way or that!
Qullu nafsin zaikaaatul maut.the hisaab,the result will be on day of judgement.who is the winner who was prevented from Jahannam,hellfire and entered jannah.
Real Story :
Once a man was doing his tawaaf seven times around Kaaba when he saw  another man holding on to the kiswaa ,the cloth of Kaaba and making dua.He was pleading to Allah and saying that please let me die as a Muslim.So everytime the man crossed him he heard him making the same duaa so this man was puzzled and he went to ask the man on why was he making only this duaa .The puzzled man said to the pleading man ,that Alhamdulilah you have come to Mecca done your umrah,you should ask Allah to give you Jannatul Firdaus al Ala ,why are you instead asking to die only as a Muslim!
The man replied that I want to die only as Muslim as I lost my brother recently. My brother was a muadin of the masjid for 30 years for his life.  When he death bed, he asked us to bring the Quran.Then heopened the Quran and said I do not believe in it and died a disbeliever (huwa kafiron bihee ............AllahuAkbar!
The time of the death is the time of truth,whatever a person conceals in his heart is exposed at the time of death.A person may do all the best deeds when he is alive  and impress people but if in his heart he is doing just to earn praises of people,such a person will be exposed at the time of his death.
Allah describes in the Quran about the agony of death,how the Ruh leaves the body  in Surah Waaqiah.
Surah al waaqiaah: 56:83
فَلَوْلَا إِذَا بَلَغَتِ الْحُلْقُومَ
Why is it not then that when it (soul) comes up to the throat,
وَأَنتُمْ حِينَئِذٍ تَنظُرُونَ
And you at that time look on--
وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنكُمْ وَلَٰكِن لَّا تُبْصِرُونَ
And We are nearer to it than you, but you do not see--
فَلَوْلَا إِن كُنتُمْ غَيْرَ مَدِينِينَ
Then why is it not-- if you are not held under authority--
When the Ruh comes out from the human body ,this is the time of sakarat al maut,the agony of death,the higher the degree of a righteous person higher is test in a pious person ,body also hurts,this pain expiates the person of any sin. Allah wants to expiate the sins such a person is relieved of any sin...
Even our messenger salalaho alaihi wassalam experienced the agony of death ,it is a very difficult time..
We know that ruh and nafs is loosely translated in English as spirit or soul but there is a difference between the two in Arabic language.when the soul is inside the body of a person then it is known as nafs but when it leaves the human body then it is known as Ruh.So Nafs is the spirit inside the body,and when the spirit comes out of the body it is known as Ruh.
When the person is dying,you will hear some voices near his throat  ( sounds like pigeons make),when it reaches hulqoo ( throat) ,everyone is looking at the beloved but Allah's angels are closer than the relatives but we cannot see it.
The dying person will say who will do ruqyaah on me,save me,as he knows he is leaving the world.At such time we should not be in a haste and pressurize the dying person to say la ilaahaa illal laah,instead we must be calm and gentle and slowly keep saying la ilaahaa ilalaah ,as we do not know what the dying person is seeing.He may be seeing many angels as far as his sight can go..
The prophets could talk to Malik ul maut,angel of death u. Once Prophet Yaqub alaihe  issalaam said to angel of death that before my death comes send me messengers to alert me of my death coming.So Yaqub alaihee esalaam struck a deal with the angel of death.When the time of his death approached,the angel of death said I have come to take your soul.
At this Yaqub alaihee essalam said why did you not send me messengers as agreed before.To this the angel of death replied ,you were sent so many signals by Allah to alert you.When your hair started greying this was a sign,when you started feeling weaker this was a sign...SubhanAllah!
We all know about Dawood alaih eSalaam ,how he was very particular about no stranger entering his palace.So when the angel of death entered his Fortress,his mihrab ,Dawood alaiheSalam  asked him how did you enter my Palace ?The angel of death replied that I am not afraid of any kings,no one can bribe me,no palace can stop me,even if you were in the strongest fotresses death will come.
During the time of Caliph Haroon Rashid islam was very strong,it spread from east to west and he had a very big empire.But at the time of his death ,he called all his soldiers,his ministers,family members and then said that all this empire that belongs to Haroon Rashid will perish but Ya Allah your mulk will never finish, so have mercy on me ya Allah.
Omar (RA) at the time of death said ,Woe on Omar and woe on his mother if Allah does not forgive him!
We don't know when will we die and which land we will die in?
Once Sulaiman alaihe esalaam had a guest and another guest also arrived and he was staring continuously at the guest to the extent that the other guest was freaked out and requested Sulaiman alihe esalaam to send him with wind to fly away to a far off land such as India. So the man rushed to India.The guest staring was the angel of death and he said he was staring at that man as Allah had asked him to take the guests soul in India so angel of death was wondering what is this person doing in bait al maqdus when he was supposed to be in India , SubhanAllah!
Person will be resurrected with his/her last deed done.......
Real Stories shared by different Shaikh for us to get ibraaa,lessons.
Once a very young man who had recently got married was playing his game of  football,when suddenly he said to his friends that he will leave as it was time for prayers.His friends said there is still time, he replied that he needs to shower and go to prayer,so he left the field with the intention to pray.When he sat in the car he felt uneasy and his friend got him a glass of water,before drinking the water he read his shahadah  and died...SubhanAllah.
Imagine how this person will be raised up on day of judgement !
Time of death is the time of truth, when the truth comes out,whatever is in the heart comes out,the person whom Allah wants will remain steadfast on the DEEN even in his final moments.But if a  person did all haraam things when he was alone and was doing halaal things to show people,then in his last moments of life Allah will expose this persons real deeds.Allah hu Akbar.
When the martyrs die for Allah's sake they are shuhadaah.prophet salalaho alaihi wassalm said that the shuhadaa is not necessarily only on battlefield,when a person dies from stomach disease,dies of burns,dies of drowning ,the niyyah is important.For egs if a woman wearing a bikini drowns in the sea ,she cannot be considered a shuhadaa! so the niyyah and intention is important to be considered a martyr.
also a women who dies in nifaas after giving birth to her baby is considered a martyr..when Allah sees khair, a person doing good deeds at time of death Allah gives such people opportunity to be on the straight path with Allah.When Allah loves a person even during the last deeds are nice deeds ,Allah let's them do it.
Causes for good ending:

Lailahaa ILLAHA with all it's part and conditions,it has to be the way of life,oneness of Allah in his tawheed,rizq,,everything only for Allah.we should know Allah by knowing his beautiful names,we should know how great Allah is by knowing his attributes,Allah is baseer ,HE sees,al khaaliq created everything,Allah knows us
Each of us is responsible for the knowledge of islam themselves,don't leave duniya without knowing your mission in life by not knowing your Creator don't leave this duniya without this great knowledge.The scholars of Islam who have the knowledge of Allah ,taste the sweetness of the Deen in Duniya before the hereafter!
Prophet salalalaho alaihi wassalam said that There will come a time when doing Haq following Quran and sunnah would be like holding a burning charcoal.
By starting early,by sleeping early in night,by knowing our one will enter jannah by their deeds only by Allah's mercy,
Allah says only those who say Our lord our Rab is Allah ,and they are steadfast on this.and all the angels will come to them and say don't be sad from past or be  afraid of future.We should nicely say la ilaahaa ilal laah , if they are pious Allah will make it easy.
Omar bin Abdul Aziz said that if one hour of a day passed by where he did not think about death then my heart becomes rotten.This means that every hour Omar would remember death.But look at ourselves today if for only one hour in a day we talk about death,everyone starts calling us boring,old fashioned etc. This should not be and we too like the Sahabah should always remember death..
One of the branches of hypocrisy is by lying,prophet salalaho alaihi wassalam said.if this person talks he lies, if heis given amanah he will do khiyaanaah,when he promises he lies,this is wrong.
At time of death always think good about Allah. When the dying person is told that your ending is not good,then they will be miserable and will hate meeting Allah subaanaa wa ta'alaa.imagine when the dying person is shown that he will be going to hellfire due to his evil deeds ,would his soul leave the body easily,never ,it will try to hide as does not want to meet Allah az zawwajal.
real story: Once a young man was doing evil deeds in life,he went to the shaykh and confessed that he opened a website where all do wrong things,now he is feeling miserable about it,will Allah forgive him for the Shaykh said that wait I have a letter for you from Allah.So the young man waited eagerly for this letter from Allah..So the shaykh wrote the following ayat from Quran and gave it to him:
Surah Zumar Aya 53:
قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ
Say: O my servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful.
They have done evil deeds excessively that they don't remember the amount of sins they gave committed but don't close the doors of Allah's mercy on yourself,Allah is ghafur Raheem.Allah is most merciful.
Always repent with the niyyah of repentance ,at Taubah,the following are the conditions that one must have when they have wronged in Huquq Allah:
-To pluck the sin that you are doing; remove from your system fully.
-regret what you had been doing
-determination that I will not go back to the jahiliyaa
so the above is related to wrongdoing huquq Allah.
But if some one has done wrong regarding huquq of a person, then return it back to that person,seek apology from that person; if not then on the seeraat when a person is trying to pass,then there will be people standing asking for their Haq ,someone will complain about this person backbiting about him or oppressing him.At this time the person will have to be given his hasanaat until when the persons hasanat will be over and he will have to take the sins of that person which will be loaded..
8)) DUA:
Always asking Allah to keep you steadfast..and give you a good end..
Who are your companions,who do you sit with,who are you surrounded with,your friends are your mirror image,look at the kinds of your friends,either good or bad,your good friend is like that who sells musk and the bad friend is like the one who has black smoke always,remember the hadith ...
Whoever likes to behave like whichever community, quam then on aakhiraah they will be like them and will be with them...
This life for believer is like a prison...

When death comes it is a difficult time for the relatives and to the dying person...but Allah says when Any difficulty comes to a believer they say that innalaah wa innalaah time of musibaaah make duaa..
When a lady died,the daughter thought of her mother ,missed her but later mum in law who loved her so much..We are not allowed to wail at time of death,we should be patient.
We as Muslims should have a Muslims we know that no one can change the rules of Allah.
If at the time of death,someone writes a will that don't do bidaa,he will advise  them,he will start his will saying ashahadu Allah ILLAHA illalah .then he will advise his family members to help the needy ,not to wail,etc
The best will was the will of our prophets:
Beautiful will that Ibrahim alaihe essalam advised his children,Yaqub advised his children...Allah chose this religion islam for you,don't die other than being a Muslim!
Alhamdulilah I am a Muslim, we don't need any sects,any ideals...yaqub alaihe salaam asked his sons Who will you worship after me...they all replied that We will worship the only lord,the lord of Ishaq,the lord of  ibrahim,the one and only Allah!
Nabi salalaho alahi wassalam  said that I never saw a miserable  scene which was worse than grave.He salalaho alaihi wassalam said that the graveyard is either a garden of jannah or it is hole of hellfire...
When Uthman RA used to see grave or the janazah then he would cry until he fell...he said that I heard messenger sallaho alai wassalam that the first destination of akhira is the grave ,if it is not good then from there it will be worse to worst.
Once Omar bin Abdul Aziz was at the graveyard, people asked him why did he take so much time.To this he said that the  graveyard was talking to me! the grave asked me don't you want to know what I did to the body of your beloved,I tore out the shroud,took out one part from the other,each limbs was pulled out and each hand was separated....SubhanAllah.
Omar RA would cry saying that our time in duniya is very short,time has  passed and time passes,the remaining Time will also pass,our bags should be ready with our deeds,the youth become old,the alive will die,the proud person will be deceived in this duniyaa...
Abu Darda used to say shall I tell you when will it be my poor day,the day I die,the family,wealth and deeds will follow till the graveyard but only the  deeds will remain.
Who are protected from trial of the Grave:
1) the martyrs:
Allah says that Don't think that the person who dies for sake of Allah is dead ,they are alive,they are not dead!
There is no ghusul for martyr ,no prayers. It's enough what they went through battle for sake of Allah.
Allah asks them what do you want more,then the shuhadaah say that please tell our family that not to be afraid of being shuhadaa..
2) Surah mulk recite every night.
3) Also asking refuge ,Allahumma inni audhibikaaa min fitnatil kabar.
4) Also those who die on Friday, during day or night would be protected from grave torture.

The story of soul to heaven, we know from what nabi salalaho alaihi wassalam taught us.all Sahabah were sitting then suddenly nabi salaalaho alaihi wassalm struck the floor thrice saying..Istaeedduu billah hi aazaabin kabar..
When a believing slave who is a righteous person,the announcement comes that he has to depart to the other world,this is the stage of barzakh,many angels come down,white face like shining beautiful,only the dying person can see till far that angels are filled up..these angels have shroud from paradise,pure silk pure white shroud from jannah..this shroud is with hanoodd from jannah ,the angels are sitting in front of him and the angel of death is sitting one the head,then the angel of death says oh good soul,ya ayuuhul nafsin mutameenaa,come out for Allah's pleasure,then the soul  of the pious person comes out slowly smoothly like a drop of water from a leather glass...then they wrap him with the journey starts between earth and sky,filled with angels,the samawaat is filled with angels and some are in sujood or praying,then they smell the good soul and say what a nice soul ,they will call you with the best names,they will call you with the name you liked being called in duniya...every angel is going behind the janazah as an honour..there are seven heavens,So until, they reach to sidratul muntahaa,then Allah says that place the book of my slave in alileeeyeen.the honored people are registered in ileeyoun...
Now the journey of disbelieving person,the one who knew the Haq but was lazy did not repent...Rough black cloth,the angel of death says oh evil soul come out to the anger of Allah,what will happen to such a soul ,he will stick more to the body,someone who loves the duniya and did nothing for aakhiraah will not want to leave,like wet wool in the thorny twig ,or like barbequed meat on skewers which does not want to leave,how does such cold meat come out from barbecued skewers,like bits and  pieces of flesh falling out...Terrible smell heaven doors will not open,they will never enter paradise.
By that time the family would have buried the person and have left.this is the last trial for the believer.munkar and nakeer will come.They will ask the three fundamental questions,who is your lord,what is your religion and who is your prophet? But who will pass this test,the one who lived in this world like a slave of Allah, you lived for your lord.In dunya either you will become slave of fashion,music or Allah.
In another narration the person says ashadu la ilaha then voice will come from heaven saying my slave has spoken the truth,Allah then says furnish him with things from jannah and expand 70/70 cubit and he also sees his palace and he sees what he has been saved from,he says that I want to go to my palace very fast,but Allah will say not yet,so such a pious soul will sleep like a new bride or groom in complete peace and tranquility, they are wearing cloth of jannah.
While the DISBELIEVER will hear the footsteps of his loved ones leaving him...he will not be able to answer the questions,so the angels will curse him and the voice cried out above him that he lied ,he ignored prophets sayings on duniya,the grave will be squeezed,it will compress his bones and it will be interlocked and the azaab begins....
When they are in kabar who will entertain the pious believer on the first night:
A man with beautiful face good smell will tell him that receive the glad tidings from Allah.may Allah bless the deceased will ask who are you ,your face is so beautiful.he will answer I am your good deeds,I am your obedience to your  parents I am your sallaaaah,zakaah,saum..
For the DISBELEIVER the most ugly person with terrible stench will come,he will say I am your evil deeds,your lies,your bad were slow in obeying Allah and quick in disobeying Allah.then Allah assigns a blind,deaf and mute angel who will strike this person with an iron rod which if used on a mountain it will become dust!Allahummaa aaudhi bikaa min adhaaaabi. Qabar.
We know there is azaab in kabar,the reasons as told by our Rasullah salalaho alaihi wassalam is like a dream he had.the dreams of nabi salalao alaihi wasalam is truth,reality , is Haq:
Two men came and took nabi salalalho alaihi wassalam...then our nabi salalaho alaihi wassalam saw that the angels used a curved hook like instrument tearing the mouth nose to ears,continuously of a person.Rasul Salallaho alaihi wassalam  said what is this ,then angel says come come on.then they walked a further and he saw man's head being smashed on the head with a big rock,until the head is fixed back again,then the angels say come on come on,till he reaches a tandour,hot oven like, where men and women are inside naked, then they reach a red river where man is swimming till he reaches the shore,untill a man throws stones drowns until he swims again.....and this is a long Hadith
The angels then explain to the prophet about what it was.The Iron hook: this person was a liar,he used to say lies which would spread far and wide,so he would be tortured according to that.
Smashed by rock: this person Allah taught him Quran but he slept on it ,he missed his obligatory prayers.
People burning in tandour are those who are doing adultery in dunya.
Swimming in blood are people dealing with ribaaa,the interest of the bank.
 Nabi Salalaho alaihi wasalam  also saw tall men,  Ibrahim alaihe esalam with small children.He,salalaho alaihi wassalam, also saw palaces of believers.also saw his own palace and asked Gabriel to let him go but Gabriel said not yet!
Once nabi salalalaho alaihi wassalam was on his way to madina,when he heard the adhaab from kabar,in two kabar,one was due to nameemah,slander and the other was due to the person not being clean after urinating, not doing istinjaa after urine also another narration not covering during urine doing public.
Also he saw people with long nails and were eating flesh of their own body so these were the backbiters...
Sadaqa jaariyaa: continuos charity like well, mosque, a resting place for traveller,Musaafir.,
Any kind of ilm, any ayah any knowledge you have taught the people.
A pious son ,righteous child who is brought up nicely so darajaaa ,ranks of the dead person gets higher and higher.
Hold the Quran and sunnah,our journey is yet to start ,our destination is aakhiraah, we are still in duniya we still have the time to do the deeds for that house,your neighbor is Ahmed,the sand is from musk the palace Is from gold,the Ruh is something ghaiby but when a person dies they will see everything.
Take advantage of five before five:
Your youth before the old age
Your good Health before the sickness
Your Wealth before Poverty
Your Time before you get busy
Your life before your death.


Special class on Rajab: June 3,2012( 13th Rajab)

The most beautiful thing in life after Allah guided us into islam is the sisterhood in Islam where we love each other for the sake of Allah.Alhamdulilah hi Rabil Aalameen.Today,We will talk about the sacred months,now we are in Rajab.In surat tauba aya 36 Allah has mentioned  the sacred months in the  Quran:

إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِندَ اللَّهِ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ذَٰلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقَيِّمُ فَلَا تَظْلِمُوا فِيهِنَّ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَقَاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَافَّةً كَمَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ كَافَّةً وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ

Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months in Allah's ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth, of these four being sacred; that is the right reckoning; therefore be not unjust to yourselves regarding them, and fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

SubhanAllah Allah has prescribed the twelve lunar months in Quran,ever since the creation of heaven and earth.these months are divine and from these twelve months Allah has called four months to be sacred,ash Shuhr Hurm. This means sacred months,shaharul Haram.Allah says in this ayaa ,that this is the great religion that during these months don't be unjust to yourself.remember this is not man made months like the english calendar.We should consider this as Allah has prescribed it,these four sacred months are Rajab,which is now then we have three months which come in succession of each other,Zul Quiddah,Zul Hijjah and Moharram.these are the sacred months,ash Shuhr haraam.( haraam means forbidden,prohibited and we will learn what this means later). before we learn what has to be done in this month we will study about how  must I receive the sacred month of Rajab? This does not mean how I will celebrate it ,NO! It means how will your heart receive it.first of all, we need to remember that Allah is all wise,so Allah chose this month to be one of the sacred month out of His wisdom.So we don't need to debate and discuss why this month is divine,some people give their opinion regarding religion,this is wrong.It is not our business to argue and debate related to religion,this is from Allah .we must say we listen and we obey.Allah chose these four months for a reason ,out of His wisdom.
There are people who raise doubts and open gates of debate,this is wrong!So we need to remember that Allah is Al Hakim,all wise!one of the main reasons of some of the hearts to die is "debate" or arguing in religion,it leads their heart to death.this means that even if he listens to good words or words of warning of hellfire,it will not affect that guidance will affect such a matter how intelligent a person is he cannot understand the wisdom of the creator! People argue things like why Hijab only for women ,why not six times prayer why only five,so there are people who debate and mislead.Religion is from the creator,Who is perfect in His wisdom and actions and so we should not argue!
Other reason about the virtues of these sacred months,is that since Allah has magnified the month then we must also magnify these months.don't we say Allah is Aazeem,Who is the most great,dont we say in our bowing that SubhanaAllah Al Azeem,so if Allah is great  then I will magnify this month as Allah magnifies it.Allah wants the small movements in our heart.Allah appreciates every good deed. Today our Ummah lack is the magnifying of Allah.the people don't realize what they are talking about,if anything happens they just casually remark that is is Allah's decreee!so if we are a believer then we will magnify the creator.See His Rahmaah and wisdom always.
In Surah Haj Aya 30 Allah says that the one who magnifies whatever Allah magnifies then it will be the best for him .
ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ حُرُمَاتِ اللَّهِ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّهُ عِندَ رَبِّهِ وَأُحِلَّتْ لَكُمُ الْأَنْعَامُ إِلَّا مَا يُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْكُمْ فَاجْتَنِبُوا الرِّجْسَ مِنَ الْأَوْثَانِ وَاجْتَنِبُوا قَوْلَ الزُّورِ

That (shall be so); and whoever respects the sacred ordinances of Allah, it is better for him with his Lord; and the cattle are made lawful for you, except that which is recited to you, therefore avoid the uncleanness of the idols and avoid false words

Of course such a person will get abundant rewards,so never underestimate the action of the heart,yes it is important to have action of limbs but more of the heart.

Why are these months called Ashuhr Haraam?

haraam means prohibited ...These four months need to be respected more in these months as there is something special about it.these four months ,this is the straight religion ,don't wrong yourself in this month,don't be unjust to yourself,don't transgress your limits.This means during this month good deeds will be multiplied ,for egs now in Rajab you are sitting in dars then you are getting double rewards than sitting in dars in regular months.this sacred month we need to take the opportunity to increase good deed as it will be multiplied.So Allah says don't lose the chance of earning more rewards so don't be unjust to yourself.
Alhamdulilah our religion keeps giving us opportunity thru the year to earn rewards and there is no fixed routine ,not monotonous but different forms of Ibaadah thru the year,but only for those who have the ilm ,knowledge ( others who don't have the knowledge do not notice these opportunities),Allah keeps us motivated thru out the Ramadan,Zil Hajjah,then sacred months...we must increase our good deeds Even with smile,helping others,then good deeds will be multiplied.but what about sins,it will not be multiplied but it will be GREAT!for egs if someone has the habit of backbiting,so if she does the same in this sacred month then she earns Greater sin.
For egs when you are in bait al haraam in Makkah ,if you commit a sin then it becomes a Great sin as compared to sinning in a different we need to respect bait al haraam although we should not sin anywhere but we need to b extra careful there.
Similarly the sacred months are very special and we need to be extra careful.
Don't make dhulm to yourself,as sins will be very Great in front of Allah during these sacred months.

So now question is what should we do?

Can we write a program what we need to do every day of Rajab? NO!as there is no Hadeeth asking us or explaining us about what is important is now we know virtues of this month so Alhamdulilah now everybody needs to do good deeds as per their ability.So we should not make long plans but keep doing good deeds as and when.
Also when we are busy making plans to do good deeds,then we will not do anything.but it is better to continue doing good deeds on the spot.Do all good deeds that is possible.
Since u know the virtues of this month so do whatever good you can do...don't busy in making plans keep doing on the spot.. Open the Quran , do dhikar, don't count your good deeds, Allah rewards in multiple folds, is giving ghairy hisaab and it is wrong for us to be counting good deeds,don't count your good deeds.Just do it,and also feel humble and  shy when you have done a good deed,saying ya Allah you deserve more... when u do then feel inkisaar and shy that you have not given enough... Don't be proud about it but thank Allah so that you become close to Allah.attribute every good deed to Allah as He taught you to do it..
What about the sin? Pray to Allah and say ya Rabbi help me not to sin.Ask Allah to help you to stop from sinning,ask Allah the guidance,please help me change the heart.if you backbite a lot or answer back then say ya rabbi i have a long tongue and i sin so please help me...make sincere duaa and Allah will help change your situation.worst sins are diseases of heart.the sicknesses of heart like jealousy,nifaaq,hypocrisy.,backbiting ....

Also continue doing Taubah and istighfaar...always saying istighfaar,for egs if you see that you want to do any good deed and you cannot do it it is due to your sins,so we must continuously do istighfaar and Taubah,then Allah will guide you to do the good deed..
We need to be good to the people,for egs helping someone,husn al khulooq,very nice to ppl.For egs a lady who was fasting and praying but harming ppl with her tongue.she was punished in hellfire as per a Hadith .also about a person who had great husn al Khuluq ..he was in best place in jannah...there is great importance attributed to husn al Khuluq so we must take care..

Now about Rajab,do we do anything special,NO! No special prayers,or sadaqaa,no celebrations especially on 27th on Israa ul Mairaaj,this is all wrong!also 27th Rajab is not accurate and prophet salaalaho alaihi wassalam did not celebrate so why should remember to abstain from the sins..if you are fasting on Monday's and Thursday's  every month then do it this month also.but have the right intention and do the good don't do any bidaa,innovations in the religion!

The Last Breath : By Dr Tawfique Chaudhary

The last breath: dr Tawfique chaudhary
April 14 th 2012 : Dubai international Peace conference.

What happens when death comes.Allah swt takes us from this life to another.Allah swears in five diff ways that after this life there will be another life ,Allah hu laillahaa ulahu then he says that definitely it will happen,he will surely gather u together ,there is no doubt that when u pass away you will enter new life.this life of seventy years is of fleeting distraction.Allah asks us again and again in Surah anbiyaa.that verily the counting of mankind has come near,and they are fooling around,they are running around this duniya in ghaflah.when a single sign comes on duniya thinking that this is not going to happen,Allah says for surety will gather us together,then why are we engrossed in duniya,it means hereafter,will come to you.Allah made us miserly,argumentative,all of these attributes being frail,inattentive in haste ,the evidence that Allah has given u good health.but do they have a guarantee that Allah is not mocking them,Allah gives good health,firawn had wealth ,but this is never a sign that Allah loves someone more therefore  has given more wealth!
Surah Kahaf,Allah gave this garden which would harvest twice in the year in between the garden was a beautiful river,he said I don't think that this will ever go away and Allah loves me and last hour will not come, and if I go back to Allah I will get better.
This is what everybody thinks that as Allah loves me he has given wealth but this is not true.when he saw his garden was destroyed,he said that how I wish I had not made any shirk with Allah.your wealth ur health is not an evidence that Allah loves u this could be a mockery by Allah.
Everyone thinks that dying is an easy process but that is not true,prophet (saws )said that verily death has trials and tribulations,he was lurking his hand in a bucket and he was saying that help me during the pangs of death.
Then the speaker said that,"Every single patient of mine dying they have difficult death,the pain of death is so intense that we inject them with morphines to calm them ,and sometimes just let them die.there is nothing called the simple death,there is nothing called easy death,Allah tells us that when the soul has reached the throat  indeed we are closer .
It is a distressing situation,we don't think of hereafter.we have forgotten that we will actually die,the angel of death will come!Don't think that u will live untill tomorrow,
What sort of life are we leading today?
The prophet (saws) was passing thru the grave when the horse jumped up,then prophet (saws) cried ,saying by Allah if you knew what I knew u won't find pleasure in duniya,
We spend this duniya only earning for it,if we believe in hereafter then the question is what have u done for it..
There is no doubt about the last hour but the doubt is about our preparation,don't u think by Allah we have not done much .there was not a single sahaabaah,by Allah there is nothing for us if we do not work now!!

Five step approach : to build aakhiraah

1.sincerity in building relations with Allah.we need to have ikhlaas for Allah swt.Allah created heavens and earth for Ikhlas,except to worship Allah.Surah ikhlaas,the one who narrates it Allah loves him.
Muaawiyaah,loved this Surah and used to recite this always,in praying or otherwise,so seventy thousand angels came to pray his janaazah.ask yourself this question that  how many will come to pray your janazah?
Allah swt sends down the angels,take example of s Sahaabah,salaf.hate to commit shirk,do with ikhlaas.
Ibn tayimiyah says that between man and Allah ,a secret good deed that should be there,maybe two rakaah prayer,or help someone with money when no one knows,
How can we think we have ikhlaas right now.every single action I have done is for Allah,any deed i have done should be free from arrogance.strengthen those deeds,Do them regularly,prophet (saws ) said Allah  loves it when you do a good deed with consistence.
Prophet (saws) said I heard your footsteps in jannah,Bilal! bilal said that  he would consistently  read two rakaah after wudhu,simple good deeds.
Verily actions our by our endings.

2- Seek knowledge.
Ibn tayyimiyah says quoting Hadith that whoever Allah wants good for gives him fiqh of religion,true understanding of deen,so ibn tayyimiyah says that whoever Allah does not love does not give them the knowledge of islam.attend a class,do something or the other to gain knowledge.make duaaRabbi zidni Ilmaa.

3))Act upon the knowledge:

The knowledge will help u only if you act upon it.knowlede ilm and Amal closely linked.the true aalim is who acts upon the knowledge but if the person who does not act upon it Is truly ignorant.We should be the people who act after gaining knowledge,by Allah this is seeratal mustaqeem.if we do not follow then we are from ignorant.
Acting upon the knowledge.

4)) call. People to the knowledge you have gained.

Ibn tayyimiupyah said that one of the strategy to gain knowledge is by educating others.spread from me even one verse.who is better than the one who calls others to to islam so that this knowledge stays in heart.if we don't act upon the knowledge then this knowledge is of no benefit!

5) be firm : whatever difficulty comes to you stay on this path untill death comes to you.then you will have a beautiful death,iyaakaaa naaabudu iyaakaaa nastaeen,we ask help only from Allah.we say this as the one who worships Allah then everyone will be against you,then only Allah will save you.
Sura al asr..
إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ

Ways of Acquiring Peace : by Dr Farhat Hashmi

Ways of acquiring Peace: Dr Farhat Hashmi ( salamtee ke raaste)
April 16th 2012: 4:55 pm to 6:10 pm
Venue: Pakistan Education Academy: Oudh Medtha

In order to progress in life ,contribute our best,do our best in duniya,and we can do this only if we have long as a person does not accept the ways of peace he will not be able to head towards dar as salaam,the home of Peace,the jannah!

23-26 Surah Yunus

فَلَمَّا أَنجَاهُمْ إِذَا هُمْ يَبْغُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّمَا بَغْيُكُمْ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِكُم مَّتَاعَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ثُمَّ إِلَيْنَا مَرْجِعُكُمْ فَنُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ

But when He delivers them, lo! they are unjustly rebellious in the earth. O men! your rebellion is against your own souls-- provision (only) of this world's life-- then to Us shall be your return, so We will inform you of what you did.

إِنَّمَا مَثَلُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاءٍ أَنزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فَاخْتَلَطَ بِهِ نَبَاتُ الْأَرْضِ مِمَّا يَأْكُلُ النَّاسُ وَالْأَنْعَامُ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَخَذَتِ الْأَرْضُ زُخْرُفَهَا وَازَّيَّنَتْ وَظَنَّ أَهْلُهَا أَنَّهُمْ قَادِرُونَ عَلَيْهَا أَتَاهَا أَمْرُنَا لَيْلًا أَوْ نَهَارًا فَجَعَلْنَاهَا حَصِيدًا كَأَن لَّمْ تَغْنَ بِالْأَمْسِ كَذَٰلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الْآيَاتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

The likeness of this world's life is only as water which We send down from the cloud, then the herbage of the earth of which men and cattle eat grows luxuriantly thereby, until when the earth puts on its golden raiment and it becomes garnished, and its people think that they have power over it, Our command comes to it, by night or by day, so We render it as reaped seed; produce, as though it had not been in existence yesterday; thus do We make clear the communications for a people who reflect.

وَاللَّهُ يَدْعُو إِلَىٰ دَارِ السَّلَامِ وَيَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ

And Allah invites to the abode of peace and guides whom He pleases into the right path.
لِّلَّذِينَ أَحْسَنُوا الْحُسْنَىٰ وَزِيَادَةٌ وَلَا يَرْهَقُ وُجُوهَهُمْ قَتَرٌ وَلَا ذِلَّةٌ أُولَٰئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْجَنَّةِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ

For those who do good is good (reward) and more (than this); and blackness or ignominy shall not cover their faces; these are the dwellers of the garden; in it they shall abide.

 A man runs after duniya, he is always aspiring for duniya,what is this duniya,it is like that when earth becomes green due to the sudden rain from heaven,and the people were imagining,hoping to enjoy it, then suddenly their comes their death and a person meets his death.this is the reason Allah invites people to dar as salaam,the eternal abode of peace,the paradise.

We have all come to the world,we have to stay here for sometime and then we all have to leave,whether we are rich or poor.all facilities are available,there is love around but whatever we have here, we have to leave everything and go from what is important is what we take with us from duniya.only a persons good deeds will go with him, which will stay with him in the eternal life.the actual destination is the hereafter as even life in barzakh ( in the grave) is temporary.there are only two destination either hellfire or jannah.
If a person walks on path of peace then he reaches dar as salaam,but if he walks on other path but that of peace he goes to a different destination.
We should check ourselves what is our goal,what is our destination,do we want duniya or aakhiraah.check our hearts,because whatever the person wants then he continouosly strives for it.
So we should check what is the biggest grief in our hearts,what is the biggest sorrow in our hearts,
Are we constantly worrying about the hereafter,are we in our daily activities also thinking about how to reach that dar as salaam.when we read the newspapers,when we see around us,then we ponder but do we also worry what will happen to us in our aakhiraah,how much do we discuss about the aakhirah,is it a topic of our conversation??
But the reality is as much as we run for duniya we do not run for aakhiraah.
Indeed the example of this duniya ,is like that of a water .which Allah poured rain from heavens,then the man becomes happy,the wealth comes then we invest in different areas,and then the rains from heaven and the plants from earth they co ordinate amongst themselves and rest of creations take advantage of this.
The raunak ( glitter)of duniya,the beauty of duniya even seen from distance brings happiness on everyone's everywhere you see that the earth has been decorated with gardens,flowers,then the owner thinks that he can take advantage of it,but suddenly an incident happens and things change.whenever the command comes from Allah,overnight situation changes!
This is the reason Allah opens these signs for all of us to reflect ponder.
Everything in duniya is temporary but what will remain permanent ,it is dar as salaam.
Allah shows straight path to whomever HE wants.the ones who have done righteous deeds, good job in duniya they are invited to dar as salaam and will also be shown the face of Allah.this is the place of peace.whatever bad a person does he will be punished and have to face the consequence,so they will be so nervous and their faces will turn black out of fear.
So when the life is of two kinds the consequence is also of two we need to look at the path of peace to achieve eternal peace in the hereafter.

Allah says:O people of the book, prophet Muhammad has come to you confirm  the previous scriptures from u,but now you have the light from Allah.who receives this light,the one with complete ikhlaas,who strives for  only Allah's pleasure,
So what do we want from any good deed?
So check your intentions if you are doing good deed,then why are u doing it,what is the ultimate goal.
The Quran will guide you for  peace for that person who is looking for Allah's pleasure.
A  person who does not have shirk,then Allah will guide such a person.
Then this person will reach his destination.
Any path,means  the journey,safar, of any kind,it could be a journey of your desires,what is the intention behind it, is it taking you towards peace or towards your destruction.
Sidq,truthfulness always takes you towards have two options whether to speak the truth or lie,then if you have honesty,sincerity,then you will speak only truth,then the deed you will do there will be goodness and it will lead you to jannat.
So for a person in his life whether doing small or big he should check if he is honest truthful or not.always check your key point,so you must live only for Allah,and for the messenger Rasullah,pbuh,every deed he does then that will lead him to that goodness.
Always check that behind every action that we do,why are we doing it,what is the reason I am doing it.if you want Allah's pleasure then Allah will hold your hands and take you to the straight path,seeratal mustaqeem.Allah will take you towards peace.only to whom Allah wants there will be peace,Allah humma untas salaam,wa intas salaam.
This is the reason Allah has prepared dar as sallaam for us.Allah taught us the way of life,with our Deen al Islam.
Whomever prophet ( saws)  invited  towards islam,the kings towards islam,
Who is a momeen ,the one who has emaan,and who has faith.prophet saws said that momeen is such a person with whom, fellow brothers are safe and their goods are safe.
The aim of prophet (saws) was that there be peace,How can u have peace with relatives by reminding oneself of peace,then path of peace,shirk should not be there,this will be possible if a person holds on to peace.

Silaah rehmi, always say salaam to everyone,this indicates you are greeting peace,with this intention you keep saying salaam,not only for the living people but even for a dead person.Abdullah ibn amr asked The one from whose hands and tongue others will be at peace,Prophet (saws) said the best among you is the one will spread ,khair , goodness and we can expect goodness from such a person,and the worst of you is the one one from whom the others get afraid of his evilness. ( so check yourselves,how do people feel when they see you or how do they react when You meet them,do You spread khair or do people despise you ,runaway from you !)
The ethics,etiquette ,the manners islam teaches it is not found in any other religion.what a Muslim thinks in heart and mind that will also be accounted for,before the action is the thoughts in we don't need to just show physical actions but check our hearts.

When we recite during our Ruku in the prayers,Subhaanaa rabbi al A'alaa,then do we also ponder upon its meaning? We must ! We must remember that we are saying that , our lord is paaq ,Pure,Glorified,HE is free from any defects!
If someone is sick then we lose our positive thinking,we are always complaining,about hot weather,so where will the peace be,only when you get anything you are happy if there is a problem still I accept,I say that everything Allah does is good the best,
A person who complains about the creator,he will never have positive thinking nor will remain happy.
So who is the person who will reach Dar as salaam,the one who thinks well of people,who wants only the pleasure of Allah, the one who wants to please Allah,such a person keeps qalb e Saleem,this will happen only if in duniya we practice to be good.the actual benefit happens only if it starts from duniya with good intention,with good thoughts.
If you enter into a majlis then say Salam and when over then say salaam.
When you open your mouth to talk say salaam first.
Intelligent people are those who do not listen to nonsense  conversation as this leads to unnecessary fights.those who are on path of peace,they work for Allah's pleasure so they don't fall into fights and arguments as they know that this wasting of time and is useless.
Those who aim for jannah,paradise then they do not indulge in wasteful non issues ,they keep it aside and work towards the good for aakhirah.
Hadith Qudsi:
(And verily, this is My straight path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His path.)'" Imam Ahmad recorded that, An-Nawwas bin Sam`an said that the Messenger of Allah said,

(Allah has given a parable of the straight path, and on the two sides of this path, there are two walls containing door ways with curtains):
The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Indeed Allah has described a parable of the Sirat Mustaqeem (Straight Path to Allah’s Pleasure and Jannah): On the two sides of the path are walls with many unlocked doors, each door having a curtain. There is a caller appointed at the head of Sirat Mustaqeem who calls out, ‘O people keep to this straight path. Don’t look at or go on the crooked paths breaking off from it.’ When a person traveling this path wishes to open one of these doors then a caller calls out, ‘Beware, do not open it. If you open it then you will adopt this path and leave the Sirat Mustaqeem.’ The Sirat Mustaqeem is Islam, and the walls are Allah’s Hudood (legal limits), and the open doors are the Haraam things forbidden by Allah, and the caller at the doors is the Quran Kareem, and the caller on the straight path is the living conscience gifted as a guide from Allah to the heart of every person possessing faith.” [Musnad Ahmed]

The Sirat Mustaqeem is the straight path that leads to Allah’s Pleasure and Jannah. It is the surest, quickest and safest way of getting there.

This hadith informs us that the conscience that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has gifted each human being with, is to keep us on this straight path. It keeps calling to the person reminding him/her to stick to the straight path and stay away from the things disliked by Allah (subhana wa ta’ala).

Our conscience tells us not only to not step on those paths but also not to even take a peek at them. This is because sin is tempting and many are those who will not be able to resist its pull. Once a person gets off a path, a deviation of even the slightest degree with time results in putting a great distance between the person and his/her desired destination.

The walls on the sides of the straight path are the legal limits that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) prescribes us to stay within. The doors in the walls are the Haraam (forbidden) things that take a person off track. The Quran is another caller warning us to not open any of these forbidden doors.

So Uztazah Farhat asked us to imagine ourselves driving in a car, on this straight path,with all our loved ones and family members securely seated in the car ,windows closed to ensure that all of them reach to Dar Us Salaam safely,this should be our goal in our life.To be on siraatal mustaqeem and also inspire our family and loved ones to be firm on this straight path,so that no one falls out.

Allah is with the three types of ppl
One who says salaam when entering the house.
The one who heads towards the mosques and the  One who steps out only for Allah' sake  like seeker of knowledge of Deen.
Knowledge is not enough we need to take action as well,translate the beneficial knowledge into righteous deeds by acting upon the ilm.
Target and plan your good daawah and spread goodness.
We all have to keep praying for peace for yourself and others,make dua
Take us out from darkness and take us towards light,and give us barakat,...
 So when u see the moon ,then make dua ...Even atahiyat,has dua and salam.

Companions of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ): By Yahya Bari

Companions of prophet Muhammad by Yahya Abdul Bari
April 14 2:53

The companions of prophet,the ambassador of peace, calling others to peace,persecution in Mecca so they went to absynnia,the makkans were not happy so they send the delegates to vpbrong back the Muslims,the king wanted to listen to Muslims,so jaaffer ibn Talib said about islam to the king.
Jaafar bin abi Talib taught thejinn about islam ,the najaashii accepted islam because of the message that was brought to h,
We were ppl of ignorance and we would eat meet that was nt slaughtered properly, we would do fornication, we were unfriendly and unkind to neighbors,weak would be oppressed by the strong,then he said this is what we were on in Makkah untill Allah sent us a prophet,whom we knew his lineage we knew his truthfulness,for his chastity.
Great injustice ,there can be no peace without justice,if there is oppression there cannot be a continued oppression,in order to have peace there has to be justice,

after that he said the messenger called us to Allah so that we worship Allah alone and we abandon the forefathers who worshipped other than Allah.what did prophet pbuh ordered?he ordered to is innate in human being he wants justice.been a child wants justice ,if his candy is taken ,then they cry.that is their weapon.
In order for us to have peace there must be respect good manners and justice,so islam calls to all of this to have good morals and manners to attain peace.then he ordered for us to be truthful in speech.when ppl know you are truthful then you are modest peace with that person.then he ordered us to be truthful with ppl are not trustworthy then there is no peace of mind nor family.

He also advised us to enjoin relations, to straighten bonds of the family,there will be no peace if  there will be no enjoining the family, if there is no forgiveness,this is the reason that it is of the utmost importance.this is the reason that in islam prophet saws said that he who cuts relations will not enter jannah.there are two things when r standing in front of the seerat,the sharper than sword ,there will be two things that will come to your right and left,the messenger of Allah informed us that one is enjoining relations and trustworthiness.Silaatal graham and amaanaah.
He who is not trustworthy ,then he will fall in hellfire.
To be kind to those who are near you,the ones who are close to you,kind to your neighbors,there will be peace in your family and we should be the ambassadors of peace and be kind to neighbors like our messenger.
It is very important to be nice to neighbor that prophet saws said that Gabreil

Stay away from bloodshed ,any evil,said prophet saws.
Prophet also prohibited us from all false witnessing,false testimony ,taking away from wealth of orphan, not to slander women who are innocent,do not accused them about things that they did not do.islam urges us to respect women, as part of the soceirty that should be honored and have mercy upon them then he ordered us to worship none but Allah.not to associate anything with Allah swt,when we worship the one who created you it brings happiness to you family and society.we have been created to worship Allah swt.
Worship is aall encompassing word everything we do we say that is pleasing to Allahbeing kind to parents is worship being good to neighbors is worship.
He ordered us to pray ,fast and give zakaah charity,Jaafar abi ibn Talib,brought this message of peace to najaashii, all peace starts with family.

Another companion,who was also in habashaa, a youth when he returned mussaab ibn umm aid,was sent to a city of yathrib, there were Jews and there was bloodshed,tribalism,always,this city is called today al madina.the tribes would kill hundred of ppl,then who did these ppl see that who would bring them peace it was the messenger.
So they invited messenger,so mussab was sent to yathrib and he invited the two tribes with wisdom,both was and Khazraj were brought together,there was peace and unity in islam at that time so Allah az zawajal made the hearts unite and come together.

And Allah says that he enjoined their hearts.the only way to bring peace and true unity is by la ilahhaa illah other way.
In Haj all coming  from diff parts Muslims are very organized ,we are punctual also,we are taught to be kind to animals, respect trees,to be at peace,good to bneighbors.this is the message that was brought by companions ,because of la ilahaa ilalah that comes from surrendering to the will fo Allah
Allah says hold on to rope of Allah and remember Allah's blessings,you became brothers Allah then mentions the blessing of unity first then HE says that you were at the edge of hellfire but Allah saved you.
The blessing of unity coming together due to la ilaaha ilaalah,we need to attain peace we need to hold on to rope of Allah, we need to have righteousness chastity truthfulness ,not oppressing anyone being totally just,islam also teaches us to fulfill promise.
When you are ordered to do something in a non muslim country we are ordered to be obedient,only of it is not contradictory to Quran,prophet saws said whoever kills someone
We should be the best to everyone,we as Muslims have to embody the teachings of Islaam ,religion of peace and submission,that others will see and want to be like us.

Janitor said there is water everywhere,Muslims look at you,he was very angry,islam is religion of cleanliness,but we take care of staying clean.

Ayesha said that the character of prophet saws is the Quran,he was walking talking of Quran,today the non Muslims do not have time to read Quran but they see us,we should be kind truthful to stand out and show how Muslims should be.
Hadith sunaan :
In order to have peace we need to have AhsanAllah, the connection between u and Allah and the connection bet u and ppl,it has to be from inside out.
Having good character and peace is very important. Companions brought message of peace .we need to ask ourselves that are we doing what our prophet pbuh said ,we need to deliver the message of peace,we ask Allah to help us with the character and strengthen our lailahaa illahaa..

The Role of Women in Islam : by Dr Muhammad Al Sharief

 Muhammad al Sharief : Director of Al Maghrib Insititue Canada ( Hafiz E Quran and very inspirational n motivational Speaker especially for youth)

topic: The role of women in islam
April 13th 2012---Dubai peace convention 2012

Surah mujadila :58:1
قَدْ سَمِعَ اللَّهُ قَوْلَ الَّتِي تُجَادِلُكَ فِي زَوْجِهَا وَتَشْتَكِي إِلَى اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ يَسْمَعُ تَحَاوُرَكُمَا إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ بَصِيرٌ

Allah indeed knows the plea of her who pleads with you about her husband and complains to Allah, and Allah knows the contentions of both of you; surely Allah is Hearing, Seeing.

In one of the initial verses revealed is this verse where Allah  mentions that HE hears the  woman's plea who had come to nabi pbuh pleading about her husband.
In order to understand the situation of women in islam ,then we must look back into history in other cultures,how were women treated ,as commodity,women would be asked to die/ burn if husband died,for centuries women were deprived of rights.
But look at Women's relation and status with Allah and rasul Allah pbuh.
And her status and relation with people in world.
Surah Nisa,sura a Mariam,look at Muslim sisters names ,like Aaisha,Mariam,there is heritage ,great lineage ,amazing history associated with these beautiful names.but other cultures they have names from nowhere..
See Quran about Aasiayaa, Mariam,first Surah to be revealed Surah izaaa Shamsu quweeeriyaat...Abdul basit rahimhullah reciting ,the part where Allah talks about end of times ,about sun light is wrapped up,stars fall from heaven,about the little girl when she is being buried alive! When everyone has forgotten about the plight of baby girl ,WHO is there talking about her,reminding us about her? It is Allah! Allah says during the end of times,when the sun will be wrapped up,then the baby girl will be asked,for what reason was she killed,the scholars say that if the girl is being asked then what about the murderers.the first shaheed was a woman,this message was coming from Allah.we wish to be the best,Allah says that the best of you in islam is the man who treats his women with the best,the man gets nearness to Allah by treating the best to his women.
Baa'b Nisaa'a :The name on the masjid Nabvi,door called door for women where they prayed behind nabi saws.when the child would cry in the masjid then prophet pbuh would shorten the prayer.
Once a group of people were on route for Haj and on the way they met prophet Muhammad pbuh.So a woman from the group who was in front of the messenger during the Haj season lifted her baby and  asked about her baby ,if there is Haj  for the prophet pbuh replied that if the child performs haj there is more reward for his this incident shows how women would be comfortable in putting forth their questions without any hesitation.Also as prophet muhammad would be surrounded by the men folk thru out the week he dedicated Wednesday's exclusively  for the women and he,pbuh,would give time only to ladies in order to educate them.

Relation between Muslim man and Muslim women:
A man asked prophet out of every person who should I make my close friend.prophet pbuh said make your mother,after my mother then who, then prophet replied ur mother ,then again he said ur mother,then ur father.
Relation between Muslim male and Muslim female.if a male distances himself from Allah then he will be unjust towards women.due to lack of knowledge about Allah,if he knew that the path to Allah is by being good to his women.a brother said that I am glad and I thank Allah I have three daughters,prophet pbuh said whoever is blessed with three daughters and he does not bury her alive ,or humiliate her,does not prefer his son over her, then Allah will enter the paradise because of her.
Paradise is at the feet of mother.the believing men and believing women,they are the protecting friends of one another,the dawaah in the west was built on the work of sisters,they establish it,Khadijah RA supported prophet Muhammad when he went to Jabal every time .How was Khadijah RA support to her husband,she would pack him food and would give him his space.also at Beginning of the revelation the first time he is talking to is a women,Khadijah, she says no Allah will never allow u to disgrace,  she also suggests that they consult with her cousin naufal...
Similarly Um salama. RA at times of treaty of hudhaibah...prophet asked everyone to shave their heads ,none of the Sahabah did it and prophet was so sad, he said to umm salaama Ra that he was afraid that if he asked them again and if they still did not ollow his command  then Allah will destroy them! then Umm Salama RA his wife who was like a consultant,she suggested that he ,pbuh, go outside and shave in front of them and they will follow,prophet did exactly that and every Sahabah immediately followed him!

Islam does not judge u by ur beauty.Allah does not look at ur face and body but Allah looks at ur hearts and ur actions, the second thing,sisters are leaders,women is a leader,prophet pbuh said indeed everyone of u is a shepherd and are responsible for  our Flock.Final point reflect back in the women rights issues came after decades of struggle around the world ,it happened gradually as women wanted to work and get equal status as they joined the workforce ,but reflect back in the times of prophet pbuh,about 1400 yrsback ,womens rights  came without any struggle,islam has the best example of justice.

Muhammad al Sharief :Second Lecture held in DIPC 2012
Topic :  protection of essential rights// solution for Global Crisis
Apr 14th 2012 ( 5pm)

He started the lecture with a story about an Imaan's young son who was disturbing his dad, the Imam before his khutbah time.So the father thought of a way to keep his hyperactive boy busy for a while,he Took the world map and tore it into many small pieces and asked his son to fix the world map back.The father was sure that the son would get busy and take at least few days to assemble them together .however to his surprise,the son fixed the world map in very less time and brought it back to him.the father was very impressed and puzzled at this so enquired his son on how he managed to put the small pieces together.the son replied that at the back of the world map there was a picture of a man,so he tried to fix that and in the process the world map was restored!SubhanAllah.

Therefore If you want to change the world then start with yourself,what you really control is yourself,you can control yourself 100%.Allah says on the day when the soul will run away from friends and children,and that is the day of judgement,so you need to take care of yourself,then you have something to give.
If suddenly in this hall the lights go off and it becomes completely dark,then what would you do?you may say that one of us would turn on the flash light from the mobile phones,so one person brings on a light , but will the building be illuminated with this? Of course not! yes but this person will remind others to turn on their mobiles flash lights too,then when each of them turn it on,then  there will be a glow and so we need to start with ourselves,then remind others and slowly spread it!
We need to focus on three concentric circles ,the inner ,smaller circle is in my control to change,so make changes in yourself,the second medium circle will include your close people,immediate members from your family,your close friends,there is the middle circle which we can influence others!,then the last  bigger circle ,is of the things which are difficult to control!People should focus on things that Concern them on ,daily life basis,as time is passing by but we make it our concern about things which have no effect on us.

Start with ourselves,prophet pbuh taught us,the food for one person is enough for two and the food for three is enough  for four.
So we must master money else we will become slave,then we need to master the money!
Analogy : when you are very very hungry ,and there is very little food ,then how generous will u be? You will not be.A person will say I will eat first and then after I eat I wil, be generous and give this not the case? Don't we all become generous once we have eaten well.
.islam teaches us to take care of yourself and your family then share with is actually non Islamic to give away your entire wealth in charity and not keep anything for yourself or your family!
Allah says that they feed the poor for the love of Allah ,they give the food to the orphans,poor and the prisoners of war.
We don't seek any thanks from you,no reward from you.fill yourself with love for Allah then even if others hurt you or don't say thanks it does not affect you,that is not the attitude of believer.
Analogy:fundamental like gravity
Attended a convention in Chicago very late night ,no taxi streets decided to walk,then questions hit me I don't know where my hotel is where it is located.
So we must know where we are heading?
Ask ppl in hi school what is your aim in life,answer is  I don't know,I don't know!
So he found the address of the hotel,I don't know where am I .
So the real solution where am I ,if you get the wrong starting point then everything is wrong!so he then went to the bus stop.
This is the journey in life what are we dealing with,what is the situation what is your dream.Allah made the dream of prophet real,even before the victory of Makkah they knew their goal,so in life whenever you are doing anything always :
1)Know your starting point A
2)Know your destination B
3)Then how to get from point a to point b.
Them u r talking about solutions ,practicals.what do u want to change,
Then we can get the prescription,next circle of influence.
Circle of influence on the ones close to you, the family,the children.wish for guidance for children.and ESP for orphans.
Take your children and travel with them,travelers are the best in spreading islam.
Hadith: prophet saws said that the example of the good friend is about the person carrying musk or a parent,take your children into environment of misk.
The parents also about memorization of Quran,not necessary to memorize but every child should have a connection with Quran,
Five juz standard ; aim that your child memorize five juz,let's raise the standard.
Malaysian ,Indonesian culture: Tajweed halaqaaa after fajar.they have it in culture..

The circle that is out of your control.How we spend our time,We surf along ,waste our time on the net ,Put your timer,then computer will have a countdown, this puts u in discipline,take a break.if no discipline, then two hours pass by wout doing anything.
If u continue your life like this it will become meaningless, what is important is your day to day actions,ask questions that Things should concern you.not about things that have no basis! Questions like Do dinosaurs exits ,who cares? How is it going to affect u,so ask questions that u will seek knowledge,can you advise me on this specifically?
How to benefit from a child,I will ask who are the names that your other fellow students  talk about,so ask questions from their speciality?
When your teacher explains then ask how will I implement this with my children.
This is what I have done,how will I benefit it,little tweaks will open the floodgate of questions...
In conclusion, let's not waste time discussing what a good person should be like but let's be that person.

Pondering Upon the Hereafter

'Pondering upon the hereafter' a Lecture in Urdu:Aakhirat ki Fikar
 Speaker: Shaikh Zafarul Madani
Venue:al Manar Quran center,near Dubai Bowling center.
Date:27th Jan 2012

Allah has made the worrying about the DOJ( Day of Judgement) or having faith and belief in the hereafter as one of the pillar of faith ,out of the six pillars of faith.Also we read  daily Surah  Fatiha we say maalik al youm ad Deen, also in Surah al Baqarah we read that we believe in DOJ.most of the human beings even from different communities religion in the world also believe in the last day ,that after death  the people will be accounted by their book of records in duniya, their good and bad deeds will be examined.
Prophet pbuh spent thirteen long years of his mission of his first part informing the people about the DOJ, all the Makki Surah talk about DOJ,before starting the talk let's know the benefits of this topic..

Benefits of pondering upon the last day ,hereafter:

1)first benefit:
If a person believes in DOJ then the person does good deed, the person repents  of his wrong doings as he knows that he will be asked on DOJ,Eman bil aakhiraah takes a person to repent to do istighfaar.this is one reason that will keep him away from wrong.

2))second benefit:
the more the person believes in DOJ the more he will be obedient the more he will be patient and the more sunnah he will practice,he will not be heedless,will bear the difficulty will not leave the Deen,it also protects him from haraam for egs yusuf ale salaam refused when he was approached to do wrong doing / haraam by wife of minister, he responsed to the wife of the minister that I have to return to the lord,so the result was that he was prisoner for refusing for doing something haraam, he agreed to this saying to lord invoking that I prefer to be in the prison rather than be near such women who were calling him to doing wrong...

3)) third benefit:
 if one person,develops emaan bil aakhiraah then he is forced to do only good deeds,like in Surah Al Baqarah ,read salaat,have patience and ask help from Allah.establish prayer,then in the path of Deen have patience then Allah will help you.
For a person away from deen, prayer,salaat is a difficult thing,for egs a person slogs in his work for eight hours thru the day even does overtime for four hours more but to spend ten minutes in prayer he finds it a burden.. but Allah says that prayer becomes easy for the person who believes in DOJ and this person is always remembering that I have to meet my lord...
The people of today  have weak faith about their aakhiraah,the knowledge of Eman of aakhirah is missing, so they r not doing salaat ,such aperson forsakes it, then gets into haraam kaari,doing haraam job,as the emaan bil aakhiraah is weak..( in urdu aakhiratt par Eman  kamzor ho Gaya hai.)So sadly today ppl have lost the fear of lord, then they become heedless,then leave salaat,then shaytan will take them into other distractions and haraam things.

Surah al mudathir in para 29: read this where Allah talks about the signs and characteristics of good human beings who feed poor ppl,these ppl fear the DOJ,
If a person has faith in DOJ, then his jihad becomes easier,in order to be rewarded,on DOJ,the person never abandons the battlefield as he knows to give his life for Allah is an honour  is also has reward on DOJ...

Story of abdullah bin Hathafah sahaami... A warrior captured by roman ruler...who saif if u change ur religion to christianity then u will not be punished also given position of power in governmen    t...abdullah refused so his partner was thrown into Boiling abdullah saw that nothing was left of his partner except skeleton..white he started  to cry...the ruler of.roman empire said I gave you the offer but now do u still want to consider ....SO Abdullah bin hathafah  replied that it is an honour to die in Allah's cause,When I saw the scene I felt sorry that I had only one life. I wished that I had a thousand lives to sacrifice in your boiling cauldron for Allah (swt).”

What is the meaning of Aakhiraaah?

Our knowledge about  Eman bil aakhiraah is very limited..we think it's only Hell or paradise...

First aakhiraah after death the first destination is the grave : so first thing we need to worry about is grave,recorded by tirmidhi that uthman bin afaan,we have seen that whenever he saw a grave , then he would cry so much just by seeing, to the extent that his beard would get wet and tears would drip from one day ppl asked uthman ,that we have not seen you cry so much when you hear about  hell n paradise but when you just see the grave you so much... uthman replied to the ppl That I  have heard the prophet pbuh say that the first destination of aakhiraah is the grave before hell or paradise, first ask for the protection of trials of graves,then after grave the destination are on DOJ and then hell, paradise, if someone escapes the trials of grave then his onward journey will be easier...remember if a person suffers in the grave then his onward journey will get tougher...this is the reason prophet always said that ask Allah to protect from trials of grave,I have heard from my nabi that he has seen very scary scenes  on his night journey on mairaj but the most scary  scene has been the scene of the grave,so Allah save us from trials of grave.

One day nabi said o my ppl remember that before the recompense day ,before DOJ, then they will be accountable in the grave ,when they buried a person in the grave and family left the dead,everyone's is missing, but their in the grave there is not anyone with you,no relatives, no friends, everyone has left, that person is left alone.nabi says that one angel comes when there is solitude then the angel tears the  soil and in a frightening tone with a very big hammer,then asks ,who is the person who had come as a last messenger..may.  Allah protect us from such questioning...the dead reads the kalmah,,,announces the shahadah ,,the angel says you have said the truth then from grave they show the window of hellfire,and says that this would have been ur destination had you not been on tawheed,may we have tawheed e then open the window and show the paradise saying I am happy I want to the angel says not yet only when the day of qayaamat at arrives,Allah commands that make his grave the one which has the bed from jannah,,,from here the onward journey Allah makes it easier...
How is the person if he is not from the tawheed,he has been a hypocrite, or a non believer,or a namesake muslim,the angel comes and asks in frightening tone, who was the person born in madina, he says that I do not know but I did hear his name but have no knowledge about him..I am not aware but ppl called him Rasul ah apart from this no knowledge...the angels say that you never studied quran so you never asked and found out about rasul, you were never on siraat al mustaqeem,then he opens the window and show the jannah, paradise ,so since u w ere away in shirk u missed this and now ur destination will be of hell.and this angel gets ready to hammer his head,that his head shatters ,then except for human and Jinn all the creations can hear this frightening screams.
Shk tabarani has recorded that angel at this time will not have the ability to see,hear or speak so the angel here will be blind,dumb and deaf so that they cannot see the pain of the dead, so that he can do his job of hammering the head of dead person easily,so that the angel does not have mercy ,,,Allah has given so much strength to this angel that if he was to hammer the mountains they would have become dust...remember that this strong angel, hammers and this dead person screams from the east to the west of the horizon,prophet said that if I made dua for ppl to hear the screams then there relatives would never bury the dead in graves...
Allah creates this barrier of barzakh between duniya n  dead person,,,when the Sahabah heard this ,they said ya Rasulalla we are so frightened after hearing the description of this angel, so pls tell us that although we are on tawheed and sunnah but if such an angel stands in front of us then how are we going to answer...
Prophet replied that the ppl who do good deeds in duniya,are on the right path Allah will give them strength to reply and proclaim the kalmaah...

The aakhiratt here is the grave the first destination.
Once there was a big crowd of ppl, the. Prophet asked that why are they so many crowded, so Sahabah said the ppl are digging the grave of a person who just died,then nabi went fast towards this crowd, he reached the kabar first then he sat near the kabar and the sahaabah saw nabi looking at the kabar and he was crying looking at the ditch of the grave.....nabi saw the scene of the grave and cried so much that the soil got wet, then he looked up and said to the ppl, o my brothers,this grave is not just for this person, many were buried before and will be buried in the future ,pls prepare for this destination,,,what does this mean don't read prayers only in Ramadan,and only jumaa but read thru the twelve months and also stay away from shirk get Aqeedah correct...

Once a person who has prepared and he is buried in the grave then his prayers will protect him from the head ,his Zakaat on left, quraan  and all good deeds near his leg are protecting him from all sides...when ppl leave ,if any harm comes to him then his salaat protect him ,says I will not let you come from the top the side of head,when it comes near right side then the fast says that I will not let u harm ,the Zakaat sadaqqaat and khairaaat will protect from left side, then nabi says that now it comes towards the feet then all his good deeds stand in front to sheild him...we will not let u harm him....

HazratAisha says that when any harm comes from head then the recitation of Quran starts protecting,,,,so if you have not prepared for ur grave but prepared about settling in your home country,made retirement plans...then such a person will be in extreme danger related to matters of his grave..

May Allah protect us from the grave,it's trials...

What are things that make us heedless about the death..or about aakhiraah...

1)) why are we not worried about the aakhiraah, Imaam Hanbal says that if you remember about Aakhiraah then you will always do good deeds.After the messengers the best Muslim is abubakr sidq .once abubakr Siddiq RA was traveling with Omar RA and he saw a little bird flew from a tree, so he saw and started crying,why because this Bird flies freely ,eats wherever it wants but it will die and there is no accountability, but when abubakr dies he will be asked about his accounts so He says i wish I was like this bird ...

2)) once in a summer day ,there was no breeze in the house,  Uthman RA  had a double story house ,so he stood in his balcony, then saw the rocky mountains where ppl can't walk,nor can animals walk,but  he saw that one person was walking in the heat and walking on this mountainous path on which animals also couldn't walk, so he ,uthman,waits to watch who is this person, that person was Hazrat Omar RA, the khalifaah ,amir al momeneen,was walking when everyone is resting at home, he wondered why he is walking so uthman asked from the balcony why are you walking when everyone is at home, Omar replied that of the baitul maal two camels have run away so I am looking for he ,uthman,said pls come drink water and I will send two slaves to look for the camels on your behalf...Omar RA said that let the water  be with you..i will look for it myself..if your slaves will not be good enough to search for them then on DOJ Allah will ask me not ask them when you know you will be accountable you will worry about DOJ.

3)) once uthman RA   pulled the ears of his slave ,then he apologized that I will be questioned..pls pull my ear so that I don't have to give the account on doj...Ibn Shabbah narrated with his isnad that Uthman ibn Affan entered upon a slave of his who was feeding his she-camel, and he saw something in the feed that he disliked, so he took hold of the slave's ear and tweaked it. Then he regretted it and said to his slave: settle the score. The slave refused, but he did not leave him alone until he had taken hold of his ear and begun to tweak it. Uthman said to him: Pull hard, until he thought that (the slave) had pulled as hard as he had done. Then Uthman said: How easy it is to settle a score before it is settled in the Hereafter. (Akhbar al-Madinah by Ibn Shabbah, 3/236)

4) our prophet pbuh read salaat thru the night ,he would be  crying, asking for Allahs forgiveness,then umm salaam a was there in the night,then she left then nabi called out many times so she went saw that the slave girl was playing with a little white goat,so he had pbuh a miswak but he did not...

1))there are people who assume that even if they do wrong deeds they will not be questioned as Allah is oft forgiving,this is wrong  ( In Urdu ghalat  gumaan karein) anyone who does a good deed Allah will reward him,but what the ppl say that Allah is ghafur Raheem ao we can do wrong deeds, take bribe, then gossip,ppl, start saying that Allah loves us  more than our mothers, can a mother see her child getting burnt,no she x
Cannot ao how will Allah burn anyone in hellfire so he will not put in hell fire...this is ghalat gumaani, today majority of ppl are under a false impression as they have been doing wrong not doing good deeds..
 This is similar to not going to school or college or university  but to  expect that you will be rewarded with a degree !

Fussilat Aya 23

وَذَٰلِكُمْ ظَنُّكُمُ الَّذِي ظَنَنتُم بِرَبِّكُمْ أَرْدَاكُمْ فَأَصْبَحْتُم مِّنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ

And that was your (evil) thought which you entertained about your Lord that has tumbled you down into perdition, so are you become of the lost ones.

We should do taubaa istighfaar,do good things ,and then expect that Allah will give us jannah.if we don't do good things and then expect that you will get jannah this is being foolish.

2)) Amall امل
 Para 14 th Allah says that you eat drink and be happy but what has made you heedless from the aakhiraah is from doing deeds, Amal,what is Amal,this is not doing any deed ,just the love of duniya,just get busy in duniya that u forget about Aakhirah,the person becomes heedless about aakhiraah but gets busy making plans of  big massive projects of duniya for the future.this is another thing that makes a person heedless.
( Maut ki kisi ko Khabar one has any clue about death).

3)) imam Hassan al basri says that if a person has any wrong impression about Allah then he will do wrong deeds but if he has good feelings then he will do good.

4)) if a person forgets the purpose of life then he gets deviated and distracted,therefore  every individual should  ponder as to why he has been created .(human and jinn are created to worship Allah,Surah Rahman).

5) in Quran Allah tells us that man most of the times gets distracted by his children,his wife And family. Protect yourself from such family and children who are your enemies, no one will believe but why does Allah say this ,what is the definition of an enemy the one who makes u a loser or harms your well being, this is an enemy,aduwww,so Allah says that after you ,your family and children are ur enemies, the ones who spoil ur aakhirah then who is the biggest enemy,how will u protect ur enemy who is with u at home, the ones who distract you,just like nabi said that o ppl be aware of the child ,no doubt he is the Noor of your eye, love of your life but what takes you away from aakhiratt .

5)Friendship with wrong ppl, bad company is another
Read sura tahaa Allah says to musaa when he is being given prophet hood ,remember that ways at will come and why will it come so that ppl will be accounted and rewarded and if you make friendship with some one from out of Deen then such a person will drown and will drown you as well.O musaaa protect urself from such ppl..In Surah kahf:  o Nabee stay close with ppl who are in Deen else it is dangerous.

6)) the last point is very dangerous,depending upon righteous ppl,depending upon pirs,shaikhs ,wrong ppl who mislead them .ppl going on urooss ( like a procession),put Sheets( Chaadar) on graves..
Allah says in Surah Anaam, just like you came alone from mothers womb similar u will come alone in grave and on DOJ,such ppl will be asked  where are those righteous people on whom depended in duniya where are they, the ones who promised to intercede on ur behalf,we dont see anyone with you...May Allah protect us..

Last six imp points:
1)Always remember death,as this reminds you of DOJ..( keep reminding yourself constantly about death ,in Urdu kasrat se yaad kareim).
2)) go to graves to remember death don't go on dargaah ,go to any regular graves,so that it will make you realize of the death and you will get serious.

3) sit with ulemas and scholars ,read from Quran where it is mentioned about death..
4) recite quraan with zeal then ponder upon the verses.

5) be accountable of your deeds, thru the day what have you done ,also thru the day prepare for your qayaaamat,be mindful what you have done for your children...

Remember when two thirds of night would pass then nabi would stand and nabi would  say o ppl leave beds, do istighfaar,don't sleep , prepare for their nights, udhkurrullah, o ppl get up now and start prepare foe the aaakhiraah, nabi saws does not wait for night to end does his TAHAJUD,death is on ur head getting ready would prepare the ppl for their aakhiraah.

Q& A session:

A sister asked how will we I be sure that Allah has accepted my repentance.

Remember that there are Three conditions about tauba (this is huquq Allah).
First point is that person should profusely repent ,be ashamed of it .
Second point leave the sin that you regretted,for egs you lied today and repented but the next morning you again lied,doing the  the same sin,this is wrong,
Third point that in future also never do the sin.
If it is huquq of person then ask forgiveness from ppl.

we need to understand what some learned scholars have said  about repentance and deeds.Abu Ayub said that on the doj there will be some ppl who will go to jannah ,paradise on account of commiting SIN!! While there  will be some people who will go to Jahannam,hellfire on account of doing GOOD DEEDS! People were puzzled and said what are you saying Abu Ayub!!

So then he explained that the people who will go to jannah on account of their sins are  those people who had committed A sin once in duniya but they remembered it more than thousand times ,regretted and cried due to this sin, he repented so much that due to tauba istighfaar went to jannah...

While some ppl are such that although they have done good deeds in duniya  but shaytan created kibar and pride in them that they became arrogant which took them to hellfire...
What are the signs that Allah has forgiven...

Sura Taahaa,,,Allah says that after repenting of his sin and starts doing good deeds,stay away from sin then this is an indication that Allah has forgiven him..

Question: please tell us how will Quran intercede on DOJ for a beleiver?

Answer:Two types of intercession has been explained in Quran
One is shirkiyaa and the other is shariaa a
Shirkiya is to get attached to a person and expect he will intercede for u..

While Shifaa at shariaa has to have three conditions ,
1-Allah will give the permission to intercede ,on DOJ no one will dare to speak except only those to whom Allah will give permission..only with whom Allah is pleased..
2-- Shifaaat means that it will be possible only from those who have not done shirk,so the intercession will be only as per Allah s will .Allah did not accept Ibrahim ale Salam s request to intercede for his father who was a mushrik.

3--also Allah will fix the number of ppl that you will be allowed to intercede.
These are the theree conditions, Allah will give permission to righteous ppl, Allah will grant this permission to honor you as you have done good deeds,

Shifaa at kubraa which only nabi Rasullah pbuh will do to start DOJ..

What about intercession of quraan..

There will be some ppl that who will be waiting but these ppl are from ummah but they read it only for the dead,for such ppl Quran will come in a frightening appearance and say that this person never did the deeds, whatever was forbidden he did it,so nabi pbuh says that this Quran will thrash him on ground and take him to hellfire.

But there are other believers who have read the Quran with understanding and have applied the rules of Quran and lived by it, for them Quran will intercede and be witness in the most handsome form and plead to Allah to send such a person to jannah as this person was sincere in reading and practicing the Quran in dunya...

Question: when we attend such gatherings then our Eman gets stronger but by the time we get back to duniya we forget and busy ourselves with pur routine,so what should we do...
Answer :
Then you must  constantly participate in such gatherings to strengthen your Eman, a man is a forgetful being he requires reminders.once the Sahabah said that our emaan increases when we sit in your mehfil but when we go to duniya then we get busy in duniya,the Eman  diminishes...
Nabi Muhammad pbuh  said that this is the sign of a good beleiver, then if u r away u realize that it goes down...then if you have the realization( in Urdu ahsaas) then it is a sign so increase your participation in religious gathering ( in urdu :in deeni mehfil).So we should sit with our children discuss with family take a Hadith discuss with kids,Allah says that he is a believer when his emaan increase when religion is discussed...