Monday, March 19, 2012

Ramadan Series : 4 ( Welcoming the fresh fragrance of Ramadan )


There is no happiness, than the happiness of being close to Allah s.w.t Al Qareeb.the closeness of Allah swt is the best delight and can be attained by being close to Allah ,how can we be close to Allah ? By taking the first steps, by doing good deeds.
People say it is difficult to do good deeds,they complain of a lot of fitnah around,much distraction,too many responsibility of family, then they say how do we do the worhip,ibadaah? but look at the Generosity of Allah swt .It is so vast,out of His karam, Allah, out of His mercy,Allah swt created chances ,oppurtunity for human beings.Allah knows His creations.He prepared this special month so that we will perform good deeds.these occasions are open for everyone,free invitation,free of charge,although Allah's Rahmaah is there through the year, but Allah knows us,HE knows our hearts ,as there are times when we do ibaadah (worship) with complete dedication and then there are times when we become lazy.sometimes we human beings are excited with energy,sometimes we are too lazy to come to dars,islamic classes!
This is the reason we have the blessed breeze of shahrul Ramadan which is cool,beautiful,blessed,this comes fast and before we realize it leaves us fast.this is the reason we need to make the most of this breeze,shaharul Ramadan,before u realize this Ramadan will have gone,it is like nafhaa, a breeze filled with peace n tranquility.Allah blessed this month,in the earlier days this time was the connection between heaven and earth.It was in the month of Ramadanthat the revelations of the Quran descended from heavens above.
In less than 24 hrs we will welcome Ramadan,although we can not see it ,there are changes going to happen in the universe,we believe this as we have been told by our prophet PBUH.the shayateen,devils and evil Jinn are chained ,gates of Hell are closed.
Allah showers us with mercy in the month of Ramadan,revealed in the month of Ramadan, in less than twenty four hours we will feel it's breeze.
What feeling should we have before we receive  Ramadan, it should be as though we are receiving an honorable guest.
For egs if a special dear guest is to arrive in your house after one year, especially if you love this person very dearly, how will you feel when the days of this person nears, you will be excited,happy and counting the days so eagerly.Also you will  need to prepare yourselves,especially if  you are expecting that the guest who is to arrive in sometime,is a guest you love so much .
This is how we should welcome the blessed month of Ramadan,with happiness ,full preparation,Allah will give u reward for your emotions,as if you are in a state of ibAadah.when Ramadan comes there will be changes in universe which we cannot see but believe as prophet PBUH has informed us.
The head of shayateen, the very powerful masters of shayateen,are chained.but the smaller shayateen are still around ,the visvaas will still be there,this is from ourself,now in Ramadan we don't have any enemy except ourselves that we need to control.
Doors of paradise will be opened and doors of hell will be closed.
A divine caller will call,though we cannot hear, o the one who is craving to do good this is your chance do good,if u want to reform urself this is the time!
Aya 133 sura Alaa imraaan:
Surah 3, Verse 133:

وَسَارِعُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا السَّمَاوَاتُ وَالْأَرْضُ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden, the extensiveness of which is (as) the heavens and the earth, it is prepared for those who guard (against evil).

We must hasten to do good deeds,not miss any moment in Ramadan.Ramadan will come and fly so fast.go forward ,hasten ,also in another Hadith prophet PBUH,said that be saabiq,compete,hasten to do good deeds, as prophet PBUH was so generous through the year but in Ramadan He was extremely generous.
Ramadan with ihsaaan, with perfection, with excellence:

I want to be the best in my Ibaadah,in my dealings with people.How to get Ahsaan from quraan:
Surah baqrah Aya 183:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evil) and achieve Taqwa.

O you believer ,Allah prescribed for u fasting as He had prescribed for the ones before you!
It is to reform us so that at the end of Ramadan we will become pious,achieve Taqwaa.
Wisdom behind fasting of thirty days is to achieve Taqwaa,be a mutaqee ESP after Ramadan, that you will be better than what you were before Ramadan, if there is no Ihsaan in Ramadan,there will not be Ihsaan after Ramadan.
We should do our Ramadan making it the best ,to perform the month of Ramadan with Ihsaan, all the ibaadat of fasting,Zakaat,umraah,recitation of quraan,good deeds.

Ihsaan from the word ahsaanaa which means  from the best,Ihsaan. Prayer means with concentration,khushoo, with faham, understanding, interacting with Allah,this is having Ihsaan,the best.
Do not deprive yourself from being a Mohsin,who is a mohsin he is a, a good Muslim, with perfect Eemaan all of it runs parallel we need to increase our faith,this will make us mohsin in our ibaadaah.
Ihsaan is a noun, a person with Ihsaan is a mohsin,a person cannot become a mohsin until he applies the Ihsaan in every detail of his to get the Ihsaan it is different levels,
The more Ihsaan you collect in all ibaadat,then what we will get,we will attain Allahs love! The mohsin will get Allah's love and will get Allah's closeness, Allah's mercy.
We are human beings we love perfection,we love all our children for egs if  we have two kids and we ask one of them for water ,one child will run and serve you perfectly in a tray while the other will be lazy to bring,who will you love more? of course the child who will rush and hasten with Ihsaan.
Wa lillahil mathilll Aalaa, the best Example is that of Allah swt,HE IS PERFECT in HIS attributes ,we need to do the best of Ibaaadaah with Ihsaan, with excellence so that we are from the muqaribun, closer to Allah swt.Allah loves all His creations but HE loves the MOHSIN, the ones who perfect their Ibadah .therefore there are different levels of Ihsaan which we must try to increase,elevate our ranks by perfecting our Ibadah.
We should practise Ihsaan constantly for egs there are different areas each of us are best at ,someone could be a great listener, someone could be a great cook, someone maybe a good cleaner,someone could be a great parent,someone can be a good worshipper ,taking care of dunya and aakhirah,so each of us have our different areas in which we are excellent.
Similarly we need to practice excellence in Ibaadah to get the Ihsaan.
Ihsaan in Ramadan is the best time to practise. Ihsaan can be done in two actions:
1)Ahsaan Fi ibaditallah : mohsin in Allah's worship(praying salaat, reading quraan,)
2) ahsaan ilaa ibadillah :Mohsin in dealing / relationship with people.

Ahsaaan Fi ibaaditallah :
Perfection in all the ibaadaat of Allah swt for egs we must ensure Ahsaan in our fasting,
saum with Ihsaan,reciting Quran with Ihsaan, charity with excellence ,umraa,zakaah all this ibaadat wz Ihsaan.

Brief summary
3.Learn through the year ,it cannot be overnight.
4.Prepare with knowledge.
5.Purify your Ibadah from sins( be careful)

Detailed explanation of above points:

How will you do it: 
1.always renew ur intention,refine ur intention.
From the time you start your fast until  the sunset, you are in ibaadaah.this is ibadat al qalb, not thinking bad,worship of the heart.
If you feel Hungry, thirsty you should say ya Rabbi I m feeling hungry for ur sake.Allah says that forsiyaam ,this is especially for me, I will reward you abundantly,on qantara, the small bridge  on DOJ no one can touch from your fast.this is doing the Ihsaan Fi ibaadatal Allah.some ppl just sleep thru the day,to avoid feeling hungry this is wrong.we need to remember that we are doing this for the sake of Allah.a preparation of Ramadan,not in a single day,Sahabah used to prepare six months order to do ur prayers with Ihsaan we need to do it with Ihsaan,we need to perfect our ibadat, this has to be done with knowledge ,only then can our preparation be perfect.
Leave all the books,be with quraan always,ponder upon the quraan,do Ramadan with ihsaaan,only learning about Allah swt.
Definition of mohsin is to worship Allah as though you seeing Allah swt.
We also need to be careful,there are thieves who will snatch your good deeds,things that will be wasted as the hasanaat will be taken away due to sins of heart,Hasad is a big enemy,hasad for duniya and hasad or deen.
Ulemaas said that there is more hasad bet ppl of deen than ppl of dunya.evidence/ stories from quran;
Shaytan out of hasad that angels prostrated to Adam, he did not bow and was punished.
Story of haabil and qaabil.Allah accepted from sacrifice from the one whose sacrifice  was filled with Ahsaan so the other one killed the other brother out of hasad.
We are doing Ibaadah with Ihsaan but sins of heart will destroy everything for egs, show off, charity ,greedy,
Story from quraan part 29, ppl of jannah,of gardens who were greedy about having their jannah, they were finally destroyed and punished.Greed is a big enemy to snatch your good deeds done with Ihsaan.
Al Mann,another sin which is of reminding somone with favors,that u have done, this will destroy the sadaqah that u did,the moment u remind her that u have down favors,this is a test from Allah swt.for egs , someone giving food to someone in Ramadan and later reminding or saying that I provided u wz food! This takes away from ur good deed.
Al GHIBAA wa Nameema : all this will take the good deeds,this will snatch away the best deeds you have done with Ihsaan,this will destroy ur ibadat.

AHSAAN ILAA IBADILLAH: perfection in dealing with the ppl
There are diff ways of dealing with excellence with ppl as you are expecting reward only from Allah swt in the month of Ramadan.
For egs :write duaa and messaging to ppl via phone.Allah will reward u by giving u more energy.Ahsaan by sending food to ppl.Ahsaan il al Naas with food,message,
Dealing with ppl husn al Khuluq, wout expecting any reward.
Best deed is to forgive and pardon ppl.we have to be sabiqun,go forward, do with Ihsaan,Allah s mercy will be close to such ppl.

Ramadan Series : 3 ( Fiqh as Siyam)

Fiqh us Siyaam July 24 th 

Nullifiers of Fasting :

Eating ,drinking and having relations with spouses.sura Baqarah verse 187
Hadith Qudsi:

According to Hadith of ayesha RA ,that whoever does not have control over his sexual desires he should not have relation with spouse.but some men know how to control themselves.
Case 1: discharge of semen due to fondling wife nullifies the fast
Case 2: kissing and fondling no discharge does not nullify the fast
Case 3: discharge of madhi,urethral discharge due to kissing,this will not nullify fast.
Case 4: if a man thinks of his wife and has  deep thinking ,leading to semen discharge will not nullify his fast, sometimes only talking leads to discharge but this will not nullify the he has not acted .

Case 5: cupping,hijaama nullifies fasting.
Prophet saws said the one who is cupping and the one who has cupped ,both have nullified their fast.scholars have two opinions about nullifying the fast,the more correct view is that it nullifies the fast as it weakens the body,it will force him to break his fast.
Shaikh Muhammad bin salih Al uthaimeen says that if a person needs to do cupping as else he gets sick ,then he should make up his fast is better to avoid cupping to be on safe side.

Blood donation,blood loss:
Case 1: if a person fell on a sharp object causing blood loss, will not nullify as it was intentional,

Case 2: is donating blood allowed,permissible, yes in two conditions,if it is necessity and if it will not cause u harm.
A fasting person can donate blood, if it is obligatory and u will save dying person only in case of dire necessity.otherwise it is not allowed.for a nafl fast,
Even extracting tooth does not nullify fast,should not take anything in blood test is also allowed.
Giving injection with blood does not nullify fast.
Eyedrops will not nullify fast.
Excessive exaggeration while doing wudhu ,sniffing nose then water will go, this will nullify fast.
Inhalers for asthma will not nullify their fast.
Eating drinking forgetfully does not invalidate fast.
Injections will not nullify the fast except glucose injection.
If fasting person eats and drinks forgetfully then his fasting will not be nullified.
If u see a fasting person,eating forgetfully we should remind him that he is fasting.
Does this ruling apply to ignorance?
Person who ignores the ruling of eating n drinking of fasting, for egs anew Muslim.
For egs a person is ignorant if the state ,and he is still having suhoor when i is dawn,this does not nullify as he was ignorant of the state.
Ignorance of ruling and ignorance of state : Evidence is there.
For egs if someone being done forcibly, if husband forces for relation, the lady is excused,her fast is correct.
If u r rinsing ur mouth in wudhu and some water accidentally goes into throat,u should continue fasting.
Sudden attack of vomiting then no atonement is required but if the vomit is intentional then he has to compensate.if vomiting is induced intentionally then it invalidates the fasting!

Qalaas,food that comes up with burp after suhoor, this will not nullify the fast.
Any of the prohibitions overcome the person unintentionally ,the person is excused.
Menses and post birth bleeding will nullify the fast.
Direct inhaling the bukhoor nullifies the fast,it has particles of smoke which stick to lungs,stomach

Ramadan Series : 2

Fiqh us siyam ( July tenth; sister Qadariya) ( rulings of Fasting)

Meaning of Siyaam linguistically in Arabic; means abstinence .

Meaning of siiyam Acc to islamic terminology,legal fasting  :Worshiping Allah with abstinence from eating n drinking, no sexual relations ,from dawn till maghrib,with firm believe in  following the commands of Allah.
If someone is fasting for his health sake

Fasting is one of the pillar of Islam.if someone believes it but avoids it or shuns fasting then he is disobedient to Allah ,he is not considered akaafir like for the one who does not pray.,this person is a kafir.

Allah ordained fasting in three stages, it was not ordained immediately:

1) the first was the fasting of Aashuraa in the month of Moharram.this is how fasting began,
2) then fasting was ordained as a voluntary act,sura Baqarah verse184.
Whoever wants to fast it is better for him.
3) the third stage Allah ordained fasting as an obligatory act in Surah Baqarah verse 185.
Allah is the most wise ,He ordained it gradually, in three stages!

Why did Allah ordain fasting?

1) to attain piety, Surah Baqarah verse 183
Allah addressing the believers that fasting ordained so that u become righteous attain piety.
2) to appreciate Allahs blessings, to appreciate the food,drink.( human nature to appreciate only when deprived)
3)Tto train us with patience and tolerance 
4)in order rich ppl feed poorpp
5) blood veins will be constricted,the channels of sharan will be constricted .
6) clears the body from harmful wastes
7) you will have more time to worship Allah azzawajal.

Rulings concerning  fasting:

1) prohibition of fasting one dayortwo days before Ramadan.prophet saws said that do not fast a day or two before Ramadan except for a person who is in the habit of fasting he is allowed to fast.for egs a person is used to fasting every Monday and now this Monday is one day before Ramadan,it is allowed.
Why is it not allowed to fast a day or two before Ramadan:
To prevent exaggeration ,( some ppl do it to be on the safe side as the authorities have not known about shaban days )
Also to avoid confusion about ramadan days.

This is prohibited and is disliked in Islam if ppl practice.if you do it then u will not be punished but if you did not do it then u will be rewarded.this is called makroohh.

Some ppl say don't fast after fifteenth shaabaan ,this is a weak Hadith.
If you have not made up fromlast years fast then you should fast as this is obligatory fast.

2) prohibition of fasting the 30th day of shaabaan, youm al Shaq,doubtful day:

If you did not see it as skies are not clear,then u cannot fast,this is haraam.if the skies were clear and u did not see the moon,u can fast but this is disliked.
From Hadith : the one who has fasted on the doubtful day of 30th shaabaan has disobeyed prophet saws.

3) commencing and terminating our fasting with the sighting of moon:

Do not fast until u see the new crescent moon and do not terminate till u see the crescent moon of shawwal.
Sighting the moon is after maghrib time,one Muslim witness is enough to start the month of fasting of Muslim witness is sufficient to announce the commencement of fasting.but according to another Hadith that two witness is sufficient to terminate the fasting.
This Hadith shows flexibility of Islam,ease of is sunnah to see the new moon but we dont need many ppl as witnesses.

A question:
If a person travelled from India to Dubai and kept only twenty eight days, he will have to keep the remaining fast depending on Dubai days.
The opposite if person is traveling from Dubai to India,he can keep thirty one days and should break fast withh ppl of india.
Another situation you completed 30 days in Dubai ,and they announced eid next day, now you r traveling to India , u will not fast u will have I'd.

4))Intention of fasting, niyyah before fajar time:

Prophet saws said that No fasting is accepted if he has not made the intention in the heart before dawn.definition of fasting is from dawn till maghrib,u should have intention before the dawn.
If u r not sure that Tom will be Ramadan , then u should have a conditional intention if fasting that if it is Ramadan I will fast if not then I will not fast.
Also it is enough to have the intention to fast the entire month ,unless if you are traveling or are sick,then u need to renew ur intention once u resume fast after sickness,

5)) in case of observing avoluntary fast it is not a must to have intention from the fajar,it can be done anytime in the day.but in case of obligatory fast like aashuraah or day of arraafahh,six days of shawwall,or the white days of the months ,then u have to have the intention before fajar.
Evidence from Hazrat Aaishah RA said once prophet saws came and asked do u have anything to eat ,she said no ,so he said then I m fasting.this indicates the simplicity of their lives.
This indicates that voluntary fast can be assumed in the middle of the day, then you will have reward from the time of the intention.also the condition is that u should not have eaten or drunk anything from dawn.

Another time Hazrat Aaisha said that I have been gifted with haaissa, so prophet saws said that he has been fasting and so he would break his fast in the middle of the voluntary fast can be broken in the middle of the day but only for a valid reason.prophet saws had to eat ,they did not have enough food.


13,14,15th days are sunnah of fasting ,these are restricted voluntary fast.we should have the intention from the dawn of 13th to we have to have it before the dawn to complete the three days.obligatory fast have to have intention before fajar, even the missed obligatory when u fast,then make the intention,very important.

Ramadan Series : 1

Month of Ramadan, beautiful fragrance, We cannot do anything without Allah az zawajal's  help.remember the excellence of fasting.we should graduate after fasting like a mutaqeee as Allah loves mutaqii.Taqwaa will be received only in Ramadan.our body comprises of soul n body,both need food,sometimes we neglect the food of our soul, we focus on taking care of ur body .the soul needs proper nutrition,so in Ramadan we are encouraged to do good deeds,reading quran, praying,pondering upon Quran, qiyamal Layl.this is the food for soul,we need to take care of our soul throughout the year not just wait for Ramadan. Ppl should not do good deeds only in Ramadan but they should do it thru the year and increase it every year to elevate the ranks.

Recap: if u fast Allah expiates all his sins,Ramadan is an open cheque.will receive the rewards in the DOJ .Allah keeps the biggest reward for later on DOJ ,multiplied .
Also Allah will protect person from falling into sins,remove from hell fire. fasting trains us to have patience, saber.When you start your fast from fajr until Iftar you are  in a state of Ibadah .when you are fasting u will control your nafs,desires and  you will remember that this is for Allah's sake.

suhoor means predawn meal.saher means predawn time.before fajr.virtues of sahoor.
Pg 45: treasures to look in this book :Hadith from Anas said that there is excellence in saher,when u r doing sahoor as if u r following Allah's commandment ,obeying Sunnah ,following the prophet pbuh ,you will be closer to Prophet pbuh on DOJ.verily this sahoori is****** Barakah****. filled with blessing.Allah will bless ur body ,you will have the strength in the morning,Allah will give u strength to do more Ibadah, worship more earn more hasanat.regarding fasting, a Hadeeth which states that there is barakah in three things,
Al jamaah,in gathering ( forgiveness of sins , encourage to do good deeds), Sareed ( the best food,) and suhoor ( barakah for Ibadah, for fasting).
Rawaah Tabbarani : 
Allah swt is yussaloo alai on the ones who take suhoor.when u r taking suhoor, Allah praises u in front of angels.Allah will praise u ,this is an honor, you will get more light in duniya n DOJ.all decisions of this person will b correct, u will b able to cross the siraat, the more if u get Salaatil Allah ,the more light u will get.even the angels will make duaa for u.imagine when ur taking ur suhoor, busy eating Allah is praising u and all the angels invoking for u.this is for all who takesuhoor.Surah al Imran verse 17.
Waqt al suhoor waqt al Mubarak,yanzil Allah swt to the nearest heaven.
this time Allah is on the lowest heaven and asks who is asking for forgiveness, I will forgive, the best time to read duaa, is predawn, before taking suhoor, invoke Allah every night not only in Ramadan.predawn time is afdhal time for istighfaar.
Allah praises those who is asking sfor forgive ness from Allah swt.
We will rejoice b happy to wake up for suhoor, u feel blessed n happy
Food for suhoor:
Bread n butter, cereals. Yoghurt,best is Tamar dates.prophet saws said the dry dates is best.minimum is just a sip of water with the intention of suhoor.
When u wake up for suhhor u will make the intention of siyam.
If u fast wout intention then it is not considered fasting.
Two types of intention: either u can make intention to fast the entire month of Ramadan.or u can make daily niyyah.individual niyyah by focussing on the diff types of hasanat.

Iftar pg 46-47:
 What intention to have while having footur:
The ppl will be on the good, straight path when they hasten to break fast. Sunnah is to hasten to break fast.immediately after azaan, don't wait ,hasten to break fast .ppl will b in Khair for your body. 
If prophet saws says that we must hasten then this is for our good.
Hadith Qudsi: divine Hadith 
Allah says that amongst My slaves the quicker one is in breaking the saum,the dearer is he to me.
So in order to get Allahs love we must hasten in breaking the saum.
Break ur fast with what?
Hadith tirmidhi:
 Prophet saws used to break his fast and then pray.he used to break fast with fresh dates, rutab ,rattaba, if u cannot find then use dry dates, if not then look for water.
Intention when breaking fast
Obeying Allah swtcommandment
Obeying sunnah and following pbuh saws
Futoor will give me strength to perform salaat,ibadat,
Ur duaa will be accepted ,before breaking ur fast.
( prophet saws said that there is one duaa,of a fasting person will be accepted so make it a spl time to make duaa ,
You can have suhoor just before fajr adhaan,
Pg 51: 
If someone forgets and takes water while fasting, he should continue his fast as Allah had fed him .
If u saw someone eating or drinking while fasting,renind that person.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Delightful Prayer Series : 5


Jamaa prayer 

Better to be close to each other as this is like following  sunnat nabi .
Sometimes we get closer to follow prophet saws.always fill the first rows ,if you see the gaps it is recommended ,mustahab, we get more reward for doing this.
When we hear the imam talking about paradise, then we can interact and make duaa that Allahuma as alukal jannah.this is recommended but we must be sure of what is being said,we must have knowledge if the ayaat.we can either say in our heart or we can slowly utter.

Things that will cut the prayer :

Al qalb al Assad : black dog that comes in front of you while you are in praying.
Heemaar / donkey , lady crossing in front of your prayer!
In mecca ,medina, you should guard yourself, your prayer,you should put sutrah and if the lady will come in front then you can push them gently or stop them. The child will not cut the prayer.

Voluntary prayer : NAWAAFIL

SUNNAN AR RAATIBAH ( associated with prayer):

1: if you read 12  rakaat of sunnan  with the obligatory ,then ur home will be built in paradise.Hazrat Aaisha RA said that when she heard this from prophet saws.she never left these sunnah.highly recommended is the two rakaah before fajar and prophet saws said that if u gather everything in life and whatever is in it,still the two rakaa of sunnah is the best.he used to recite Surah kaafirun and surah ikhlaas and he used to make it light and not burden ,also he used to take a shortest on his right hand befor e reading the fardh thefardh prayer he used to recite60 ayaat in fajr fard.

Two rakaah sun nah before the two fardh of fajar.
Two rakaah,two rakaah

Xtra prayers :

If you pray two rakaah after the dhuhar as extra nawafal,then Allah will forbid the naar from touching you.
The one who performs four rakaat, in twos before Asr, then Allah will shower you with special mercy.

Salaatil dhuhaa ( or Salatul awwaabin): highly recommended sunnah, even when traveling prophet saws did.minimum is two rakaah maxi mum is eight rakaah.
What is the time for dhuhaa:
After sunrise ,12 mins later prox ,u can read dhuhaa.until thedhuhar prayers before ten minutes.( this is the last time of dhuhaa)
The best time to perform is around 11.30 am,when the sun is at it's peak.( the time not allowed to prayer is ten minutes before dhur prayer)

Prophet saws said in a Hadith, for every joint in body ,360 parts, for each joint we are supposed to give charity , prophet saws said if you gave the charity for ur body if you read just two rakaah in a day! SubhanAllah!

AFZAL UL SALLAATI BAAD AL FARIDAH IS QIYAAM AL LAYL,TAHAJUD, TARAWIH.prophet saws used to read eleven rakaah,8 tarawih and three witar.

WITAR PRAYER.AFTER ishaan till before fajar,

istikharah,tahatulmasjud,funeral etc.

Sunnattt ul wudhu: this will make u enter paardise,prophet saws said that to bilal that he heard his footsteps.

Duaa between Iqaaamaah and the fard salaah u can read two rakaah, ur duaa will never be rejected.

Two sunnah before leaving the house,two sunnah after entering the house, this Allah will take care of my outings and my entering the house.
Tijaaraa, business,earn rewards with multiple intentions of doing good,ihtisaab,if you enter house,make wuddu make intention of sunnah wuddhu, intention of salatuul duhaa and also intention

Etiquettes of Masjid

Keep it clean
Do not raise ur voice while praying .
Do not start a fight a quarrel in masjid.
You can sleep, eat drink.
Disliked to fix a place in masjid.
Not allowed to reserve seats in masjid.
Children are allowed to play.the mother should teach children not to make noise.
Cannot push two person and sit in between.
Do not cross someone's prayer.

salatal jamaa
Prayer in masjid is fardh is obligatory.prophet saws said that the one who is not going to pray in the masjid ,this person is a munaafiq, prophet saws said that he would burm the houses of such is not fard for ladies.
Minimum jamaaa for are require two ppl.
For ladies always same line, on right side more ppl to stand than the left side.
If the jamaaa has started and all rows have filled up,then stand in the middle to start the new rows.

Salaatil masbooq :

If you see that when u reached the masjid, the imam has started the prayer then we should say the takbeerat and then join.if u reach masjid and the Imaam is in sujood,so just join, follow the I'm am after saying Allah hu Akbar.
It is haraam to preceed the Imaam,Muharram.some ppl doing  mutaaabaa, following the Imaam this is sunnah.
Some ppl do it with imman  this is disliked.
Some ppl delay it even if Imaam has finished Ruku, sometimes with a reason for egs I'd u cannot hear the I'm am then it is fine but wout any reason, this is opposing the sunnnatan nabi saws.

Who will be Imaam
The one who memorized more Quran and his recitation is best.
If someone has both the above then who knows more sunnah, then the one who did Hijraa first, the one who embraced Islaam first then who is the elderly.
Immaam as masjid wil, perform prayers, saaahibulll bayt ,the host of the house has the right to lead the manner but if he gives permission to lead the prayer.

Delightful Prayer Series : 4

DELIGHTFUL PRAYER SERIES Bonus class part 1: July 30th ( SUJUUD as suhuw)

ALLAH swt has blessed us with Islam, we should thank Allah swt for our deen along with so many other blessings.

Sahaaa ( verb) : to forget unintentionally. 
as sahooww( noun) ; forgetfulness 

SUJUD AS SAHUW ( there are two types of sujud as suhuw, two types of  prostrations).

First kind is when  sujood suhuw is done before tasleem, which means before saying the Salaam in salaat
The other type of sujood  as suhuw is done after doing the tasleem, after the sallaam in the prayer.we will learn the details of this later but before that we will learn about the arkaan of prayer,pillars of prayer. Earlier we have learnt about the conditions of prayer ,shurut of salaah,which means the preconditions before entering into salaaat,while pillars of prayer are within the salaat .


Prayer ;
1.Pillar ( Rukun): pillar is extremely important, wout it the whole prayer will collapse,what is arkaan of salaat,within the salat ,how we need to perform.
Definition of Rukun, if you forget any Rukun, you need to repeat the thing (action) u missed and also do sujud as suhuw.

A)Standing in the obligatory prayer is one of the arkaan of salaat.
Aya 238 Surah Baqarah: 
حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَىٰ وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ

Attend constantly to prayers and to the middle prayer and stand up truly obedient to Allah.

"standing is laazim, must , in your fardh salaat, obligatory ".
Hadith Bukhari: main thing to be performed in obligatory salaat is to stand.if someone cannot stand then he can sit, if you cannot sit then u can ly down.
( this means that in a voluntary prayer you can pray while u r sitting but for obligatory we must stand).

B) taqbeerat al ahraam :( this rukun involves utternce or sayings)
Saying Allah hu Akbar only establishes the prayer,if you do not utter then the prayer has not been established.
For egs even in Jamaat , if Imaam is reciting fatiha and someone joins in between, this person has to say ,utter Allah hu Akbar and raise his hands to start and establish his prayer.

C) Surah Fatihaa in every rakaat:( this rukun involves saying as well)
Prophet Muhammad saws said that the prayer is not valid if the person does not read Surah Fatiha.

The following rukun are action based :
D) Ar Rukuu: bowing : if you do not do the Ruku then it nullifies the prayer.also the action of coming up in the Ruku is a pillar of prayer.

E) sujood : seven parts of the body should be in sujood ,this is important.

F) sitting between the two Sajdaah:Saying of Rabighfirlee is very important.

8G) tumaaneena:( tranquility) with mutamaeena, perform prayers slowly ,this is an imp pillar .once prophet saws saw a man praying in haste,as though he was picking seeds from ground, he did every action except there was no tranquility in his prayer.
9)H ) the Tashahud al aakheer:saying
This is before the salaam, the ulema said that tashahud al akheer is to say the whole tashahud with salaat ibrahimiya this is complete.
10) I) Juloos at tashahud : sitting during the tashahud
11) sequence tarteeeb: we have  to follow the sequence.( rukun is action based)
12) tasleem.Always say two for all prayers but some ulema say that in nawafillaa u can say only one tasleem.( this rukun involves action with saying.)

Most are actions in the Rukun except for takbirat ashram, Fatiha and tasleem.

WAAJIBAAT :Obligation

Anything you do intentionally ,if you forget one of the waajib, your prayer is not nullified, but you need to do SUJUUD as SAHUW.

waajibaat :saying
Other takbiraat: all the takbeerat are waajib,only the takbirat al ahraam is Rukun,pillar but the rest in the prayer is wajibaah.

Sami Allah hu limn hamidah : this is a waajib, we need to do it,if we forget then we have to do sajda suhuw.

Rabbana lakal hamd : we have to say Rabbana lakal hamd, it is wajib.

Bowing : Subhana rabbi al azeem ( saying it once is wajib) saying it thrice is sunnah.
Sajdaa : Subhana rabi al Aalah ( saying it once is a must )

Rabighfirleeeee : it is a must to say once.
Tashahud first: it is a must.Sitting for the tashahud ( only action).

mostly the basic sayings are waajibaat.if u missed any wajibaah u do sajdaa as suhuw.

Sunnah as salaat:

All the sunnah perfects your prayer and completes it,opening supplication is sunnah,keeping right hand on top of left is sunnah,if we forget any sunnah,it will not nullify the prayer but it perfects the prayer.whatever is the rest is the sunnan.
May Allah swt makes us improve our prayer better and better, it is a jihad,so always perfect our prayer.
There is no SUJUUD as suhuw if you miss any sunnah, ur prayer is acceptable for performing ur Rukun and waajibaat.we need to make our prayer the best as sunnan.

When do we perform this sujood as Sahuw only when u forget in Rukun or in waajibaat.

How to do sujud as suhuw.( three types of cases)

Scholars say that generally if we increase anything in salaat ,addition,Ziyaadaa, then we need to do sajda suhuw.or if we decrease some action inrukun or wajibaat we need to do sajdaa suhuw or third case is when we are in doubt.

Extra / Addition/ : in Rukun or waajibaat

For egs you did three sajdaa instead of two, or if u read five rakat instead of four, anything xtra in prayer,when u do sajdaa SUhuw,it will be after salaat.
Two sujood SAHUW after the prayer,don't repeat the prayer as u have done extra so just two SUJUUD after the tasleem,say Subhana Rabil Aalaa.
Just two sujood , no tashahud no salaam after that, simple as that!

NAQS : decrease / minus:Fi Sunnah

If you forget the sunnah or decrease the sunnah, this is Naqs sunnah, so then you don't have to perform sujud SAHUW.

NAQS : decrease / minus:Fi Waajibaat

If you miss the waajib , for egs I forgot to say rabighfirleeeee, or forget to say tashuhd al Awwal,or forgot to say rabana laqal hamd,
There can be two cases in tashahud al Awwal, if u r in sujood, and ur about to stand up but u realized that u were meant to sit for tashahud ,u can quickly sit but if u have stood up and not said Fatihaa,u cannot sit now, this is yukraah,it is disliked.and if you stand and start reciting Fatihaa then it is haraam to sit!

For the waajibaat ,if you remember it before you go to the next step of the prayer then you will immediately go back but if u remember after you have gone to the next action, then u will continue, and do your sujood SAHUW before tasleem.this is naqqas al waajibaat.

NAQS : decrease / minus:Fi Rukun :there are four types of cases.

If we forget whole rakkah, or if we forget one sujood or fatihah,then u remember that u missed a Rukun, you have to go back to the Rukun u missed and before tasleem u have to do sajda suhuw.

One case : if you remember before reaching to the next step, then continue performing from where u missed.

Second case:
Another case where you remember in sajdaa that in the previous rakaah u forgot to do one single sajda so u will nullify the previous rakaah, and  from the sujood perform as though.

Third case : if you remember after the salaam,minutes after the Salam,not too much delayed and I have not made wudhu, then you can go back and do the rakaah and then do sajda SAHUW after tasleem.

Fourth case : if you remember after the salaam, after an hour ,then your wudhu has broken, then you need to repeat the entire prayer.but no sajdaa SAHUW as u r repeating the prayer.


Shaq : there are two cases of doubts:Shaq is always from shaitaan,so we do not elaborate much, we discussed in details about Rukun .sometimes ppl have loads of doubts most of the time even after their prayer it bothers them like an obsession, this is from shaytaan,visvaas from shaytan.

Case 1 : sometimes you have doubts, in one case u have no clue, whether u read three or four rakaah,then in the case scholars says that you should assume less and continue the prayer and do perform sujood before salaam,

Case 2:  sometimes there can be a case where you are 80% sure but u have doubts about 20% ,then you do sujood SAHUW after salaam,( egs doubts of three sujood or two sujood , or doubts of three rakaah or four rakaah ) 

Delightful Prayer Series : 3

DELIGHTFUL PRAYER ( Tashahud details 25/07/2011)

The prayer is what makes you the closest to Allah swt. The sujood is that part of salaat when you are the closest, say the supplication, dua Subhana Rabil Aalaa..three times

Dua from Quran for egs Rabbana aatina fid can use this dua from Quran but change it,as prophet saws changed it slightly so it does not match the quranicc verse.
So we can say Allahumma Aatina fid dunya hasanat, the meaning remains the same ,beautiful duaa but not like quranic duaa.This is called yatawalيتاءول

 Jalsaa istiraahaa: how u will sit .
There is no opening supplication in the second rakaah, u start with Surah fatihah.tes

Tashahud : ponder upon it as it is greeting Allah swt.
Tashahud is about greeting Allah swt.the Sahabah said the way prophet saws used to teach ayaat of Quraan, the same way he used to teach us the tashahud.

At tayab is one of the name of Allah.because Allah is tayab ,He will not accept anything from the slave except that is good.
Inna Allaha Tayib laa ukallabu tayaban.
Verily Allah is is the Good,His attributes are good and He will not accept anything except that is good.
Hadith :ان الله الطيب لا يقبل الا طيبان 

Surah fatir Aya 15 

Then after tashahud say salawaat,to prophet saws,
AbdaAllah wa Rasuluhu, He is Allahs slave and messenger, donotexaggerate in ur praises like the Jews did nor should the believer underestimate prophet saws.
We should follow the sunnah in dunya and long to see prophet saws on DoJ .
The Moreu follow the sunnah the closer u will be on DOJ.
Assalamo Alaika ya Ayyuhan nabi.has two meanings ,firstly invoking Allah to protect the sunnah of prophet saws and the second it means that may Allah protect ur body.for all the anbiyaa Allah has forbade the earth to touch the body of all the anbiyaa.
Wa rahamatulaahi: and mercy from Allah on prophet saws and wa barakaatu means increase the followers of sunnah.who will get the reward if more followers of prophet saws, so it will be prophet Muhammad saws.this is the barakah.
The best way to Add barakah to prophet Muhammad saws is to say this tashahud.this is like treasure ,tashahud.
Assalamu Alaina, this is a duaa for all of us.this duaa will guard me from danger, Assalamu Alaina,we are including ourselves and everybody else fprayong on jamaa, other angels.Muslims can never be selfish, the same way I want good for myself ,the same tome I am thinking about everybody else.peace be upon us and wa ala ibadillahi Saaliheen,this means may Allah protect us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah,
This dua will reach for every righteous Muslim slave around the world dead or alive!
If we make duaa for others, the angels say Aameen and invoke the same for you.
I should love for my sister more than I love for myself,as per Hadith.
If we perform our salaat correctly then it will purify the sicknesses of the heart.
Make duaas for all muslimeen, then we earn so many hasanaat, this is only for the ones who ponder.if we are from the obedient believers worshipping Allah swt , then everyone loves such a person ,the entire universe loves this person.
All my worship, all my attachment except for Allah alone! Connection with Allah and prophet saws and all the muslimeen is more in Tashahud.
This is called the tashahud Al Awwal which is said in second rakaah,
Now for tashahud Al akheer or it is called sallaatal ibrahimiya.see how Allah honored Ibrahim ale salaam.
Final tashahud position:
Sitting on the floor after the third rakaah or the fouth is called Iftirash.

Allahumma saaleeala,this means oh Allah praise prophet saws , u r asking Allah to praise Prophet nabi saws.
After the tashahud before the salaam ,this is the best place for duaa.prophet saws said seek refuge from four danger things.

Allahumma inni audhibika min azaaabin qabri ( Grave)
If you invoke this duaa, then Allah will protect you in life from sins which lead u to such azaab in qabar,also Allah will expiate ur sins before u die.

Allahumma inni audhibika min azzaaabin naar.

Wa min fitnati al kahunas wal mama at.
What is fitnah? Trials are not clear,when trial come in life ,then you will not know what is sharr evil, and what is ok?we should be afraid of the tests of life, then Allah will help you and make u succeed ,by purifying and going on straight path else I may go astray.
Trial of death? Saqaratal maut.
Imam Hanbal said that the shaytAan will come at the time of death, in the form of father and mother , then he will say that the dead father will come saying that Christianity is the right religion, as the shaytn will try to deceive u ,as it is the last moment ,weak moment ,only this dua will protect u!

Wa min sharri fitnati al maseehiddajjal.

Dajjal will come at a time when everyone is suffering from drought, food, no provision,at this time this one person will come with power to get rain, but if ppl have weak faith and will get attracted to him.
This Antichrist dajjal,was chained even at the time of prophet saws.he is from the son of Adam,he asked the Sahabah if prophet nuhammad 

Most of his followers from jews and women, he will also have a paradise and hell.whoever believes him ,he will be put in paradise which will be actually hell.
Dajjal will be able to travel from one part of world to the other in a blink of Allah.
The first ten ayaat of Surah kahf ,memorizing will protect u from dajjal,also if your heart is filled with knowledge of Allah swt, you will be the believer who will recognize the dajjal ,on his forehead will be written Kafara.
We should make duaa ,then Allah swt will protect us,
Also prophet saws said that Allah is perfect in His beauty.
Dajjal has only one eye and the other is like floating grape,his hair is bushy,curly, his description has been given by our prophet saws.

Then say Salaam.this is the journey of prayer.after you havefinishedyour prayer,then you should feel that you did not magnify much,maybe there is a defect in my prayer so you need to say Astaghfirallah (3 times) then sayAllahuma untas Salaam wa untas salaam...

Delightful Prayer Series : 2

Delightful Prayer Live July 11th.
Last time we talked about the 3 meanings of salah- connection, invocation and rahma(mercy) and we talked about 4 of the conditions for prayer-to be Muslim, to be sane, to be of age and to pray on time. Now we are going to talk about forbidden times to pray.
There are 5 times it is forbidden to pray.
1) after fajr until sunrise. It is forbidden to pray anything at this time but it is a light prohibition.
2) In the time of actual sunrise which is about 15 minutes it is STRICTLY prohibited to pray.
3)when the sun at right at the top of the sky and there is no shadow it is STRICTLY forbidden to pray.
4)from after asr until just a little before maghrib(maybe 2 minutes) it os lightly forbidden to pray.
5) When the sun is actually setting- actually going below the horizon- it is STRICTLY forbidden to pray.
When it is the times of lightly prohibited there are certain situations when you are allowed to pray. The prayer for entering the masjid, if there is an eclipse, salatil jannazah(prayer for the dead) and Istighara if you have to make an decision urgently and it cant wait.
يَـٰبَنِىٓ ءَادَمَ خُذُوا۟ زِينَتَكُمْ عِندَ كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍۢ وَكُلُوا۟ وَٱشْرَبُوا۟ وَلَا تُسْرِفُوٓا۟ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ لَا يُحِبُّ ٱلْمُسْرِفِينَ ﴿٣١﴾
O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess. (31)
Al Araf 31
Condition 5. Clothing. when we pray we are meeting with our Lord and so we should dress properly. The whole of the body should be covered excpet face and hands. FEET must be covered!!. The clothing must be lose and not be tight or transparent and must not show the shape of our shoulders.
Condition 6. Purification. Before doing wudu or ghusl you need to do the intention. What are the things that nullify wudu? Deep sleep, answering the call of nature, passing wind, touching the private parts with the hand without a barrier(clothes), becoming unconscious and eating Camel meat.(camel milk is ok)
Touching or kissing your husband does NOT nullify wudu, neither does touching another person or cleaning your children. 
Salah is not accepted if your wudu is not done.
How to do wudu.
a)make the intention in your heart or out loud.
b) say Bismillah 
c) wash your hands at least 3 times, right hand first, and water must go between the fingers.
d)wash your mouth out 3 times.
e) take water up one nostril and blow down other 3 times(up right)
f)wash face 3 times
g)wash your arms up to the elbow 3 times starting on the right and making sure they are clean.
h)with a small amount of water wipe over your head from front to back and then forward to your face. Only done once.
i)wipe inside your ears wiith your fingers and behind the ears with the thumb.
j) wash your feet, right first, up to the ankles and between the toes, 3 times.
k) say the shahada.
It is good to be in a state of wudu as ofetn as we can. On the Day of Judgement the Prophet(saw) will recognise us because we will be shining white from all the times we have doen wudu. Allah(swt) loves those who are always purifying themselves. When you are clean remember that all your sins have been washed away with the water and those who are clean on the outside iot will show on the inside.
Saying..Ash-hadu ‘an laa ilaaha’illallaahu...when we finish gives us an extra bonus. The 8th gate of heaven will open for us! All the gates open for different deeds and the 8th will be for cleanliness.
Ghusl. When is ghusl done? It must be done after you finish your menses, after sexual intercourse, after post-natal bleeding has stopped, whenever sperm leaves the body even in sleep, when a woman has wetness associated with desire whether she was awake or asleep.
Ghusl begins with making the intention. You then say bismillah and wash your hands once. Next you wash your private parts 3 times and then you make wudu as usual EXCEPT you dont wash your feet and you wash your hair so that the water reaches the scalp 3 times.You then wash your body, starting on the right side, 3 times making sure it is all wet and rubbed clean, then the left side. You then face wash the feet.
Condition 7. Face the Qibla.
now a ther are many ways of finding out what direction the Qibla is, even mobile phones can tell you. It doesnt need to be an exact spot just in the right direction.
If you are outside praying and someone tells you you are praying in the wrong direction do not stop praying-dont break the prayer- just turn.
If you are unsure of the direction and after finishing the prayer you are told it was in the wrong direction do not repeat the prayer.
There are certain cases when it is not obligatory to face the Qibla. These are:-
in an airplane,
if your are afraid that harm may come to you from behind if you face the Qibla,
a sick person who cant move,
someone who is chained in prison,
a blind person and
if you are travelling on horseback or by camel and you want to offer voluntary prayer.
There is nothing that says sitting or lying with your feet facing the Qibla is forbidden.
Khushooh.(total submersion in prayer)
In order for the prayer to be acceptable and enjoyable it has to have essential parts.
The body has flesh, skeleton and soul and prayer should have the same. The movements that are done during prayer=skeleton. the outward appearance. The movements should be done according to the sunnah. But this is not enough, the prayer needs soul. This is the main difference between enjoying the prayer and not.
وَٱسْتَعِينُوا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ وَٱلصَّلَوٰةِ ۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى ٱلْخَـٰشِعِينَ ﴿٤٥﴾
And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah] (45) Al Baqara.
We pray 5 times a day. If you find you are rushing through them you need to work on your khushoor. It is your Lord, your King that you are praying to and you need to have full focus on Him.
The consequence of making good prayer is that it will help you to refine your manner and make you abetter person. Prayer stops you from eveything evil..all ibada should have a good impact on you.
If your prayer is done well then your sins between one prayer and the next are frogiven.
Imagine if you are invited somewhere very important, to visit a ruler or King. You would take so much time preparing yourself. Clothes, speech, behaviour. It is the same if you are meeting Allah(swt). When you are praying you are before your Malik, your King, so you should prepare yourself and dress for each prayer as if you were meeting him face to face. When you standing in prayer you are standing before Allah(swt) and he places his face before you!
If any of his slaves turn away from him, he will turn away from them. You may turn your heart away from Allah(swt) but He always knows what is in your heart. This is a personal jihad. Sometimes in prayer we are thinking about anything except the prayer...what to cook for dinner....wonder how they are, havent seen them for a while...what shall i waer today. This is shaitan pulling us away from prayer. We can concentrate for 2 hours on a film but cant spend 30 minutes a day in fard prayer just for Allah(swt).
khushooh is when we use our minds to follow the rukes of prayer so we get all the benefits, soon we will hear about the 'magic key' to khushooh.

Delightful Prayer Series :1

Delightful Prayer live class @ Markaz 18th July 2011

One of the position to be closest to Allah is in the Salaat.

There are Five groups of praying people:  ibn Qayyim rahimhulla has categorized them as follows:

1)one of the group is wronging themselves.
Some ppl do not take care about conditions of prayer,for egs about doing proper wudhu ,ghusal .such a persons prayer is heedless,nothing to do wz prayer.such a person will be punished .muaaqab,punished.
Prayer is one of the pillar of Islam,first thing Allah will see is our prayer on DOJ.

2) other category of ppl is the one who takes care of his wudhu,ghusal, fulfilling the conditions but there is no khushoo in his prayer.he is better than the first category,but he will be accountable, muhaasab. Either his mind is 0% in the prayer or His mind is 30% or may be 40 % depending on the khushoo he has or completely lacks it.

3) this person is praying with khushoo, then his mind goes away then he strives again ,he is fighting his thoughts, Allah pardons such a person.pardoned, 

4)this person is taking care of his prayer,but his concern is to make it perfect ,such a person is muthaab ,he will be rewarded.

5) muqarrabun : this is the title given to such a person who is the most near to Allah in his prayers.he prays as if he puts his heart in front of Allah swt and as if he is witnessing Allah swt.Ask Allahs help  and say You make me from the muqarrabun,ya Rab I ask u from ur bounties.Rely on Allah and ask from His bounties.

Remember in previous classes about the Structure of prayer : it comprises of skeleton and soul ( presence of heart and understanding Fahm)

Imagine standing in front of Kaaba,the qiblah, put a sutrah.this is sunnah.this helps in focussing, do not pray in the center,it will cut ur prayer,it is my duty to put a sutrah so that they do not cut my prayer.if someone tries to come we can push that person.this is allowed as per sunnah, the person who is trying to walk in front of u while u r praying is like a shaytan who wants to cut ur prayer. Small children should be taught not to go in front of a praying person.
How to start the prayer.  ( always  after the niyyah in ur heart)
Always put a sutrah in front of utohave good focus, itcanbea wall, window,chair ur bag.
do not close ur eyes in salah ,this resembles fire worshippers.always look down at the place of sujood.
Raise ur hands unto ur shoulder and say Allah hu Akbar as if u r exalting ur creator and pushing back everything in ur life behind u.

Surah Zumar Aya 67

We need to surrender to Allah swt ,we should remember thatAllah will grasp the whole earth in His hand and He will make the seven heavens roll up.

This is the reason when we raise our hands , we should push back behind us all our life, and say Allah hu akbar.As we are in front of the Al Kabeer Al adhim.
Takbeeratul ihram : Allahuma Akbar

We should say Allah hu Akbar,the moment we say that,  there are changes around us that  we r not aware.we need to think and ponder while doing the acts of salat ,we should not do it out of habit but remember that now we are standing in front of our lord.
The moment u say Allahu Akbar then u become live on air , Allah will put His face in front of Allah. Ur sins will come on ur head and shoulders, when u go on sujood ur sins will fall off, prayers is expiation of sins. The prayer Should be like ibadah, we want forgiveness from Allah swt.we should not get distracted ,if we turn away from Allah ,Allah will turn away from us.we should focus and pray with pondering and understanding.
Remember there are so many ppl who do not pray they are deprived from Allahsmercy.
When u r in the prayers we should appreciate the niyam ah from Allah swt.this is an honor from Allah swt.
When I am standing in front of Alllah in my prayer it is actual practice to stand in front of Rabil Allameen on DOJ.
We need to practice well in duniya, imagine on DOJ u r standing in front of Allah swt, everyone is looking at u ,the angels, prophets,ppl everyone watching u, u have no idea where ur destination is jannah or hell.
When u say Allah hu Akbar, now u need to take permission from Allah swt before starting ur prayers.
Opening supplication,as if knocking at the door of ur creator:
Pg two of book,Subhanaka Allahuma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta Aala jadduka wa la ilahaillah ( read with understanding it's meaning).

It is better to change the opening supplications and learn different duas as the one in pg one.always have hudhoor al qalb
 Also remember the third dua on pg 6 : Allahuma Akbar kabeera (3)
Allahuma katheera (3) say three times then prophet saws said that the gates of heaven will open.gates of heaven open  only for good deeds and for angles but because of this kalemaati f spoken with ikhlaas gates of heaven will open.

We can say all the three duas together or any one ,This is from Sunnah.

As soon as u say Alla hu Akbar , the battle is on with shaytan named khunzub, he is especially assigned to distract u in ur salah.

Istiaadah: seeking refuge in Allah from Shaytan say Aoudhu billahi minas shaytan nirajeem.

Two types of shayatateen : shaytan al ins wa shayatin al Jin

Be very good and kind to the shaytan advised by Allah to Musa about firawn in Quran.spk to firawn with the soft speech.

Sura Aaraf Aya 200
Whenever the shay tan whisper comes to u,very softly and slowly as if a pinch then seek refuge in Allah.

Different forms of istiaadah
Audhu billah hi min shaytan nir rajeem
Istiaadah means to seek refuge in Allah fromShayran the outcast,the one who is out from Allahsmercy.

Start with Basmallah : bismillah hir Rahman Ar Raheem

Shaytan becomes smaller when u say Basmallah.he grows larger when u commit sin,when u  do wrong things.shaytan will not have power on u ,when u say bismillah all the time.Allah will put barakah in ur diff acts of eating, drinking, sleeping.

Surah Fatihah: we need to recite in every prayer,there is no prayer wout Fatiha, prayer is nullified wout fatihah. Magical key as if u r talking to Allah and Allah is responding to u.
We need to say it minimum 17 times in our daily obligatory prayers. We need to focus as this is a conversation with Allah swt.

Sunnah of Nabi to read ayah of Quran : every single ayah with pause, pondering,slowly,we need to understand with not get into traps of shaytan as he will make u focus on Tajweed or other traps.

While u r praying Allah is listening to u ,focusing on u, ESP the Fatiha bring the focus.mind wanders so only with Allah s help we can get better n better.

Prayer is divided bet the slave and Allah in two parts.
Alhamdulilah hi Rabil Alameen
Allah says my slave has praised me.thanking me
Maaliqi youm adeen ( u r magnifying ,exalting the creator ,as if u r begging Allah swt ,the owner of DOJ be merciful wz me on that. Day )

Allah says my slave is exalting me.

I will worship u alone and ask for help from u alone.
Allah says this is bet me and my slave.

Now the rest is for u:
Guide us to the straight path.( sirat al Quran, sir at al deen, and sir at al aakhirah )if u r trying this in dunya always asking to obey Allahs commandments ,to follow the sunnah ,this will be how it will be for dunya n aakhirah.

Which straight path u want , the path of those whom u bestowed with ur favor for egs the prophets,martyrs,hidaaya only from Allah.then you say I don't want to be part of two groups,one on whom Allah is angry on ( ppl who have knowledge but do not act upon the knowledge like the Jews ) nor the ones who went Astray.

When u do this duaa u should feel that Allah responds to ur dua.obligatory to say Surah after faatihah .this is sunnah.
Read whole Surah or one ayah
For any of the five salatal  it has been recommended by prophet saws to read from juz almufassal.
What is juz Mufassal : From Surah Qaaf to Surah Naas.
But for salatal fajar :Any Surah from Qaaf to Amma.
Salatal maghrib: from Ad Dhuha till Surah Naas.
Rest of other prayers u can read from Amma to Dhuhaa.

Longest prayer is fajar ,prophet saws used to make it 60 ayah.
Read with meaning of the Surah to bring khushoo.I need to interact with ayaah.

When there is a mercy in ayah ,you say Allahuma inni asalukal ar rahmah.
If you read ayat of adhaab,Allahuma audhoobika min sakhataq.
In ur heart u should read about Allahs blessings then be grateful say Alhamdulilah.

Any ayah about tasbeehh like bismih rabbikal Alla..then say subhanaka,negate Allah from any defects.

Surah Qiyaamah  Aya 3 When prophet saws would read the  question in the Surah where Allah swt asks that would Henotb able to assemble the bones on Doj..the prophet would answer and say of course subhanaka...
Always interact with Quran, memorize and understand the ayah, bring actions of heart.prophet saws used to read with tarteela we could  hear letter by letter, beautify ur voice,raise ur voice for fajar, Maghreb ishaan..we should utter with our mouth ,reading Quran, dhikar, prayers always utter,do not simply read wz eyes wout moving ur lips .

Quran itself is beautiful so beautify with ur voice.the one who has the best recitation ofquran, u can feel that he is interacting with Quran and as if he fears Allah swt.the best prayer is when we pray longer.

Sura mohammed Aya 24 ad tadaabbbur 
We need to ponder upon Quran, leads to action or else there is a lock in his heart.this is an encouragement to memeorise the Quran wz meanings.
The Sahabah used to memorize only ten ayah until they acted upon those ayah and practiced  so they would never forget ,this is also a chance to memorize with meaning.